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Latest Videos Make smarter decisions and gain insight with SmartPlanet videos, which profile the experts, innovation and ideas at the intersection of technology, science, business, energy and green industries.

  • Shai Agassi's Better Place: Rolling out the electric car to the masses

    At a Churchill Club Event in Mountain View, Calif., Better Place CEO Shai Agassi discusses his systems-based model to bring the electric car to countries around the world. He talks about the challenges so far building out the company's charge spots and battery-switch infrastructure in Japan, Denmark, and Israel, and what it will take to scale in countries like China and the U.S.

    Length: 00:06:21

  • The WattStation: GE's new vehicle charging device

    Product designer Yves Behar talks about the design aesthetic behind a new vehicle charging station he created for General Electric. Behar explains how users will interact with the device and connect to the smart grid to power their vehicles in the future. GE expects to make the new device available globally in 2011.

    Length: 00:02:15

  • GE CEO announces new smart-grid initiatives

    General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt unveils an electric vehicle charging station, a new home energy-management device, and a $200 million competition seeking innovative ideas from entrepreneurs for a better smart grid at a press event in San Francisco on Tuesday.

    Length: 00:03:26

  • A robot that grabs beer out of the fridge, and more

    The robotics engineers at Willow Garage have developed a new program that allows robots to open a fridge door, grab a beer, flip the lid, and serve. It's part of a larger vision: to build and test a platform for the emerging robotics industry. SmartPlanet goes inside the Willow Garage to take a peek at their world of robotic assistants.

    Length: 00:03:17

  • Solar plane takes first 24-hour flight

    A solar-powered plane has succeeded in its first attempt at a 24-hour voyage. Taking off from Switzerland, the Solar Impulse HB-SIA hit the skies on Wednesday powered only by the sun's energy. SmartPlanet shows you raw footage of the experimental plane in flight.

    Length: 00:01:31

  • 3 tests to improve energy efficiency in your home

    How do you know if the ducts in your house are leaking air and if so what you should do about it? SmartPlanet visits the home of real estate specialist Rita Gatlin who is focused on making her home more energy-efficient. Rita hired Kevin Beck a home auditor to measure deficiencies in her house using hi-tech diagnostic tools.

    Length: 00:03:18

  • Diabetes risk test prevents disease

    Type II diabetes, the kind associated with obesity, is an epidemic in the US. It can cause blindness, loss of limbs and heart problems. Tethys Bioscience has developed a diabetes risk test that allows doctors to identify people most at risk of getting the disease within five years - those with elevated blood sugar, a family history of diabetes and those with obesity - and treat them with drug therapy and lifestyle changes.

    Length: 00:03:02

  • Outdoor furniture company targets 'sustainability'

    Marin Outdoor Living had a difficult 2009, but the retailer changed strategies and is now focusing on a popular line of sustainable outdoor furniture, Mama Green, and "staycation shoppers". Going green is paying off.

    Length: 00:02:32

  • Portable solar designed for farmers

    Jason Halpern, co-founder of PowerFlower Solar grew up on a farm in New Jersey and realized that conventional solar systems were not suitable for farming, so he developed a portable solar generator while still a student at the University of Pennsylvania. The PowerFlower uses concentrated photovoltaic technology which makes it easy for farmers to move the generator around their fields, deploying to the areas that need it most.

    Length: 00:01:46

  • Student entrepreneurs share their 'intelligent' innovations

    At a Churchill Club event held in Mountain View, Calif., five young inventors explain their creations, which include a flower-shaped solar device, an eco-friendly one-wheeled motorcycle, and a website that helps users to discover if their crush has a crush on them.

    Length: 00:04:09


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