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Tech News 2.0 at The Times -
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Business Day Technology

September 23, 2008, 12:56 pm

Tech News 2.0 at The Times

(UPDATED 10/7/08: The VentureBeat and GigaOm feeds are now active.)

A few minutes ago, The New York Times went live with new technology news pages at .

The biggest change for readers is more tech news — more news stories and more Bits posts, and very soon, a steady stream of content from three of the most respected tech blogs on the Web: VentureBeat , GigaOm and ReadWriteWeb . The Times is providing extra coverage with two new reporters who recently joined our staff — Claire Cain Miller, who covers start-ups and venture capital, and Ashlee Vance, who covers business computing.

The pages also have a new look and a new organization to help you find the latest information on the topics that interest you most.

The Bits blog is more prominently displayed, highlighting its role as the main spot to find breaking tech news and analysis on It’s also the place where you can discuss the stories of the day in our comments section.

We have four new subsections focusing on the Internet , Start-Ups , Business Computing and Companies . While the main Technology page will showcase all of our tech news, you can visit the subsections to get the latest news and Bits posts on just those topics.

For example, if you are interested in tech stories that affect businesses, you can go to Business Computing right now and find this morning’s article about industrial applications for Nvidia chips and a Bits post on the new collaboration software from Oracle at the top of the page.

One important change for those of you who read our articles and blog posts through a news feed reader, like Bloglines or Google Reader or My Yahoo: To make the flow of information more manageable, we have split the RSS feeds for technology news articles and Bits posts. You will no longer see Bits posts in the main technology news feed.

To get technology articles that ran in the newspaper and online, set your news reader to subscribe to .

To get Bits posts, subscribe to .

If you want news or Bits posts on just one of our four new subtopics, you can find customized feeds for them on each of the pages.

As always, our technology pages are a work in progress. We plan to introduce some new improvements to Personal Technology , including expanded gadget coverage, later this year. And we intend to continue adding new tech content over the coming months.

Let us know what you think by leaving a comment here or e-mailing us at .


  1. 1. September 23, 2008 1:19 pm Link

    New look is really cool, I mean it shows whole the things I want to find and read. Really good job.

    — Khoa Pham
  2. 2. September 23, 2008 1:59 pm Link

    Congratulations! Lots of information presented Very Clearly. Wish Bits was a bit more toward the top, but I guess it is like the milk — it draws us down to the content lower on the page. Looks great.

    — Katharine Loving
  3. 3. September 23, 2008 2:05 pm Link

    So Bits is on the top and the bottom of the page. Was focussing on that big Bits logo on the bottom. I like that logo.

    — Katharine Loving
  4. 4. September 23, 2008 2:33 pm Link

    Bits got competition from VCs like GigaOm. IF this comment does not get published , we know just where to switch loyalties . Just kidding !
    Will this lead to Bits having a new color Word Press Template. I mean seriously, this is a plain white tech blog !!!

    — Ajay
  5. 5. September 23, 2008 3:35 pm Link

    The Times always has the best up to the minute
    technology coverage. I can’t imagine how it get even

    Laurie Siegel
    New York City

    — Laurie Siegel
  6. 6. September 23, 2008 5:25 pm Link

    Congrats to the NYT realizing that your readers deserve the best in tech coverage right here.

    Rex Dixon

    — Rex Dixon
  7. 7. September 23, 2008 7:21 pm Link

    I love the new look and content- NYT Bits is definitely my first stop for my daily (and sometimes hourly) tech fix! Congrats!

    San Francisco

    — Julienne
  8. 8. September 23, 2008 8:47 pm Link

    Vindu – THIS is very exciting from an audience perspective – one place for it all!
    BTW – when I click on your links to subscribe to technology or Bits, I get garbled pages. fyi

    — Mrinal
  9. 9. September 23, 2008 8:52 pm Link

    Nevermind my prior comment on the links not working – it was incompatibility with Chrome, Vindu :)
    Worked with FF

    — Mrinal
  10. 10. September 23, 2008 10:26 pm Link

    It’s nice to see the investment. You’ve made a lot of people very happy, not the least of whom are your new content partners! Congrats to all.

    — Sam Whitmore
  11. 11. September 24, 2008 12:16 am Link

    Now, Nytimes is glued to my chrome and pushed me out of google reader. Appreciate the clear demarcation of techie news. Am afraid, i would end up browsing only nytimes/technology pages till the dusk


    — Sriraman
  12. 12. September 24, 2008 12:38 pm Link

    Any chance you’re going to do this with real estate blogs?!?!

    — Brownstoner
  13. 13. September 26, 2008 12:09 pm Link

    Get a grip, NYT! You’re compounding the wretched felony that you, and the W’ton Post and others, have wrought already–the treason to good news coverage of confounding technology with business. You don’t spend half the Sports section on the stock market in memorabilia and stadiums; please stop, rather than increase, the intermingling of news about technology AS SUCH and tech biz. This is the right time to separate the two more clearly. Be a leader, introduce the category of TECH BIZ and segregate; othewise you’ll just force more readers to Crave, Engadget, et al.
    This is as bad as schoolpeople using the work ‘technology’ to mean just computers, in the schools. Part of the reason we are losing the technology race is that we’re UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT…

    — michael scriven
  14. 14. September 28, 2008 8:38 am Link

    I understand that NYT personnel have been winging their way back and forth to Google HQ lately. I suspect this site is the result of close collaboration between the two companies. The Tech section in particular and the entire NYT web site has become the “best of show” IMHO.


    — Dave Ellis
  15. 15. October 2, 2008 10:48 am Link

    Good job on building up the Technology section! My only suggestion would be to not directly “repeat” (duplicate) the exact same article under Business Section. My own feelings are that due to “business” sector, now 90% of the US economy is “service sector.” This is because business has not be doing it’s job. Thus, I would rather see Technology right in with Tech — which has kept the Economy going strong. People in our group ( who are employed by the New York Times have also cited this issue.

    — h shimbo
  16. 16. October 2, 2008 3:22 pm Link

    its ok but can be better.

    — dan

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About Bits

Bits offers a steady stream of news and analysis on the technology industry throughout the day from New York Times writers and freelancers. We cover start-ups , tech leaders like Google and Apple , enterprise technology , government policies and the way the Internet is changing how we live and work. Read more .


Tell us what you like, don’t like and want to read more about. Send us e-mail with your comments

For news tips and press announcements, please use the e-mail links on the blog home page to reach our writers and editors.


Nick Bilton
Nick Bilton
Lead Bits blogger, New York

Technology and society, Internet, futurism, video games, business technology

Joshua Brustein
Joshua Brustein
Web Producer, New York

Internet, media, technology and society, policy and law.

Damon Darlin
Damon Darlin
Technology editor, San Francisco

Consumer electronics, consumer issues, pricing

David F. Gallagher
David F. Gallagher
Deputy technology editor, New York

Internet, blogs, search, cellphones

Miguel Helft
Miguel Helft
Reporter, San Francisco

Search, Internet, online marketing, Google, Yahoo

Steve Lohr
Steve Lohr
Reporter, New York

Enterprise computing, economics of technology, Microsoft, I.B.M.

Claire Cain Miller
Claire Cain Miller
Reporter, San Francisco

Start-ups, e-commerce, venture capital, Twitter, eBay, digital culture, technology and society

Matt Richtel
Matt Richtel
Reporter, San Francisco

Consumer electronics, video game business, Silicon Valley, Internet gambling, Internet pornography

Suzanne Spector
Suzanne Spector
Deputy Technology Editor, New York

Technology and society, consumer issues, digital culture

Jenna Wortham
Jenna Wortham
Reporter, New York

Internet, Web start-ups, digital culture, communications, convergence, N.Y. tech scene


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