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DS4SEQ - Daylight Saving For South East Queensland Party
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The Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Party

The Daylight Saving for South East Queensland (DS4SEQ) is a state political party and was officially registered with the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) in December 2008. DS4SEQ is a single-issue party which advocates:

The introduction of Daylight Saving into the South East Queensland region under a dual time zone arrangement.

As a three-month old party, DS4SEQ contested its first State election in March 2009, achieving a credible result; gaining 2.5% of the primary vote across 32 electorates.

In early 2010, Executive members from the Party approached Independent Member for Nicklin, Peter Wellington, to introduce a private members Bill. As Mr Wellington agreed with the principles of the DS4SEQ Party, he introduced the Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Referendum Bill 2010 into Queensland Parliament on 14 April 2010. This Bill is scheduled for debate in Parliament in early 2011.

The Executive Committee of the Party are ordinary people who volunteer their time, with a shared passion of standing up for democracy on Daylight Saving. DS4SEQ is not affiliated with any other political party and is reliant upon volunteerism, self-funding, and donations from supporters.

The one and only Queensland Referendum on Daylight Saving was held in 1992 - nearly two decades ago. Since 1992, a lot has changed in Queensland, including a substantial increase in population, particularly in the South East region. Support for Daylight Saving is geographically divided, with the majority of residents in South East Queensland being supportive, while the majority of Queenslanders residing outside this region, opposing its introduction. Therefore, it is logical that a geographic solution should be applied - thus introducing dual time zones.

The Queensland Labor Government and LNP state Opposition are currently not interested in listening to the majority of residents in the state, who support Daylight Saving. The Daylight Saving for South East Queensland Party is the voice for the majority and, since launching, has continually applied political pressure on this significant issue. DS4SEQ will continue lobbying both sides of politics, with the aim of having the current outdated anti-Daylight Saving policy changed, thereby resolving the issue to better acknowledge the geographic reality and demographic diversity in Queensland.

To contact us, or to view media releases, please refer to the ?Contact Us? link above.

Party membership

If you would like to join the Party as a member (free membership) please refer to the ?Join Up? link above. You can also upgrade to a financial member, for only $25.


Please take a minute to sign the online Queensland Parliament Petition (E-Petition) for a Daylight Saving in South East Queensland trial and referendum.

South East Queensland - beautiful one day...

We all know that Queensland is Australia?s finest state to live in. In addition to this, South East Queensland?s sub-tropical climate is best suited to enjoy the benefits of Daylight Saving....So how come we don?t make the most of it?

It's About Time!