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    12/09/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    Unless your house roof faces the south, the shingles are not a viable use. Mine faces east.west and this time of year, especially, I get about 1 hour directly on the east side and less than an hour on the west.


    Jeff Cardinal

    12/09/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    They look great. where can I buy them? One question: it looks like they just plug together. I am concerned about the long term reliability of this connection, being low voltage and exposed to the weather. How many of you have boats on trailers? Almost every year or two you have to mess around cleaning the connections to get a reliable taillight . Also this is a series connection which means it will be like finding the bad light bulb in a string of Christmas lights. Usually you give up and go buy a new string. This would not be an option with a system that costs many thousands of dollars. If these concerns have been addressed, this will be the wave of the future, and I want to buy stock in this company!



    12/11/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    A flexible film that rolls on & is glued to existing roofing, especially steel roofing, has been out for several years. this is old 'news'.



    12/15/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    Why is it that all these stories are missing pertinent facts ? I am very interested in all things solar but never seem to get the whole story.
    Where to buy?
    Ease of installation?
    Roof preparation?

    Please be a little more forth coming




    12/20/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    Durability is my first thought. Can it handle snow/ice loads? We get a lot of sunny days, but for 3 months a year I can have snow on my roof.



    12/27/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    I think every house should have some. " Mandatory roofing materials."



    12/27/10 | Report as spam

    RE: Solar shingle: Absorbs energy, repels weather

    How much are they, and where can I get some?

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