In an interview yesterday, Rep. Connie Mack, R-Cape Coral, defended the American public’s right to know the information contained in the hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables leaked to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks, saying “the blame here should fall on the administration and the Department of Defense.”

“If they don’t want the information to get out, then they need to have procedures in place to make sure that information doesn’t get out,” he said on the Fox Business show Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano , a clip of which you can watch after the jump.

Mack also agreed with the host of the program’s assertion that Americans have a right to know the contents of the leaks, “no matter how we acquire that knowledge.”

“I agree with you,” Mack said. “I think that we do have a right to know.”

Mack’s comments put him at odds with many in his own party. Florida resident and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Monday that the leaking of the documents constitutes “treason” and that “ anything less than execution is too kind a penalty .”

The segment on WikiLeaks begins around the 2:40 mark: