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Bravo Two Zero
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Bravo Two Zer

Bravo Two Zero

Author Andy McNab
Publisher Bantam Doubleday Dell
ISBN  #  0440218802
On-line Merchant Barnes and Noble

Cover Notes

Not only a breathtaking account of the Special Forces raid on Iraqi scuds during the Gulf War, this is also a story of superhuman courage, endurance and dark humor in the face of overwhelming odds. Andy McNab, the most highly decorated soldier in 50 years of the British Special Forces, tells the story of his patrol, which in his commanding officer's words "will remain in regimental history forever." Photos. (Military History).

Their mission: To take out the scuds. Eight went out. Five came back. Their story had been closed in
secrecy. Until now. They were British Special Forces, trained to be the best. In January 1991 a squad of eight men went behind the Iraqi lines on a top secret mission. It was called Bravo Two Zero. On command was Sergeant Andy McNab. "They are the true unsung heroes of the war." -- Lt. Col. Steven
Turner, American F-15E commander. Dropped into "scud alley" carrying 210-pound packs, McNab and his men found themselves surrounded by Saddam's army. Their radios didn't work. The weather turned cold enough to freeze diesel fuel. And they had been spotted. Their only chance at survival was to fight their way to the Syrian border seventy-five miles to the northwest and swim the Euphrates river to freedom. Eight set out. Five came back. "I'll tell you who destroyed the scuds -- it was the British SAS.  They were fabulous." -- John Major, British Prime Minister. This is their story. Filled with no-holds-barred detail about McNab's capture and excruciating torture, it tells of men tested beyond the limits of human endurance... and of the war you didn't see on CNN. Dirty, deadly, and fought outside the rules.


lewis sims rated this book Excellent
i am 11 years old and alreadt read all the sas books and i am hoping to be in the sas when im older bravo two zero ia an amazing book my favourite charachter is dinger hes funny and mad please good you get me more information on dinger

Neil Maxwell rated this book Excellent
I dont normally read books but this was amazing if you havent already buy the bbc film version its great

Brett rated this book Good
I've been through SAS selection. It's tough and in no way for the faint-hearted.

Just a note for those with negative feedback. Only the guys who were there will ever know the truth. The SAS is the elite. They do what no one else can. By all means each to their own. But have a serious think about things before you comment.

Yes, some things may seem exhagerated, but under enough pressure and over an extended period of time, views and opinions change. I'd like to see some of you go through the same thing and have an accurate and detailed description of things.

To those serving and previously served, you have my respect. Watch your 6 and return safely.

Scott rated this book Excellent
a think the book is excellent i have read all the other andy Mcnab books and Bravo 2'0 was the best one av read so far well done mate.

John rated this book Excellent
My God, i have just about read every single review here and am glad to see that the majority are good reviews.
The fact that certain people think Andy McNab is a liar is quite incredible, i have read B20, The one that got away and Soldier 5, they all tell virually the same story, i mean these 8 men were stuck behind enemy lines without vehicles(which if you have Genuinley read all three books you will find that ALL the patrol members agreed not to tke vehicles as all that was left were the short wheel base land rovers)they were given the wrong codes for the radios, again within all three books no one blames McNab yet so called Millitary experts consistently put the blame onto McNab.
Now i also believe that the way Vince Philips was portraid particularly by Ryan was extremely unfair not because i believe it to be untrue but rather because the man is dead and i see no reason to tell of his faults as he still went behind enemy lines to do his job.
I firmley believe that Mike Coburn thought that he was telling the TRUE STORY of B20, however i must honestly say that having read the three books one after another that he has waisted a considerable amount of time and effort as the story is virtually identical to both Ryans and McNabs.
Finally i just want to say that as the son of an ex-SAS man i feel anoyed at the way these two men have been berated, give them some bloody credit especially you "MILLITARY" experts, could you pass sellection?, could you fight behind enemy lines?, could you have worked undercover in Northern Ireland?, could you walk away from your familly at a momments notice not knowing if you would ever come back?
Think about this before criticising these brave men.
Long live "THE REGIMENT"

TonyF rated this book Excellent
A very good read.
I have read this book, The one that got away, and the Real Zero Two Bravo. Though there are undoubtably embellishments I think the true story is somewhere in between all three.
Andy and Chris obviously play up their own parts and let's not forget, The Real Zero Two Bravo was written by an Iraqi-phile with info from Iraqi's who would obviously try to play down their enemies exploits

John O rated this book Excellent
Great piece of reading, and Andy is very talented in that regard. It is obvious however that certain parts eg the firefights were exaggerated, I have served in the military myself. But as another reader quoted Chopper Read: Never let the truth get in the way if a good story!

Anonymous rated this book Excellent
As Chopper Read once said,"never let the truth get in the way of a good story"! Whether it is true or not, you have been asked to give a review of what you have read, just do that please!!! It is a fantastic read & I, for one, couldnt give a toss if its all fiction!

Stefan rated this book Excellent
i think people shouldnt be focusing on the story and how it may be a lie or not but on whether it is a good read did it engross your mind set into thinking of tactics or did it change your perspective of something if so the book has done its job just like the men in B20 as they completed there mission so has the book much respect to the guys and mcnab and ryan and the rest of the crew and rip to those that didnt make it but all in all this is an excellent read i actually peeled myself away from playing my xbox 360 to read this so congrats to it.

Ross rated this book Excellent
I could not put this book down, superb accounts of super fit heroes going behind enemy lines carrying obscene amounts of kit,what i dont understand is the different views mcnab had as apposed to chris ryan in "THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY"!!!!! anyway great read.

Phil rated this book Poor
Yes it's a book written by someone who at Iraqi in the B20 and was there. There is some truth in this book but all the major events have been twisted to make "Mr McNab" the hero. This man has turned the honor of all special forces {esp. SAS)into what Micheal Asher compares as "A cheap war-fiction novel"
"McNab" and "Ryan" have absolutely shamed Vince as a coward, the one who got them into the shit, the jittery one.
Please, "McNab" is a hero because in the true events he was "The Stupid one" making his squad carry ~80kg and fast pace?
If you read this books as merely a form of entertainment & relaxation then please continue reading. But if it is the truth you seek then I'm terribly sorry you've just hit a cheap load of BS. If it was not for the fact that I bought this for 5 dollars at a retailer then this would have already been in the bin.
Please try The Real Bravo Two Zero or at least go to a wartime museum.

Charlie rated this book Excellent
I have read this book about 3 times now and i love it. Andy Mcnab and all the other members of the regiment are true heroes as well as any one else who is in the SAS or army, fighting for their country. its a shame that so many people are critising this book because some things were exaggerated or untrue. Of course you are going to get different accounts of the same situation because everybody experiances it differently. Thanks andy for a great read and to helping me appreciate what the men in the armed forces do for me.

Ryan rated this book Excellent
it is fine for people to have an oppion of this book, however you cannot acctually judge the men like andy and chris and unless u actally met them out in the gulf you cannot judge there actions or the content of books and if you have read many books trying to learn about b20 it will be impossible as it is based on peoples personal oppinions. i find andy chris and there books to great and i have been readinh there books since i was 6

Punxmafia rated this book Excellent
This is an awsome book, yeh he may have exagerated at tad bit. The story is still a wonderful peice if writing. This is one of the best books ive read and as a consequence ive read all his oter stuff, there great reads too.

Paul rated this book Average
If considering the obvious embellishment when rating this book one would conceed that it is in fact a good read. However, it is sold as a work of fact and therefor can only be considered misleading at best. It would take more than a hero to accomplish all that is claimed in this book. Perhaps "Supermans" memoirs will be make similar reading.

Ashley rated this book Average
Did anyone ever think to consider that three of the eight never came back:
Vince Phillips
Bob Consiglio
Legs Lane.
What would they have said?
We only have McNab and Ryan's word for what happened. Can you trust the men who call themselves 'Andy McNab' and 'Chris Ryan' But, this is my opinion and I doubt anyone will take notice of a 13 year old.
However, I have respect to all members of the armed forces all over the world.

Adam Brown rated this book Excellent
Firstly i would like to condone all the people who critisise the books of andy mcnab and chris ryan and also the books of the other suviours of the atrosities of the first gulf war. these men risked thir lives to try and protect our country and others by trying to destroy scud missles. So what if Mcnab and Ryan have different versions of course they would they got spilt up whilst trying to escape. This book was excelent as well as "the one who got away" These men are true heros and the men who lost their lives for this should be honoured and remembered. Also after reading this book i have made up my mind in joining the army and eventualy hoping to join the SAS. "He who Dares Wins" and in this case Mcnab,Ryan and the other survivours did.

Josh rated this book Excellent
i like this book and it makes me think of when my dad is in iraq and he could be dead and this is 26th march and he comes back on thursday it is monday .
hope he dont come back in a box

Matthew rated this book Excellent
This is fantastic and typical of the SAS, i am 17 and think that people who just write this book off have no insight into what the SAS (little men in black) really do and are so good at to make this country and others a better place against terrorists and in the mean time are risking and pushing there life to the maximum to make this world better off. They are all 'THE FORGOTTEN LEGENDS' and always will be remembered.

Jamie rated this book Excellent
i loved this book its the best about sas soilder fighting with the iraqis and his love life i liked chris ryans book better.

Chris rated this book Good
you can only write about what you can remember anb in the shit you might forget or add to what happend iv read 3 different books about this and none of them are the same.

Jack Oak rated this book Excellent
Andy Mcnab is a true british hero.who fought for his country. he carried out his orders. along with the other 7 men. Who some even lost their lives fighting.and cause of that i think there heroes.

Tony Beatson rated this book Good
The real story was good enough to put down on record , but the body count of approx 250 is a joke ,ask anybody in the know ,it would take a battallian of troops to kill that many men . I don't take anything away from Steven ,err sorry Andy Mcnab ,he's still one of the bravest men I have read about ,but what about the guy's who did not make it back to write book's about it ? WHY NAME THEM !!

M Collins rated this book It's already in the bin
I think it's shameful to put others down to make yourself look good. I've met men from the regiment, they are brave and so very highly skilled in so many different areas, they are the best of the best. which is why I was shocked about this book. the job is about watching each others backs not back stabbin people when they're no longer around to defend them selves.

Cadet Hawkins rated this book Excellent
I think that Bravo two zero is a brilliant book.
It is very imformative, and tried some of McNabs in our games and thet are very useful.
His sequel (Immediate action) is just good.

Handy McKnob rated this book Good
I am a TA Lance corporal and well versed in squaddie humour. This account changed my total outlook on life - In civilian life I am a security gaurd for TKmax, with the new mindset this book has given me, shoplifting at work no longer occurs when I am on duty. Any crackhead tries it on, they are face down on the floor screaming - there is no longer - the one that got away.

Richie N rated this book Good
All the necessary ingredients for a great read, Bravo Two Zero, by McNab tells HIS story on what happened. I'll be honest and say, that i did enjoy this book and it opened up an interest into the Special Service which led me to read Ryan's 'one that got away'. This too is a good book, based along similar lines and from his perspective, the story as of B2Z can be drawn from both accounts. Its just human nature that you can ask the opinon of 20 different men in a pub brawl as to who started the fight and you can bet there will many quite differing stories to emerge. Ryan and McNabs accounts on B2Z i believe are different, personal accounts, with an obvious twist of embelishment along the way, but nevertheless a good read.

enanemous rated this book It's already in the bin
a lie about the truth of the mission and i think andy mcnab should be ashmed of himself

Josh rated this book Excellent
it is brilliant and gripping it is one of the books ive ever read brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John rated this book Good
good yarn, read it first then read Eye of the Storm by Peter Ratcliffe for a sober review of the operation.

Andy (not McNab) from Hereford rated this book Excellent
Having been in contact with member's of B20 at the time of events, and seeing the wounds of these men. I would like to see someone, at the time go up to these courageous lads and tell them there story is a load of lies!
What they had been through was clearly shown in the physical condition of their bodies after release. Yes maybe they should have turned back straight away, yes there was numerous errors. but in those conditions and they're physical and mental states, decisions made can easily be the wrong ones.
Armed forces around the world may not be able to beleive the series of events that occurred, but from conected experience with the SAS at, what was Stirling lines, These guys go through tough training, and only the best go through.
This is a great read and i do not doubt the reality of the story. Many members of the regiment were dissapointed with these men realeasing their stories as it went against regiment protocol, their bitterness may be the underlying factor to unearth lies about the patrol.

Timothy S. Goodrich rated this book Excellent
I've made the book a permanent part of my library. Having only read McNab's work, I'm afraid I can't comment on the Vince vs. Andy issues. I don't see any event in the book not being possible. If there is fiction in there to make a story, only those on the patrol and those who have 'been there and done that' would know for sure, and those men know men whose opinion truly matters. The rest of us armchair commando's can only hope we never find ourselves in similar circumstances.

Sam rated this book Excellent
i don't see how it could be already 'in the bin'. It is a true story of heroism and real modern combat. Men fight for this country and some even die so that you all can live a happier life. they only ask for your support. andy mcnab faught and nearly died for us, he then wrote a book to show what real combat has changed him into. I respect that and you should to. all wars have wrong decisions but he was completely outnumbered, and he still got five of his men out. If he is'nt a hero then I don't know what is.

Neil rated this book It's already in the bin
This book should have been written as a work of fiction and not as a factual historical reference. 'McNabb' clearly embelishes his facts here and what is written has no bearing on his debrief after the event. Coupled with the fiction 'McNabb' takes time out to criticise some exceptional soliders with impeccable records who have no means of defending themselves and I find that unfortgiveable. If he had listened to his CO and RSM in the first place and taken a vehicle there is a good chance the patrol would have made it back in one piece. Gung Ho soldiering should never get in the way of professionalism.

Jack rated this book Good
Its a brilliant book, which shows the true courage of the SAS but in comparison to 'the one who got away' by chris ryan its not the best. The true Hero of that mission wasnt Andy Mcnab but Chris Ryan. All the decisions which got them in that situation were Andys it was Chris who rationalised everything, it was chris who utimatly escaped not andy. To any one buying the book i would advise them to get 'the one who got away' aswell just to compare how Andy did things and how they were supposed to be done.

Dinger rated this book Excellent
i bought this book havin all ready read the 'boy soilder'novel first. i bought boy solider because i had just strarted a carear in the army at only 16 n when i came home on mi first week off from training i was in mi local book shop. i was finding it hard in my training but after reading b2z n ia by mcnab it drove me on n im happy to say im still in the army wher as if it was not 4 authers like mcnab i would not be

Faban rated this book Excellent
This was a brilliant book and plot, ignoring everyones 'oh but its been made up.' 'no it hasnt this is what really happens' this is a great acheivment for the real people or fictional characters and is also written with expert attention grabbing style.

Mac rated this book Good
The book is a stranger to no ones eyes. most people have read the book. And why shouldn't they, it's very truthfull, digging up fresh memories from when i was in iraq with 2Para. working with the sas a number of times, and forever admiring them, i take a personal insult when people (civvies who have no idea what lying in an LUP for an x ammount of time, or watching your mates back whilst he watches your's)pathetically try to de grade the 22nd special air service. and for people who ask why "Mcnab" does not reveal his real name is simple... they dont. no member does. F A C T. "Mcnab" served with the 14th Intelligence Company ( The Det)doing operations in Northern Ireland. People want the man dead. so enough with why does he not reveal his real name. please. the book is great, showing great triumph over extreme and perillous conditions.

Jack Royston rated this book Good
Whatever really happened on the B20 mission, there's no escaping the fact that these men were highly trained soldiers, maybe not in the same league as battle-hardened RLI or Selous Scouts, but they demonstrated superb endurance and will power. Looking at Vince Philip's background, it's hard to believe he could've compromised the mission in any way - I suspect he was wounded in the initial contact with the Bedouin who fired at the patrol and did exceptionally well to get as far as he did before going down from his injury and hypothermia. Given the location they were dropped in, compromise was always going to be a hair's breadth away and the subsequent attempt to escape and evade makes good reading, even without the subsequent firefights, whether or not they happened as described.

Taz rated this book Excellent
one of the best book i have ever picked up.

Colon rated this book Excellent
Excellent as a riping yarn, never let the truth get in the way of a good dit. Rather be McKnob livin in the mediteranian sun sat on his pile of money than a P.T.S.D. looney(Falklands, N.Ireland,etc) on a military pension in the U.K. Right where did I put my pills?

Matt rated this book Excellent
This book was incredible. these people were real men. Oh, and who cares what name they write it under? r u just looking for excuses to ridicule the book and their accounts? "well at least they can't get us pregnant!" Congrats!

>Bill ex Canadian Soldier rated this book It's already in the bin
I read this book and was quite impressed with it and the SAS. I was inspired by it to do my own fitness regime and see if I could hike a distence like the Fan dance (a 64km hike over Breacon Beacons in Wales the SAS does.) I did do a hike of 54 km with a 50 lb pack on my back in 11 and 1/2 hours with a group of hikers ( that were not carring weights) for safety, and to see if I could do it. I was 36 years old at the time. I even travelled and spent a week hiking in Breacons and The black mountians of Wales and can see why the SAS use it for training purposes. So I came away withgeat respect for the SAS and Thier training methods.
But with reading Chris Ryans book and later Michael Ashers book. I really feel that the basic story of the escape was all that was needed. I feel there was lots of embellisment and would rate B20 as fiction. With my own research of hiking and military experience. The idea of taking people on in the desert on a foot patrol miles from support behind enemy line is nuts. They were to observe if nothing else. There were lots of SAS vechile patrols in that area of IRAQ. So B20 was probalby an Reece patrol feeding info to them. Also waht ever military unit be it the SAS, Canadian Airborne Regiment, or your basic infantry unit. You have some great profession soldiers of all ranks, some idiots and average joes just like in any group of people( ecept you can get killed in the army ;-))
I think that they got discovered by locals and that part rings true. The part of landing only 2 km from the LUP by Chinnook was terrible planning, if your trying to be covert. Sound travels at night over long distences as anyone knows in the military. Even if you land in a wadi it is not going to muffle a Chinooks sound. I,ve flowen in one when we had them in the Canadian Armed Forces. They are just a very loud Helicopter.
If you look at the area of B20 operations on Google Earth its just flat rocky ground. I can see one of the reasons for taking the direction south then west before north to the border. One is they were discovered and the wadis ran that way. So they were running and keeping to the low ground as a place of cover. Also doubling back on your position is a classic way that patrols try to shake off pursuers or check for people following them. So the escape was a great endurance feat that deserves merit. But the planning and choice of insertion and patrol type was wrong and nothing to do with "Who Dares Wins".
As one SAS patrol commander unloaded from a Chinook and got back on realizing they were in a bad location. So should have Mcnabb. Landing at 2km from habitation should have sent him 2 km the other way from looking for a place to hide and await pick up, if he did not call the chopper back in to pick them up. Hearing Dogs should have been the alarm. He and the other had the wish to get in on the action however they could and they paid for it.
As Ryan said "I was in top shape and the SAS training helped him" in his escape. That is to be admired and is inspiring. The Story of how they got into the situation bring less admiration from me. The embellisment of the real story makes me disrespect "Mcnabb" the most, And Ryan somewhat. But as fiction sellers they make money for the publishers and themselves as well.

I Gough rated this book Average
what can be said that someone else has'nt said already. its a brilliant book ive read all andys books since b2z and if nothing else he is an amazing writer, it goes without saying operational security dictates, none of that patrol could tell the story like it truely was, so a bit of fiction and bending of the truth is nothing when compared to the guts, determination and shear will to survive that all these men showed

George Courtney rated this book Average
This is the best book i have ever read. An anyone who says its fake is an absolute dickhead! They must have something wrong in their brain! Because someone wouldnt lie about a mission like that!

Phil rated this book Good
Good read for fiction, didnt like the bits of belittleing the dead who could not defend themselves. I started to disbelieve from the start. I served with Andy was with him when he got awarded the MM in IRELAND his account in the book was nothing like the real event. He did noy kill the terrorist, scouse did.He got no mention at all.As for the other kill in his other book with the broken down saracen it wasnt him.

Sasha West rated this book Excellent
Excellent action adventure novel, i have no idea if its true or not but i would be more inclined to believe people who were there. Of course there are differences between the 2 stories (b20 and Ryan's The One that got away) everyone sees things differently. And obviously they didn't want to publish under their own names for security reasons and stuff (its probably a habit by now)doesn't change how good or bad the book is!

Steven Smith rated this book Excellent
i think the book is probly one off the best ive ever read it explains alot about the mission and as soon as the book starts it get intresting. id also like to get the dvd of the bravo two zero mission an would also like to read more books on the sas.

Lewis rated this book Excellent
in these situations everyone comes out with diffrent storyies as they see things in a diffrent way and whos to say these books are exxagerating these people were shot at and i dont think they should apologise or even be intrerested in you because what should they be upset because they didn't count the correct amount of bullets fired at them these people didnt go out there to write a book they was on a mission they were compramised and there thoughts was of getting the hell out of there not to make sure they took every detail down. these people wernt interested in that it wass run get tortured or die and im sorry if u think u would have done a better job recounting that story had you been there jack a**es

s p britt rated this book It's already in the bin
Bravo20 as an immense feat of endurance and courage is simply amazing,a cedit to the men involved and the people who trained them. However mr mcnabb and mr ryan are both guilty of gross exageration and fantasy a real shame as micheal asher writes'it is a sin to lie'. My personal thought is'the tangled webs we weave when we set out to lie and decieve'.

Anonymous rated this book Excellent
The best 'non-fiction based' military book I have ever read. I don't mind that it is not a 100% accurate account of what really happened - it is still an awesome book & I couldn't put it down..... Isn't that what we look for in a book ? I also recommend McNab's other work - I reckon Nick Stone kicks ass over Dirk Pitt & John Clarke :)

Bob Fraser rated this book Average
On the one hand this is a gripping story and one of the best books I have ever read, but sadly I feel it has been tarnished by the revelations discovered in Michael Asher's equally brilliant book "The Real Bravo Two Zero".Asher has no axe to grind with the SAS as an ex regiment man himself and has unique understanding of Beduoin culture and is a fluent Arabic speaker.Asher makes the point that the Bravo Two Zero patrol's fight against the weather and their courage and tenacity to keep going should have been a great story in its own right without the need for the fiction.I find it very hard to stomach reading anymore "McNab or "Ryan" books with the knowledge that they seem to have cashed in on the misrepresentation of the truth.

Craig rated this book It's already in the bin
As Mcnab is no longer serving in the forces why lie about your name as well as the contents of the book......
Try SOLDIER 5 now that the truth....Go on Mcnab try telling us how it was

Phil Loe rated this book It's already in the bin
Funny how what he wrote in the book and what he said at the de brief in hereford are so different isnt it

Sanjay rated this book Excellent
this book is a description as it happened and proves beyond doubt that no matter how much u prepare for 1000 contingencies 1001 and 1002th problem always shows up, those who crticize this book my advice to them to be on the field and have the same thing done to them, blowing your horn after parking your ass on the cosy chair is easy but out there you have to push hard 24X7

Jack Doff rated this book Good
I also read a book called, "The Real Bravo Two Zero" written by Michael ASHER. I would also recommend another book called, "Eye of the Storm" written by Peter RATCLIFF. These books raise some very interesting points that indicate both Andy McNAB (Bravo Two Zero) and Chris RYAN (The One that got away) greatly exaggerated their individual actions amongst other fictitious additions. For example, fictitious battles where they individually saved the day. The basic story of survival without the obvious fiction is amazing in itself. A particular mention for "Chris Ryan" - he must be a real tosser trying to blame their failed mission directly on Vince PHILLIPS - the bloke is dead and has no opportunity to defend himself. The USA should pull all their troops out of IRAQ and send in "Andy McNAB" and "Chris RYAN" - these two will save the day by killing the enemy with butter knives and forks.

Tom rated this book Excellent
Yeah, this book is the best. It has so much action and McNab really taught me a lot of stuff I didn't know. Who cares if he doesn't reveal his name. Anybody with a brain would never reveal their name if the IRA and the Columbians were after them. And to the guys who rated this book poor or in the bin, YOU GUYS SUCK!!! You know who you are, don't be a coward

History Buff rated this book Excellent
I think this book was very entertaining. I love reading things on special forces units and there engagements. I guess its the whole clandestine "Hush Hush" thing. Some say that the book is sometimes far from fact. I can see why. Again this book is one action thriller i will always remember but I still waant to find the truth. if there is any. This story just pushes me to research the subject to the greatest extent. So if you have some down time and get your hands on a copy its definately a book to dive into. On the other hand if your like me and have to ask questions at every turn, You might want to buy a few books about the operation, and the tactics of the Special Air Service to go along.

Sgt James Sheringham Sydney Australia (Australian Army Cadet Corps) rated this book Excellent
I think this was great it is so like cadets we do that stuff all the time we usually aim to blow up morer important things like military bases not scud launchers.

SI GILL rated this book Excellent
I have read this book twice its a great story of courage strenth you will be missing out if you dont get it.

Se?n rated this book Excellent
This Book shows what the sas are all about: mean sons of bitches! he stood out the torture and showed that these raggies have nothing on us. Even if fiction does play a part, its still a great read! Andy: I salute you.

Tokie rated this book Excellent
On first read its an excellent mesmorising read. but one has to question its authenticity. Some of the events may have been embellished who know's and who cares if they took out 250 iraqis( i find that hard to believe) the fact that 5 out of eight lived is a great crdit to the regiment - but we should not forget legs bob and ultimately Vince who was unfairly critisced in Ryans book. I find that appalling especially as they were comrades with a common brotherhood (the reg) maybe more fition then non fiction but altogher entertaining.

Andy rated this book Poor
As a story it is quite a good book. The reality is that guys like "McNabb" & "Ryan" had never fought in a real war before only over the water. Read Immediate Action & you will see what I mean by it is filled with training & the odd firefight with IRA terrorists & little more of any substance.
IN comparison some guys like Pete Scholey (the Joker), Peter McAleese (one mean soldier) & Peter Ratcliffe (EOTS) have spent years soldiering & have many many "war stories" to tell from many different theatres & thus have no need to embellish their stories as they have been at the sharp edge many times & have the tales & scars to proove it.
B20 is a fanciful tale at best & full of outright lies at worst. McNabb & Ryan write about firefights in great detail & description when a contact in reality barely warrants 1/2-1 page. See Peter McAleese's book for descriptions of real battles (such as Chomino where 97 troops (SAS & RLI) took on thousands of Terrs & got a score of 2000+-0). Mac comments about the battle that he got a score of 13 not counting kills "shared" by him & others. He plays down his many kills (ex:"I fired a 3 round burst into his chest & that was that" is typical) with the exception of when he shot a terr & was covered in blood & brains & had to carry on soldiering with the flyblown mess all over him. The only reason he mentioned this is because he found that a turning point in his life that he would take another life so unthinkingly.
Anyway remember that there are plenty of much more exciting & truthfull books out there by ex regiment men.

Joe rated this book Excellent
This is my favourite book. Read it over 6 times. Andy McNab has become my favourite author, and his other work is just as good. I heard some facts may be a little off, but it's how he saw it, and Ryan's book is how he saw it. They both seem to be pretty accurate. Andy McNab shows you the hardship and courage that the media does not show you and the military uisually does not want you to know. This book is a must read, even if you can't handle the fact that his real name does not adorn the cover.

Nick Stone rated this book Excellent
Thank you for all the comments. It's been very nice to read it. / Andy "Nick" McNAB

Mike rated this book Average
Come on guys - Andy McNabb isn't even his real name! The British armed forces have a long history of going to theatres of war with duff equipment - so no surprises about that part of the story - but that's all it is - a story! No doubt McNabb is a great fiction writer and as such it's a good book but I feel both him and Ryan have darkened the memories of their lost comrades

Glenn rated this book Good
Good read - i'll give it that. As others have iterated, B-2-0 and TWTGA (Ryan)tend to contradict each other.
Eye of the Storm and The Real B-2-0 are more believable.
All good reads but it comes back to the reader to pass judgement.

Gavin rated this book Excellent
To be honest I am kind of an expert on warfare and having read Mcnabs book and read Ryans they do seem to correlate however, both men portray one another as being the weaker soldier. To be honest they should sort out thier differences. They are comrades. And to anyone who has rated this book as its in the bin. Ignorance is definitley not bliss

Richard Porter rated this book Excellent
My uncle was in the SAS and he knew Andy McNab. All I can say is that no matter how many lies there may be in the book, the thing that stands out the most and makes this one of the best military books ever is the superhuman ability to do a job - even if it does go wrong. The SAS and Bravo Two Zero must be some of the toughest and bravest men ever to walk this earth. With horrendous torture, I think that McNab and the other soldiers Dinger, Mark & Stan should be given the award of "Bravest Men Ever!" And As For Legs, Vince & Bob, they should never be forgotten!

A Boyd rated this book Excellent
I have to say this is one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure too read. I found this book really easy to enjoy, it was the first book I had ever read without needing too. Since reading Bravo Two Zero I have read all of McNabs and anyone who says he has no skill is wrong. A great read!!!

Tim S rated this book Excellent
Great read, read all of McNab's, Ryan's and Duncan Falconer's (SBS) books - as well as Peter Ratcliffe's.
They're all amazing books whether they're 100% accurate of not - no doubt most of the things covered in their books have been done by them in one way or another.
Can someone tell me who another SAS / SBS author is - i cant keep waiting for the above authors new books to come out.

Josiah Chang rated this book Average
Having read Andy McNab's, Chris Ryan's, Peter Ratcliffe's and now Michael Asher's books and also saw the Sean Bean Movie, I must say that someone must be making up a lot of horseshit just to boost viewing ratings and also to cover their own failures during the patrol's eventful time in Iraq.
The real truth may never come out, I trust that all four books have their truths and lies, but lets not take away the courage and endurance that these soldiers gave whilst serving their country.
There again, military is all about cover-ups, isnt it?

Mark rated this book Average
Yes its a good book, but I'm fed up of people quoting other people on either side of the spectrum. Its either "embelished", "against the regiment" and "dishonourable" or conversely "amazing, the SAS go out and do this thing killing 250 men everytime they go out, I wanna be one".
I think it's pretty obviously what is written in their books isn't how it happened by a long shot, but read all the material available and draw your own conclusions. Theres no need to argue over it especially if your using toher people opinions.

Reg rated this book Excellent
A great yarn as Ryan and McNab went on to write many more FICTIONAL story's i will put this one down as their FIRST.Its a Sad indictment as a Memory to their colleague Vince who did not come back and have the opportunity tell his version of events.
The lack of preparation for the mission (communication aquipment set to wrong frequencies)(checking weather reports)(wearing light clothng)(carrying to much weight),and ignoring advice from their superiors,made the mission a farce.In other words the story they told was to cover their arses and to turn it into some sort of victory.I have given this book a (Excellent)rating because its a good piece of fiction.

Brian Shajari rated this book Excellent
I read this book twice it was so good. I also read his other book, "Immediate Action." It gave you the feeling of almost constant drama, but the beginning starts off a bit slow. Other than that, this was an excellent book.

Iain Sheppard rated this book Excellent
I say that this the best book I have ever read on the millatry.  It keeps you on the edge of you seat right from the very first page to the last.

Jason Wright rated this book Excellent
Bravo Two Zero was the best book i have ever read. All the descriptions of everything was great, i dont think there is a better story than this. I would love to meet Andy, to see the man who went through all of this.This book rules!!!

Michael Mann rated this book Excellent
I have the highest respect for the people of the SAS. This book is one of the reasons why. An incredible TRUE story of bravery and endurance in conditions which cannot even be imagined. Awesome.

Jack.O rated this book Excellent
A really good book, I could not put it down and I was up all night to see what happens to some of the bravest men in the SAS.

Daniel Chaplar rated this book Excellent
Andy gives this book enough emotion that I could almost put myself in his shoes and see what was going on through his eyes.  I can't wait to see the movie.

dror ben zeev rated this book Excellent
Being israeli im used to hearing extreme  storys of military bravery but never before have I been so compelled! a spectacular good read.

Jeff Maddison rated this book Average
This book provided some very good reading but it did not provide an accurate acount of what realy happend when the group were trying to reach the Syrian border my personal veiw is that Andy McNab made himselfe to look like a hero.

A.Silva rated this book Excellent
An awesome book! It gives you an idea of what really happens behind enemy lines, what you'll go through when captured.

Christopher Bierton rated this book Excellent
Best book i'v ever read in my live, i could'nt put it down Andy makes you feel like you are there and its happining to you.

Mohsin rated this book Excellent
This was the first millitary book i had ever read and it was so good that i have complted it for more than five times and it still gives me the same suspense of the war.

Terry M rated this book Excellent
This book is so good that i can't even descibe what it was like. Andy and all the SAS are heros. There capable of things the average person could not do. I couldn't even stop reading to eat!

Joe rated this book Excellent
Cracking Yarn......Good Read......To be taken with a pinch of salt in places.....even so, my copy is dogeared to XXXX.

David Berry rated this book Excellent
An excellent acount of what really happens behind enemy lines. This book provides full comentary about feeling of a natural human trying to overcome fear and excitment at the same time. An excellent read!

Bhargavram.S.G rated this book Excellent
Great Book ! hope you have more books like these in the stores to give you an actual insight to a soldier's nightmare   being captured and tolerate the wrath of the enemy who do not care for rules. Hats off Andy and his Team !

Rob Waller rated this book Excellent
While this was not the best book I've ever read, it was one of the most engaging and well told stories I've ever read or heard of. I read the book in two evenings and was completely engrossed. Having served in the U.S. Army I found the similarities and differences enlightening, and have found a new
appriciation and interest for the SAS as well as the British Army in general. I read a lot of military books and this one stands at the top. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Nicholas James rated this book Good
I enjoyed the book very much upon reading it. But after reading 'The One That Got Away' by Chris Ryan, another member of the B20 patrol, some discrepancies surfaced about what truely happened. I suggest to anyone who really enjoyed 'Bravo Two Zero' to read Ryan's book as well and draw your own conclusions. 'The One that Got Away' is an amazing story about escape and evasion. Lastly, there may not be anymore great stories published by ex-SAS members, because if they do they'll be banished from Stirling Lines. Unfortunate, but security is essential these days.

Chris Welfare rated this book Excellent
A heart hiting book, thats the best SAS book of the century. with a great story and makes you think your there in real life beside the rest of the team

WO2 (AACC) Kyle Marler rated this book Excellent
Simply the best book I have ever read.  It gives a often brutal account ot the most famous SAS patrol in history.  As a person with a huge intrest in the army it touched me deeply.  It has also inspired me to read the one that got away by chris ryan.  Bravo two zero is a true story of human courage and the will to survive.

Pauly rated this book Excellent
Damn good Book, and even though there are the differences of accounts in both McNab's and Ryan's titles, the story is still the most amazing account of the SAS's role in the Gulf War.

Thierry Van Neste rated this book Excellent
I have read this book a while ago and I must say that it is a fantastic book,Andy Mcnab is a good writer and I everybody should read his books.He also has another book called S.A.S.-commando,it's about how he became a soldier and how he joined the S.A.S.

fidel valdez ramos rated this book Excellent
an awesome experience... a highly endurance soldiers and also a motivated one... i have also watched the movie to be able to visualized what really had happened..

Charlie de la Haye rated this book Excellent
I thought this book gave a very detailed description of the war going on in Iraq, and what the Bittish special forces were really doing to delimit Saddams path towards victory.

Adam Wood rated this book Excellent
This was the most inspiring and acomplished acount of real courage and endurance. You would be a fool to not read this book and you would be strange to not be impressed by the determination and the ordeals of the SAS. Brilliant!

Jake Watson rated this book Excellent
Well, I thought that the book had a very accurate account of the Iraqi prisons (I was in a Iraqi prison for 1 month during Desert Storm, I was in the US Marine Corps), and it also tells a tale of bravery. Bravo Two Zero is a book everybody who is interrested in the Gulf War should read!!

Mick rated this book Average
While I enjoyed reading both Bravo Two Zero and Chris Ryan's books, I got the impression that both had embelished their stories to a large extent. I would recommend to anyone who is interested in the Bravo Two Zero patrol to read "The Real Bravo Two Zero", by Michael Asher - this book re-tells the story of the Bravo Two Zero patrol and it is a much different story than that of McNab's and Ryan's.

Lindsay Kelly rated this book Excellent
I am only 15 years old, but as my family have extensive and colourful backgrounds in the Armed Forces I have been brought up with tales of bravery and sacrifice in the honour of our country.  This book is a heavily transfixing tale which excites and upsets me as I follow Sergeant McNab's adventure.  This real-life escapade makes me feel so lucky to be living in such a peaceful country compared to the places Sergeant McNab has been.  Congratulations for giving them what-for!

Kurt Goldfinch rated this book Poor
The worst I have read in along time. I loved the way the author gives the world the impression that the SAS is so ineffieceint and so unprofessional. I personally feel that these books are a disgrace to the men they represent and to those that died trying to escape. The author and the books credability must be questioined above all else.

John Michael Charles Corlett rated this book Excellent
I have taken a good interest in the SAS as a whole, and this book provided me with a good insight into how it is managed in a time of crisis. I have already read Chris Ryan's account of the mission, and that was also a good read. In spite of this, the two accounts do have differing views over what actually happened. A third book has been written about this by former SAS soldier Michael Asher, exploring the differences of the two books, and trying to find out what really did happen during he time BTZ were on their mission. If you enjoyed Andy McNab's account, then I can thoroughly recommend Chris Ryan's The One That Got Away, and Michael Asher's The Real Bravo Two Zero. I have also seen the film conversion of Andy McNab's book, and would recommend that also, although it may be hard to find nowadays - Try the BBC shop, London.

scoti rated this book Excellent
so if you dont say that,s is axcellent book you want print my remark,s steve  just tell the truth .. what really happened out there ..

David Mackenzie-Bell rated this book Good
The book is very good but after reading EYE OF THE STORM by peter ratcliffe i do belive parts were made up as peter ratcliffe was McNab's RSM tells the truth in his book but i am not saying that mcnab didnt indure some horrable torture because he did i just think that he should have told the truth instead of writing a bestseller and changing the course of history.

Peter Galushtchak rated this book Excellent
this book is the best book i have ever read!

Peter Galushtchak rated this book Excellent
this book is the best book i have ever read!

Peter rated this book Excellent
I couldnt say a bad thing about this book! The Heroism of those men cannot be matched in todays military. A mix of training and loyalty, not just to Queen and Country, but to each other. The new mission, getting all his friends out. Sergeant McNab and his patrol showed courage more than that was expected by the regiment.

David M. rated this book Excellent
I thought the book was incredible. I am thinking about reading it again. I just learned today that a movie based on the book was made a few years ago. I just ordered a copy of the movie at I hope the movie is as good as the book.

Craig Hughes rated this book Excellent
I think this book is mint both the book and the film are the best things i have ever seen cheers Andy

Dale Wild rated this book Excellent
The bravo two zero books are very good although some parts have supposively been changed to get some more credit. Even though they changed some there was really no need because the heroism they proved over them few days in Iraq was unbelievable. Anyman on earth would be proud to be one of the survivors!

Mark rated this book It's already in the bin
As an adventure story, it's an absolute ripper. As a reflection of actual events, it's bollocks! If McNab & Ryan had any integrity or conscience, they'd print under their own names.   Everyone who matters knows who you are anyway, so why the pretence?
You defile the honour, tradition and history of the Regiment and those who have served, and continue to serve within it, and I am deeply ashamed of the pair of you tarnishing the memory of some damn fine soldiers. For a far more accurate assessment of events, try " Eye of the storm " - ex-RSM Peter Ratcliffe and "The real Bravo Two Zero" - Michael Asher. Ex-Regt,Australia

KP Moistner rated this book Excellent
This book is fantastic. I have also read Chris Ryan's account, which is also good and have just finished Soldier Five, by the other three survivors. If the people that said these were rubbish had to put up with half of what went on, they would have folded in a second. If the stories have been embellished or facts altered, then between operational security(which lasts forever) and the simple fact that they were there and have the right to do it, so be it. They still tell of an amazing story and feats that we can only dream of. As an ex-member of HM Forces all I have to say is "WELL DONE, LADS!". If people continue to give them terrible reviews, you never know, someone may visit during the night to give you "the good news"!

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