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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
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Archive for the ‘Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles’ Category


Our favorite TV Addict broke news today that all might not yet be lost for fans Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles .? Despite having a very loyal following in…

Filed August 31st, 2009 - More TV News , Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Over the busy weekend reports of Fox choosing to renew Dollhouse sent that fandom ablaze with excitment, and at the same time sent the hopes for fans of the Sarah…

Filed May 18th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

To capitalize on celebrate the upcoming release of Christian Bale's Terminator reboot, Lion's Gate has cooked up a duo of super awesome legacy Terminator products.? For fans of…

Filed April 27th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Two more episodes, guys, TWO MORE. And still no renewal news. Also? GOD DAMN WRITERS. Just wanted to get that out there early. You’ll find out why soon…

Filed April 11th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

We’re nearing the end, which means it’s time to up the stakes and start separating the players. Sarah and John head toward a safe house where a few surprises await…

Filed April 10th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Bwah-ha-ha-ha! That’s all you get for an intro. No quips, no jokes, just me and my evil little laugh.
Filed April 2nd, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Bad gets worse as the death of Riley is discovered. Everyone thinks Cameron did it...or do they? (No, they totally do...I think.)
Filed March 20th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Fly or fall?
This week we ask the question: How deep can the hole around the Connors get before someone notices it? Answer: Pretty damn deep, and guess who’s still digging like there’s no tomorrow? Well, I suppose to a certain extent there IS no tomorrow but you get my drift.
Filed March 13th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
What does a trickster bring?
This week Sarah’s gone mental on us, or, rather, she's gone a little more mental than usual. She hasn’t slept in weeks, she’s seeing coyotes everywhere, and now she’s in a sleep clinic ? or is she? In other news, no wait, there is no “other news” this week, so sit back, pop your meds and get ready for Dream Analysis 101 with your professor, Sarah “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” Connor.
Filed March 5th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
God, are you there? It's me, Sarah.
This week, it’s like Wedding Crashers, only not so much as the Connor Clan divides and lies their way into the funeral proceedings for several of the warehouse employees. John and Cameron hit up a quippy teen, Sarah hits up a grieving widow ? because, yeah that won’t bring up any issues after last week, and Derek su-hucks at this game. In other news: I get to introduce you to Savannah. Who is she you might ask? She’s the kid who’s mother is currently being played by the undercover T-1001, Catherine. Yeah, she’s not going to need therapy, AT. ALL.
Filed February 26th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Back from the dead, or just back to haunt us?
The past comes back to haunt Terminator in a big way when we pick up not long after the ending of “Earthlings Welcome Here”. Sarah and Riley are both in the hospital with the men who love them watching over and the forces around them circle. In other news: John Henry plays with toys, and the product-placing Fox FX budget gets to finally give us some Terminator carnage.
Filed February 20th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Sarah's haunted by more than those pesky dots.
Here's your final (for now) historical recap for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, just in time for the new episodes beginning tonight. If the last episode I 'capped was a little Terminator meets 24, this week we revisit The X-files. Sarah is STILL looking for the answer to her Dots of Delusion, only now she's on her own. Add an alien convention, a mysterious blogger, and a conspiracy to cover something up and she just might be in over her head. The truth is out there, can Sarah survive the search; or will the ghosts of her former selves lead her astray?
Filed February 13th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
“It means the usual rules don’t always apply.”
We’re talking obsession, deception, and education this week as Sarah’s chase for the answer to the Dots of Delusion continues. In other news, Jesse’s hiding things from Derek, and Ellison meets the Babylon AI. No good can come of this, folks, I can feel it.
Filed February 11th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Derek's past comes back to bite him...again.
It's all about lies, damned lies, and the men who can successfully pull them off this week as the Connor Clan plays Hide-the-Body and I get to introduce you to Crazy Derek. In other news, Sarah's delusional...but that's not really news, is it? The previously reel would like to remind us that the Connor Clan has a wall full of random names and locations written in their basement. Unfortunately, because the guy who wrote it was writing in his own dying blood, it's not too organized. No one can figure out which names are of people or places that are good for Skynet, or bad for Skynet. Take Dr. Boyd Sherman, who seems like a great therapist, until you find out that Catherine Weaver's recruited him to teach the Turk new tricks. But while we're talking about people who are mental, let's meet Jesse. She's Derek's Aussie ex from the future, which would be great, except she came here AWOL so she wants nothing to to with the Connor Clan (or so we hope). And finally, the Clan took a road trip to Mexico and finally killed Cromartie. Or did they?
Filed February 5th, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Greetings and salutations, Humans and Cyborgs! I am your merry recapper, Dawn, and I am here because, in the immortal words of (former) FBI Agent James Ellison, "Sarah Connor is a deluded, dangerous, grade-a whack-a-mole who killed a man because she believes that in the future he'll invent a computer system that declares war on the world." She is also an overprotective bad-ass and occasionally very dangerous behind the wheel of a car, but I'm sure we'll get to all of that in time.
Filed February 2nd, 2009 - More Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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