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The Wayback Machine -

English Athletes

Georgina Bloomberg

Name and event in which you compete: Georgina Bloomberg, Grand Prix show jumper.

Hometown: New York, NY and Wellington, FL, USA.

Number of years riding: 23

Career accomplishments to date:

Best child rider winner at every major horse show as a junior rider.

Winner of the USET Talent Derby 2001.

North American Young Rider Championships Gold medal winner 2002 (team) and 2003 (individual)

Maxine Beard Award winner 2004

Member of 10 Nations Cup teams, including the final Samsung Super League team in Barcelona 2008 and the first US winning team in 2005.

Winner of the 100k Metropolitan Cup 2004.

Winner of five WEF challenge cups.

Winner of the 75k Empire State Grand Prix 2010.

How you got started in your event: I rode only hunters until 2001, but when I started in the jumpers I knew it was the right fit for me. I needed a new challenge and I just fell in love with the thrill of it.

Length of time you've been sponsored by Ariat: Three years

Favorite Ariat product (by name): The Brittany breeches. They are the best fitting breeches I have ever tried on. I actually enjoy wearing them, they are comfy and fashionable.

Proudest career moment: Being a member of the Zone 2 gold medal winning team at the NAYRC in 2002. I grew up idolizing the riders on that team, and dreamed of being a member of it. Ralph Caristo was a real mentor for me. I've known him basically since I was born, and I wanted to ride on his team and make him proud. When we won gold that day I had a good feeling that I would never accomplish something in this sport that meant as much to me as that one did, and I have yet to prove myself wrong.

Tell us about your first horse: I took lessons on a pony called Frosty Lad at Coker Farm. I was scared to canter, but once I did it I never wanted to trot again. I got my own pony when I was about six, and got to start showing. She was a palomino pony called Upsy Daisy. She was an angel to me and I still remember the moment I learned that she had passed away.

You ride because: I like to compete. I thrive off of competition, and the thrill of winning is what makes me get up and go to the barn in the morning.

If you weren't a professional rider, you would be a: A designer of some sort. I love art and design and would probably design clothing and jewelry. I could also see myself doing something in sports, like a sportscaster.

Favorite mentor or idol growing up: Heather Caristo was my idol as a kid. When I started watching the Grand Prixs I loved watching Leslie Howard and Mclain Ward. I started riding at Mclain's mom's farm, so I was very close to him as a kid. He always looked out for me and treated me like a little sister, so I have loved watching his career take off more than others. It means more when you know a rider outside of the ring, not just in it.

Favorite place to travel: Bermuda. I used to spend my summers there as a kid and now we have a house there. It's so quiet and beautiful. It's the only place I can ever really relax.

Name one fun fact that people don't know about you: I almost quit riding in 2002. I took a few months off and went away, and when I came back I knew I had to keep going.

Favorite way to unwind outside of the barn: Playing pool. I shoot pool to relieve stress and to get my mind off of things.

Good luck charm: I try not to believe in them. I think we should rely on hard work and preparation, not on luck. But there are a few things that I try to wear when I show. A belt that all the members of the team wore during the NAYRC in 2002, and a gold necklace with a little gold medal on it that my mother gave me before I won the NAYRC in 2003. She said 'You've worked so hard that in my eyes you have already won."