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Televisiondramas Blog - Tiffany Weiss -

Uncategorized -- Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009
I liked this episode because it was well written and very exciting, two winning combinations. I thought Sydney stole an important piece of jewelry from Amanda, since Sydney is always decked out in jewelry. I was wrong because Amanda thinks Sydney stole a painting. Maybe David has it, since he has a history of stealing [...]
MELROSE PLACE 2009 -- Monday, Dec. 7, 2009
I thought this episode was really exciting because a lot of the stories reached a new height. Violet got mad at Riley for turning Auggie over to the police. I thought Violet was going to get even with Riley somehow for hurting Auggie, since that has been her pattern of behavior. When Violet’s adopted brother [...]
MELROSE PLACE 2009 -- Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009
The mystery of who killed Sydney continues as David believes he was framed by his father. That is a definite possibility after what David found in Michael’s car. I have to wonder if Michael is the type of guy who would do something like that to his own son. I think Riley did the right [...]
MELROSE PLACE 2009 -- Monday, Nov. 16, 2009
Auggie is now wanted for Sydney’s murder, because the police found a knife with his blood on it. This confuses me because David was looking pretty guilty in the last episode. He was the one who buried the knife with blood on it. I wonder if David framed Auggie or his prints got on the [...]

Tiffany Weiss's The Good Wife Blog - Tiffany Weiss -

The Good WifeUncategorized -- Monday, May. 10, 2010
I loved the beginning of the episode because it was so exciting and filled with drama. I thought it was very creative of Zack to use the skateboard in order to cover for Peter. Alicia better watch him, because he’s thinking a lot like his dad! I’m so glad she’s realizing what a dishonest cheating [...]
Uncategorized -- Monday, Apr. 12, 2010
I really liked the opening of this episode with the jury discussing the murder case. It was a new and creative way to start the episode, and grab the audience. It was great to see and hear what it is like for a jury to make a decision. Up until now we only had witnesses [...]
Uncategorized -- Friday, Mar. 19, 2010
I was really looking forward to this episode because something was going to happen between Will and Alicia. I would like to know more about their relationship at Georgetown, and how it ended. I was horrified about Alicia sleeping with Peter, that was the last thing I expected. I think she was substituting Peter for [...]
Uncategorized -- Thursday, Mar. 11, 2010
It seems that every episode keeps getting more and more exciting! My favorite scene from this one was Will challenging the judge on her rulings. It was beautifully written and acted because of the subtle detail. I didn’t even pick up on what the judge was doing until Will said something. A witness was murdered [...]
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