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City diary - Telegraph
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Sunday 05 June 2011

City diary

City Diary

City diary

Edited by Simon Goodley

(Filed: 29/04/2004)

Robinson pays cost of being the boss

Gerry Robinson, ex-chairman of former Granada, is due on TV again in his second series of the business troubleshooting show, I'll Show Them Who's Boss. It was scheduled to start on the Beeb next month, but I discover there's been a change of plan. "Often things get bumped off because of sport," insists a spokesman."It will be in July, but I don't even know what date it's going to be."

My diary shows very few sporting events in May which could have unexpectedly disrupted the plans - although that's not counting European outdoor archery from Brussels and the women's bowls international trials from Leamington Spa.

I fear the first series' ratings were a disaster. Were they? "I can't remember. I think they were about 3m," stutters the spokesman. Has a third series been commissioned? "I don't know." That's showing us who's boss.

Dunstone returns from the Pole

Charles Dunstone is back. You'll recall the Carphone Warehouse boss has been raising money for the Prince's Trust by trekking to the North Pole, and I feared for his safety when I heard he'd failed to show at the HBOS annual meeting, where he's a non-exec.

"The weather wasn't great so we were walking against ice flows for most of the trip," he explains. Apparently that meant that each day he went back four miles before taking a step forward. "If I ever say I'm going to do this sort of thing again someone can shoot me," he groans. "I'd have rather been at the meeting." It must have been bad.

Just clearing the air

Wandering past The Dentist, the unimaginatively named tooth puller on Greyfriars Passage, I notice an ad for a free breath test. Is this a way of checking you're under the limit so you can return to the office, I wonder? "It's a Halimeter," explains receptionist Hali, sorry Hayley, "and is a way of checking if you've got bad breath."

Score as high as 500, and you can knock down walls with a single breath, and even a pitiful 40 is, says Hayley, enough to warrant a go with the hygienist. The highest score she's come across so far is 240. Was it someone from Merrill Lynch's vast offices next door? "That's classified," says Hayley."But I will say that all of our patients have great breath - after they leave."

A more convincing Shell suit

Having "lost" 20pc of its proven oil and gas reserves in January, Shell will wheel out the big guns for its results presentation this morning. For the first time in years, Jeroen van der Veer, the new chairman of the committee of managing directors, and Malcolm Brinded, head of exploration and production, will do the presenting. Normally we just get the finance director and the head of investor relations. Are they learning something at last?

Better view when they aren't moving

It ain't easy advertising ciggies these days but the last bastion, Formula One sponsorship, still has its benefits. Imperial Tobacco has sponsored McLaren for several years, but this season the team's cars have scarcely managed to start, never mind finish. "You get to see the brand very clearly," boss Gareth Davis puffs. "Especially when the cars aren't moving," chips in his even more sarcastic finance director.

Buy a share of striker

Striker is that football comic strip, which used to appear in the Sun until its creator Pete Nash plunged into publishing and ended up being given a transfer. It looks like a bad decision now, as fans are being asked to buy shares in the business or they'll hear the final whistle. "Given our shoestring budget it's nothing short of a miracle that we're still in business after eight months," insists Nash. "But reality has caught up with us. Launching the comic was brave but continuing without investment would be folly."

He's trying to raise £450,000 by selling a quarter of the company and as his spokesman put it: "We're doing a Leeds." What, selling all the players and going down? "No, I mean a Wimbledon." Ditto, I respond. Will the comic survive? "Yes, I think so. We're talking to a large corporate investor," she insists. Sounds like the dreaded vote of confidence to me.


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