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The latest from Punching Kitty about Greater St. Louis
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The latest about Greater St. Louis from Punching Kitty

Chuck Berry to Get Statue Despite Whiners

Monday night, the University City Council “approved”, as in refused to block, the installation of a Chuck Berry statue on city property. Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather, is pleased but not everyone agrees. Some people think University City shouldn’t have a...

Onions Spilled on Interstate 55 as Missouri’s Truck Spilled Sandwich Nearly Complete

This morning people were crying over the traffic as it ground to a halt because of yet another truck spilling it’s payload all over the highway and the aroma the payload left behind. A truck lost a load of onions on I-55 just north of the 7th Street/Pa...


Contamination 2011 is Upon Us!

It’s a bit of a bummer that we won’t be able to personally cover St. Louis’ “pop culture/sci fi/horror convention”, Contamination,?like we did last year because of schedule conflicts, but we wanted to give them a mention anyway. Contamination: 2011, th...

Cardinals Dominate Cincinnati’s “Most Disliked Sports Personalities” put a poll up to their readers to find out who the area’s most disliked sports personalities were. The amount of both former and current St. Louis Cardinals is hard to miss. Here’s the list (so you don’t have to click the source link an ...

You Better Hurry If You Want to Have Midtown’s Del Taco Give You Diarrhea One Last Time

Though we once described our feelings for Del Taco thusly: Don’t care how late it is or hungry we are, we will never say yes to the fast food version of rib-jobbing a sweaty Mexican donkey ride guy. …we do appreciate the unique design of the “brown nip...

St. Louis Has Really Stupid Twitter Trends

We think St. Louis is filled with smart intelligent people that use Twitter to say nothing but notably pithy quotes, but if you are to believe Trends St Louis, then everyone is a retard churning out nothing but song lyrics and offensive hash tags that ...

We’re Back!

It’s been a hectic two-week vacation, but we are back at the keyboard, tickling your lookin’ balls with the kind of finger magic and slightly dirty words that are usually only reserved for the most classy of summer hookups where you think she might be ...

Impromptu Vacation

Sorry everyone! We’ve traveling the last few days, but we thought we would have Internet access throughout…but that didn’t end up being the case, so we’re on vacation now we guess. There are definitely things we wanted to weigh in on, so we may try to ...

The Top 5 Other Things The Cardinals Were Happy About

Yeah! Pujols looked like Pujols the other night against the Cubs when he dropped two bombs on them, the last of which in the 12th inning to seal the victory. Here’s what it looked like via the St. Louis Post Dispatch: A great moment to be sure with lot...

Cicadas Ruin Everything, Even the Past

There are few things worse than hearing the first sounds of St. Louis cicada invasion. They are the political talk show hosts of the insect world, going on and on all the time, making any kind of rational conversation nearly impossible. When even the c...

Society Still Going Despite Yesterday’s Civil Unions

Both Illinois’ St. Clair County and Missouri’s University City opened their doors yesterday morning to a line of people waiting to be the first few to get a civil union in their respective areas. Meanwhile, hate filled people somehow failed to noticed ...

Man Shot in Groin, Probably Felt Less Funny Than It Sounds

A St. Louis man was walking down the street when he was robbed and then shot…in the dick. Officials say that the victim was walking west on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive when a maroon van occupied by a group of black men stopped. The suspect exited the ...

One Year Ago: The Top 8 May 2010 Posts

We thought it might be fun, as May draws to a close, to pull up some of the biggest posts from a year ago. So we dug back in to the archives and found some of the favorites from May 2010 when we were all a year younger, slightly more innocent and Jopli...

Larry Hughes Gave Out Free Gas

Larry Hughes is a nice guy. The former NBA player and St. Louis native dolled out $4,500 in free gas in $30 dollar chunks to the first to arrive at a particular gas station. Hughes also signed autographs and allowed photos to the motorists while gassin...

Man Uses Starts Armed Police Standoff While Holding Infant

Sure no one would ever want to shoot a baby, but honestly, a one month old is way too little to be an effective human shield. You cover chest and you expose the face, cover your face with the baby and you expose your chest as well as your nose to any b... for Bloggers

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