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Top Picks - Best of Lists on Movies and Film-Related Items
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Top Picks - Best of Lists of Movies and Film-Related Items

Detailed lists of "Top Picks" of items pertaining to movies, including quirky 'Best of' lists and some of the better offerings from Hollywood.

Top 10 Body Swap Films

This Top 10 films about body swapping list is led by "Freaky Friday" and includes "Mulholland Drive," "13 Going on 30," and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Parts 1 and 2.

Top 10 Bad Bosses in Movies

A list of the 10 most memorable bad bosses in movie history. This top 10 list includes films like "Office Space," "The Devil's Advocate," and "The Devil Wears Prada."

Top 10 Post-Apocalyptic Films

Top 10 list of the best post-apocalyptic films including "Mad Max: The Road Warrior," "28 Days Later," "Children of Men," "Night of the Comet," "Dawn of the Dead," "Akira," and "A Boy and His Dog."

Top 10 End of the World Movies

Top 10 films about the end of our world including "The Last Man on Earth," "Dr Strangelove," "When Worlds Collide," "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers," "Last Night," and "Fail Safe."

Top 10 Pirate Movies

This best of list includes "Pirates of the Caribbean," "The Princess Bride," "Peter Pan," "The Black Swan," and "Pirates of Penzance."

Top 10 Car Chases

A list of the 10 best car chases in movie history including films like Bullitt, The French Connection, and Ronin.

Top 10 Mistaken Identity Movies

This top 10 list includes films like "Life of Brian" and "The Big Lebowski."

Top 10 Robot Movies

A list of the 10 most memorable robot movies. The list includes films like "I, Robot," "Short Circuit," and "The Iron Giant."

Top 10 Time Travel Films

Top 10 list of time travel films topped by "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court.

Top 20 Unusual Weapons in Films

Taking someone out with a gun or a knife or even a bazooka is pretty commonplace in action films today. But every now and then you get a filmmaker or writer who comes up with a clever or unusual item to use for either self-defense or lethal purposes.

The 5 Best and 5 Worst Bruce Willis Movies

There’s a nursery rhyme about a little girl who “when she was good she was very, very good and when she was bad she was horrid.” Well the same might be said of Bruce Willis. Rarely has an actor racked up so many hits and so many bombs with equal ease. So here’s a list of ten Bruce Willis films taking us from the best to the worst (but there was a lot of jockeying for that bottom slot).

Top 10 Movies with Witches and/or Wizards

Movies are all about magic and the people who make them have sometimes been described as wizards conjuring up fantastical images. Not surprisingly, wizards, witches, warlocks, sorcerers, and other practitioners of the dark arts have been popular subjects for film. So here are some of the best, most memorable, and powerful wizards and witches you...

10 Films by David Fincher

David Fincher has come to be known for visually and thematically dark tales, and for disturbing audiences. But surprisingly he came to film from much more mainstream work in commercials and music videos. He directed TV commercials for Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, Heineken, Pepsi, Levi's, Converse, AT&T;, and Chanel...

Top 10 Robert Zemeckis Movies

A list of the 10 most memorable Robert Zemeckis movies. This top 10 list includes films like "Back to the Future," "Contact," and "Cast Away."

Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies

A list of the 10 most memorable Steven Spielberg movies. This top 10 list includes films like "Jaws," "Jurassic Park," and "Saving Private Ryan."

The Best and Worst Sylvester Stallone Movies

In 1977, Sylvester Stallone celebrated "Rocky’s" Oscar win for Best Picture. He might’ve seemed like an overnight success story, but Stallone had been toiling in supporting roles for years before writing and starring in "Rocky."

10 Films with - or from - Actor/Writer/Director Jon Favreau

Jon Favreau began his career as an actor but eventually decided he wanted more control over the projects he was involved with, so he decided to start writing and then directing. He's also known for his television appearances on such popular shows as "Friends," and for creating his own lively version of the talk show with "Dinner for Five."

A Look Back at James Cameron's Films

Canadian-born James Cameron cut his teeth in movies with Roger Corman. His first job in the industry was for Corman's "Battle Beyond the Stars" working as an art director/miniature set builder/process projection supervisor. A year later he directed the inauspicious "Piranha Part Two." But less than two decades later he was accepting an Oscar for "Titanic."

Top 5 Teen Films from the 1980s

They're those films you can't just help but watch over and over again.

Quentin Tarantino's Top 10 Movies

At a Comic-Con panel Quentin Tarantino once stated, "if you make a piece of nitro that you throw at an audience's lap, people notice." Well his first film, Reservoir Dogs , was a piece of nitro and people noticed. Since then Tarantino has continued to lob explosive films at audiences to grab attention and win awards.

The Best Danny Trejo Death Scenes

Danny Trejo has appeared in well over a hundred films, frequently playing killers. He has spent most of his career in supporting roles as badasses who get their just desserts at the hands of the films' heroes. But at the age of 66 he's having a major career change with a starring role in "Machete" as the kick-ass hero of the film. But here’s a look back on his nastier roles and his most memorable death scenes, counting down to the best ones.

The Films of Kathryn Bigelow

Kathryn Bigelow has been challenging stereotypes and conventions both on screen and off. She is a woman director who has steered clear of chick flicks to deliver action films that kick butt on much of what her male counterparts are turning out. With more than two decades worth of films to her credit, she is finally raking in awards for "The Hurt Locker."

Looking Back at the Decade in Movies - 2000 thru 2009

The first 10 years of the 21st century were an interesting time for filmmakers and movie fans. The explosion of social networking websites, advances in technology, and the changes in attitudes of ticket buyers affected the film industry in sometimes subtle, but more often noticeable ways. Here's a look back at some of the biggest influences on the industry over the past decade.

Top 10 Dragon Movies

There are two kinds of dragon movies. In one, the dragons are the evil creatures everyone's out to slay. And in the other, the dragons can be man's best friend or at the very least a beast worthy of friendship and respect. Here's a sampling of the best dragons to be found on screen.

Top 10 Christmas Movies

The end of the year is usually such a busy time that it's tough to put aside a few hours to just relax in front of the TV. But if you do have a couple of hours to fill, any of these Christmas-themed movies will help lift your spirits and put you in the holiday mood.

Top 10 Inspirational Teacher Movies

An inspirational teacher can make a difference to a student, providing guidance and support at a crucial moment in a young person's life. The classroom – with all its inherent drama, conflict, and diversity – has provided the perfect setting for many movies. Whether it's the passion of a young, idealistic teacher or the wisdom of a seasoned vet, these films remind us how important an educator…

Top 10 Werewolf Movies

Even before "Underworld" and "New Moon," vampires and werewolves were squaring off. But while vampires have always maintained their popularity, werewolves have never caught on in quite the same way.

Top 10 Movies About Aliens on Earth

Aliens invading Earth are nothing new. Whether it's H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" or "Independence Day," Earth has frequently found itself under attack from space. But sometimes aliens come down to Earth and don't want to conquer the planet. In fact, they occasionally have a hard time fitting in.

Top 10 Cat-and-Mouse Crime Films

The Canadian Mounties are famous for "always getting their man," a motto given to them by Hollywood. Hollywood loves a good pursuit, especially when it involves a cop catching a criminal. But sometimes the one pursued is smart and gives the pursuers a run for their money, sometimes even managing to slip away. These kind of clever cat-and-mouse games sometimes involve a con or a reluctant sense of…

Top 10 Worst Movies Based on TV Shows

Once Hollywood studios decided that TV wasn't going to bring an end to movies, they started to shamelessly cash in on popular TV shows as the basis for feature films. But once TV shows became commodities to be exploited, the films based on them started a downward spiral.

Top 10 Movies Based on TV Shows

Adapting TV shows to movies hasn't always been popular. Hollywood initially looked at TV as competition fearing it would keep people at home and away from the theater. So studios weren't eager to suggest that there were small screen shows worthy of big screen attention. But TV didn't bring the demise of movies and studios eventually came to realize that TV audiences were worth tapping into.

10 Best Part Three Movies in 3D

3D can be traced back to the 1890s when the first patent for the process was filed. It hit its heyday as a gimmick to lure people away from TVs and back into theaters in the 1950s with films like "Bwana Devil" and "House of Wax." But 3D's changing. Gone are those funky glasses with red and blue lenses.

Top 10 Teen Sports Movies

When trying to come up with a list of the best high school sports movies there was a debate about what's a sport and what's merely a game. Chess is definitely just a game but what about baseball? Hunting's a sport but do they teach it to teens?

Actors to Watch in 2009 (And Beyond)

The most difficult part of putting together this 'Actors to Watch' feature was whittling down the field to just one dozen. The decision process was made somewhat easier when the criteria was narrowed down to the actors who've generated the most buzz and/or have films coming up in 2009 that are impossible to ignore.

Top 10 DVD Easter Eggs

The Easter Bunny doesn't deliver these eggs, but they're just as special.

Catfight Hall of Fame

10 of the best girl on girl fights in feature films.

10 Films to Die For

If the thought of pink hearts with the words "I Love You" on them makes you cringe, or if the sight of cute, dimpled leading ladies agonizing over romance sends you running for the exits, then here's the perfect list of anti-Valentine's Day films. In these films love is obsessive and destructive, and sometimes leaves no survivors.

Top 10 College Films

List of 10 of the best college movies of all time topped by "Animal House."

Top 10 Best Remakes

"The Magnificent Seven" tops this list of the best movie remakes.

Top 10 Worst Remakes

Sometimes remaking a good thing is a bad idea...a very, very bad idea.

Classic Love Teams

If contemporary romances don't fit the bill for you, then look back to some of the classic love teams that graced the screen in decades past. Back when studios were strong and had a stable of stars to draw on, actors and actresses who displayed onscreen chemistry could end up in a series of films together.

Top 10 Worst Movie Accents

Good acting takes many forms. Some actors build character from the outside using make up or costume. Others work from the inside, looking for motivation and backstory. Actors can also use accents to show their skill – think of Meryl Streep in "Sophie's Choice," Gael Garcia Bernal in "The King," or Brad Pitt in "Snatch."

Top 10 Movies About Politics

Politics contains all the elements of great drama – and comedy – high stakes competition, back room deal making, idealism clashing with corruption and cynicism, ambition, greed, power…well you get the idea.

Movie Musicals

Hollywood had neglected movie musicals in recent years, then Baz Luhrmann's "Moulin Rouge" gave the genre new life and showed that audiences will fill theaters seats if they're offered an entertaining musical.

10 Vampires Movies That Don't Suck

With "True Blood" on cable and the "Twilight" phenomenon, vampires have received an invigorating transfusion of new blood. But vampires have always been popular. There's never been a decade without a Dracula or some cinematic incarnation of the bloodsucking breed.

The Best Bond Villains

Ian Fleming's British spy James Bond has had to take on a seemingly never-ending parade of villains since he first appeared on-screen in 1962. These villains were often fantastically wealthy and marred by physical deformity or megalomania.

Top 10 Bond Girls

With names like Pussy Galore, Holly Goodhead, Plenty O'Toole, and Octopussy, the women in a James Bond movie often seem like male fantasies with porn star names. The phrase 'Bond Girl' immediately conjures up images of gorgeous women, often foreign, and generally clad in little more than a bikini.

10 of the Best Movies of 2008

Up until November my Top 10 list was topped by "The Dark Knight." Walking out of a screening in IMAX, I remember telling anyone who would listen that I'd just seen the best movie of the year and probably the best superhero movie ever made. Then in December I saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"...and I began flip-flopping "The Dark Knight"...

Movie Standouts of 2008

Not your typical Top 10 list, this is an eclectic collection of some of the more interesting standouts in movies released in 2008.

Top 10 Comedies of 2008

A batch of familiar faces returned to - hopefully - make audiences laugh in 2008. Seth Rogen's responsible for a couple of comedies, Will Ferrell's in his fair share, and even Jim Carrey was back in the land of laughter after a long departure into the world of dramatic roles. But which ones worked? Which actually tickled our funny bones?

Top Action Movies of 2008

Action movie fans had a lot to be happy about in 2008. Not only did Bond, James Bond return for more adventures, lots of action hero-types were back to take down the bad guys. Indiana Jones made his fourth appearance, Batman took on The Joker, the Hulk was released again, and even Hellboy was called back into action.

Top 5 Steven Soderbergh Movies

The best of filmmaker Steven Soderbergh, topped by "The Limey."

Joel and Ethan Coen Movies

Guest writer Scott Marks believes the Coens' best film is "Miller's Crossing."

Top 10 Disaster Movies

From natural disasters to alien invasions, these films make us thankful we're safely seated in movie theaters, or comfy in front of our DVD players, and not actually a part of what's happening on the big screen.

The Best Jet Li Movies

Like Jet Li but not sure which of his movies you need to see in order to fully understand the martial artist's talent? Work your way down this list for a greater appreciation of all things Jet Li.

Romantic Movies for Moms

What mother can't use a little R&R; time spent in front of the TV watching a romantic movie? Ready for a little loving? Then check out this sampling of romantic movies for or about moms.

Top 10 The Best Movies Inspired by Comic Books or Featuring S…

I'll be the first to admit I'm not an expert on comic books, however I don't believe you have to have read the source material in order to enjoy the movies they've inspired. This top 10 list of comic book and/or superhero movies is entirely based on the film's qualities and not on how well the screenwriters adhered to the characters created in the comics.

Movies with Evil Bunnies

Movies featuring evil bunnies or movies that are evil and just happen to feature bunnies or bunnies made evil by the fact they're in unappealing movies.

Irish Actors

Actors who were born or raised in Ireland and are currently working in movies (in other words, no classic actors). Irish actors featured include Colin Farrell, Pierce Brosnan, and Cillian Murphy.

Classic Beach Movies

Surf, sand and bikinis - these romantic movies with a beach theme truly capture the spirit of the early 60s.

The Best Thanksgiving-Inspired Movies

Top movies about or taking place over the Thanksgiving holiday. The best Thanksgiving themed movies.

Top Date Movies

Looking for a great movie to watch while spending a romantic evening at home? The following films offer a mixture of romance with a little comedy, action, or drama thrown in. Pop any of these films into your DVD (or VCR) and cuddle up with that special someone, and you're sure to have an entertaining, enjoyable evening together.

Top Tearjerkers

List of some of the best tearjerker movies on DVD or VHS. Top tearjerkers including Titanic, An Affair to Remember, and Dying Young.

The Best Books About Films and Filmmaking

Check out this selection of books for true behind-the-scene stories about movies, actors, directors and more.

Best Bets - Romantic Comedies on Video

From "High Fidelity" to "Swingers," these romantic comedies are sure to deliver laughs along with love.

Classic Romantic Movie Soundtracks

There's an incredible wealth of soundtracks from classic romantic movies. It's tough to choose just 10, but this list represents my choices for the best of the best.

Fantasy Films

Romance and fantasy go together perfectly. My five favorite romantic fantasies feature stellar performances and entertaining storylines.

Sounds from the 70s, 80s and 90s

"Grease" tops my list of the best soundtracks from the 1970s, 1980s, and the 1990s.

Great Romantic Movies for Dates

If you're looking for a great movie to watch on a date, then this list of 10 entertaining romantic movies may be just what you're looking for.

Movies for Women

Calling a movie a "Chick Flick" is NOT a bad thing! Here's a list of some of the best films that have earned the "Chick Flick" title.

Romantic Movies for Teens

Heath Ledger's "10 Things I Hate About You" tops this list of the best romantic films for teenagers.

Romantic Movies with a Wedding Theme

It's no surprise there are a lot of great romantic movies featuring weddings. Here's my picks of the best romance films centered around wedding ceremonies.

Sports & Love

Mixing the love of sports with romance, this short list includes my choices for the best romantic sports movies.

Top Tearjerkers

"Titanic" tops my list of the most effective tearjerkers. Here's my choices for the top 8 movies that make you cry.

Top Horror/Thrillers on DVD or Video

Here's a list of my favorite horror films with "The Exorcist" - of course - topping the list.

Meg Ryan Movies

Even after her break-up with Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan is still a romantic movie fan favorite.

Julia Roberts Movies

From "America's Sweethearts" to "Someone to Talk About," Julia Roberts and romantic movies just seem to go together.

Romantic Movies Starring Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock has starred in more than her share of romantic movies. Here's a collection of some of her best romantic movie roles.

10 Films From Robert Rodriguez

In 1992, Robert Rodriguez became an indie film icon with his first feature El Mariachi . He got money to make the film by becoming a human...

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