Evan Lysacek wins Sullivan Award for top amateur athlete

From staff reports

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Figure skater Evan Lysacek was named the winner of the AAU Sullivan Award at a ceremony in New York on Monday night.

  • Sullivan Award winner Evan Lysacek skates in Vancouver in February, 2010.

    By Eileen Blass, USA TODAY

    Sullivan Award winner Evan Lysacek skates in Vancouver in February, 2010.

By Eileen Blass, USA TODAY

Sullivan Award winner Evan Lysacek skates in Vancouver in February, 2010.

Last year Lysacek became the first American man to win Olympic gold since 1988. The Sullivan Award honors the nation's outstanding amateur athlete and is based on leadership, character and sportsmanship.

"It's humbling to see my name amongst those on the impressive list of past Sullivan Award winners, especially Sarah Hughes who has always inspired me in my own skating," Lysacek said. "I'm honored to receive this distinction and would like to thank the AAU for selecting me for this award."

The other finalists were Regina Jaquess in water skiing, Tahnee Robinson in basketball, D.J. Williams in football and Karrissa Wimberley in baton twirling.

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