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German man builds wall, traps himself in cellar

November 26, 2010
A German DIY enthusiast accidentally walled himself into his own basement and only managed to escape by drilling his way through to his neighbors, police said Thursday.

Ex-House leader Tom DeLay guilty of money-laundering

November 26, 2010
A Texas jury on Wednesday found former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, dubbed "The Hammer" for his hard-driving style, guilty of money laundering and conspiracy.

Sarah Palin: Serious 2012 contender or pretender?

November 26, 2010
Sarah Palin, the telegenic Republican who exasperates and delights voters about equally, is dropping ever more hints of a presidential bid, including a visit Saturday to the key state of Iowa.

After 50 days adrift, 3 teens rescued in S Pacific

November 26, 2010
Three teens who have been missing in the South Pacific for 50 days — and were already eulogized in a memorial service — have been found alive by a New Zealand fishing boat.

Mexico's modern city succumbs to drug violence

November 26, 2010
A 21-year-old university student lies dead from a gunshot to the head. Nearby, paramedics wrap the head of another woman in a blood-soaked shirt while her husband holds their cowering children.

SKorea's defense chief resigns after NKorea attack

November 26, 2010
South Korea's president ordered more troops to a front-line island and dumped his defense minister Thursday as the country grappled with lapses in its response to a deadly North Korean artillery strike.

North Korea blames South Korea, US, vows more strikes as carrier nears

November 25, 2010
North Korea on Thursday blamed the South and the US for provoking its artillery bombardment and warned it was ready to strike again.

Maliki to be named premier

November 25, 2010
President Jalal Talabani was to officially name Nuri al-Maliki to a second term as Iraq’s premier on Thursday, giving him 30 days to form a Cabinet after an eight-month impasse since a general election.

US cracks down on fake pot as health hazard

November 25, 2010
Cracking down on fake pot, the government began emergency action Wednesday to outlaw five chemicals used in herbal blends to make synthetic marijuana. They’re sold in drug paraphernalia shops and on the Internet to a burgeoning market of teens and young adults.

Indian village bans cell phones for unwed women

November 25, 2010
A northern Indian village has banned unmarried women from using cell phones for fear they will arrange forbidden marriages that are often punished by death, a local official said Wednesday.

North Korean shelling killed 4, gutted homes

November 25, 2010
As they left behind gutted homes, scorched trees and rubble-strewn streets, residents of the tiny South Korean island shelled by North Korea told harrowing tales of fiery destruction and narrow escapes.

North Korean leader and son visited artillery site ? reports

November 25, 2010
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and his son and successor Jong-un visited the artillery base from where shells were fired at a South Korean island just hours before the attack, South Korean media reported on Thursday.

Pope's stand still sowing confusion

November 25, 2010
Days after the release of Pope Benedict XVI's comments that condoms can be justified to prevent the spread of HIV, there is widespread confusion about exactly what he was trying to say.

NKorean attack tied to succession: US

November 25, 2010
North Korea's artillery attack on South Korea was likely related to Pyongyang's succession plans for the regime's leader-in-waiting, the US military's top officer said Wednesday.

Airport lines move smoothly despite warnings

November 25, 2010
The lines of Thanksgiving travelers moved quickly and smoothly at airports around the country Wednesday morning despite an Internet campaign to get passengers to gum up the works on one of the busiest days of the year by refusing full-body scans.

U.S. aircraft carrier heads for Korean waters

November 25, 2010
A U.S. aircraft carrier group set off for Korean waters on Wednesday, a day after North Korea rained artillery shells on a South Korean island, in a move likely to enrage Pyongyang and unsettle its ally, China.

Irish unveil harshest cuts, tax hikes in history

November 25, 2010
Ireland unveiled the harshest budget measures in its history Wednesday, a four-year plan to slash deficits euro15 billion ($20 billion) so it can get a massive bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

2nd blast ends hopes for survival of 29 NZ miners

November 25, 2010
Elation over a possible rescue attempt quickly turned to anguish for the families of 29 New Zealand miners missing underground since last week when a second powerful blast ended any hope for another mine miracle.

South Korea reports 2 civilian deaths in North Korea clash

November 24, 2010
Rescuers found the burned bodies Wednesday of two islanders killed in a North Korean artillery attack — the first civilian deaths from a skirmish that marked a dramatic escalation of tensions between the rival Koreas.

What not to wear for air travel

November 24, 2010
It was no crime of fashion, but Wendy Gigliotti’s bulky sweater and ankle-length skirt made her a target of airport screeners.