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Top 10 favorite Pure Genius posts of 2010 - SmartPlanet
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Top 10 favorite Pure Genius posts of 2010

By Christina Hernandez | Dec 28, 2010 |

This year on Pure Genius , we’ve dished about everything from astronaut food to environmental criminals and talked with such smart people as Chris Anderson and Pauline Frommer . Here, in no particular order, are our top 10 favorite posts of 2010:

We’ll see you in 2011 for more interviews and innovations!


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Christina Hernandez

Contributing Editor, People

Christina Hernandez is an award-winning journalist based in the Philadelphia area. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, the website of the Columbia Journalism Review and elsewhere. Christina is a graduate of the University of Delaware and Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.

She writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

Follow her on Twitter.

Christina Hernandez

Christina Hernandez is an independent journalist whose reporting and observations are not influenced by financial holdings. She writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

Melanie D.G. Kaplan

Contributing Editor, People

Melanie D.G. Kaplan is a veteran journalist, traveler and swimmer. She writes regularly for The Washington Post and is a contributing editor at Washington Flyer.

She has also written for The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, People and USA Weekend. Melanie is a graduate of Syracuse University and Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her beagle Darwin.

She writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

Follow her on Twitter.

Melanie D.G. Kaplan

In addition to working as a journalist, Melanie keeps the dog food fund flush with occasional consulting jobs. In the unusual event that her writing mentions a company or organization for which she has provided editorial services, she will disclose that fact. She will do the same should she cover any companies in which she holds investments.

She writes for SmartPlanet and is not an employee of CBS.

Pure Genius examines the innovation that drives the world's most amazing scientific discoveries and the great minds behind them, from university research to military advancements.