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Son Dambi unleashes ‘dB Rider’ MV
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Son Dambi unleashes ‘dB Rider’ MV

Yesterday, Son Dambi released a new version of her song?” db Rider ” for her upcoming follow-up promotions.

A day has passed, and the full MV for “dB Rider” was finally unleashed today.

Throughout the MV, Son Dambi showcases her new sexy “cat woman” image. Check it out below.

Stay tuned as Son Dambi will begin her follow-up promotions on this week’s ‘ Music Bank ‘, followed by ‘ Music Core ‘ and ‘ Inkigayo ‘.

discussion 94comments

  1. the chorus could be so much more powerful considering it’s the part without autotune..

  2. Why are comments so harsh? Yes, this MV isn’t one of the best, yes her comeback was a bit of a disappointment but that doesn’t mean the girl can’t sing. I fell in love with Dambi’s music after hearing ‘Cry Eye’ however I do have to agree with some of the commenter(s), it seemed like all her talent vanished and seriously guys, auto-tone is basically a number one thing in Korea. I didn’t see anyone bash when 2NE1 did it (I’m not hating, I love their new album way too much) and there’s no difference here. So shut the flip up about it. >__<

  3. This is a very good composition, the producer thinks outside of the box. Great song.

  4. @78: And I suppose your face changes everyday? How stupid.

  5. uhh, she needs a better producer.

  6. more like autotune rider..

  7. son dambi is pretty as usual but i’m not crazy about the song and the dance as well. they really should have chosen another song – i think that’s the worst track she has ever promoted

  8. i mean son dam bi is hot and everything…but where does the “catwoman” concept play into all of this?

  9. what the HELL is that guy saying at the beginning?

    This song doesn’t really do much for me but then again most of her songs don’t do much for me. Not as exciting because of the lack of powerful vocals. However, she is extremely sellable and has a good fan base so I’m sure she’ll do fine.

  10. for some weird reason I like this song so much…
    this is her song that I like the most because maybe I like this music style..
    but the thing is, she show off her sex appeal too much but well, kpop nowadays *sigh*

  11. l0ol @ the haters the video was pretty good and her voice was never amazing sow hy R ppl making a big deal now??? She has sold well in the past and now ppl R gonna complain I can’t anyways she doesn’t suck at all not even close to it the girl can dance rlly well tho she doesn’t showcase it much recent and her voice is decent not all idols can sing honestly. Anyways good video better than Queen and I hope she promotes Can’t you see or just moves on to a new album

  12. @#64

    alright 64, i know sondambi has her own color/feel to her singing. but obviously, she’s not using that to appeal to the listeners. she is using her body and sex appeal. that’s fine, a lot of artists do that, both females and males. but what angers me? is that she ruins this song, this song could have been HOT if someone with a POWERFUL voice sang it. her voice is not fitting to this style. isn’t it obvious? she’s getting so many negative reactions. that in itself proves she S-U-C-K-S. i’m really sad that her career turned into this, i can’t take her seriously regardless of her true talents.

  13. this is lame.. T_T

  14. qua hay toi yeu sondambi qua

  15. I’m not feeling this MV at all. The whole concept of having expensive cars + motorcycles in the background as props is played out & cliche. Regarding ‘the engrish’ in the beginning..while I agree the pronunciation doesn’t have to be perfect, at least the guy can enunciate more clearly, so we can at least make out what the hell he is saying.

  16. She should just promote Can’t you see , it’s much better than this .. dB rider makes me think that this song is some masked rider theme song ..
    anyway , she look better when she doesn’t tie her hair :D

  17. No offence but why does Son Dambi always look the same…

  18. The is kinda growing on me lol. I really didn’t like it when her mini album came out (Beat up by a girl is much better!), however now i watch the MV i can’t help but like the song. It’s strange and sounds like 2 songs mix together but it kinda works. I can’t wait to see her live performance, maybe that will make me like the song even more.

  19. I actually liked Queen more

  20. I’d love to be that guy’s english tutor.

  21. even though i wasnt a BIG fan of Queen but i thought Queen showed more of her voice then this song, it bothered me that it was all .. how can say this altered? & i felt like it wasnt much of her sing & more of that guy rapping. But i definently like this look better for Dambi, but it’s a very fresh look. it’s like i’ve seen this concept b4…

  22. I think I’m glad that this is closer to the earlier image and concept of Dambi, but I have to admit, the song does nothing for me, especially with the recent comeback songs from J-Lim and 2NE1.

  23. I was so confused with the guy in the beginning actually gave me a good laugh hahahaha. Dambi looks good as usual, although I expected a “180 degree change,” it’s really not that big of a change from what we’ve seen from her. I’m kinda lukewarm about this song, there’s no real climax to it. I keep waiting for the chorus maybe, then later on realize that she’s actually singing it already. I guess it’s cause she really suited the Brave Brothers style & this is kind of a try at that.

  24. KIDS..When you judge someone, you don’t define them. you define yourself.

  25. Pledis is pissing me off. Just because Bang! worked, doesn’t mean they need another song with some guy rambling on in Engrish, it just sounds horrible.
    And this whole album sucked, give her a Brave Brothers song >.>

  26. This is the Dambi that i knew !!! The MV is hot !!! Let’s wait for the live and see…

  27. i must say.. dambi isnt much of a singer. but shes one hell of a dancer.

  28. Oh and I think the MV’s hot. Just looking at her face is enough. I envy her for her perfect body XD

  29. meh, I can barley hear her sing.
    I like Queen better~
    and whenever I hear “DB Rider”
    i keep thinking of Kamen Rider
    which is strange because I hate that show.

  30. i think she should turn to acting . . .seriosuly.
    AS amazing as her dancing is and AS amazing as her looks are. . i think we know what good music is. . and whats not.
    i mean . . look at yoon eun hye from Baby VOX and Park soojin from SUGAR. . both were mediocore in singing. . . but MANN when it came to acting- they blew u0 the industry. Maybe Son dambi can do that well. . her songs arent appealing to me as her dancing is. Sorry to break it.

  31. Funny shit how so many people are judging her…saying how she “can’t sing”, and “it’s so autotuned”. LOL, this is K pop, every fricken song you will ever hear from k pop is gonna have some autotune in it. And why would you repeatedly emphasize that “she can’t sing!” when you have never even heard her ballads before?. You guys are only judging her based on Queen and DB Rider. Her voice is actually very soft and emotional. Just b/c she doesn’t sound powerful all the time like 2NE1 doesn’t mean she can’t sing -_- It’s the same with Narsha. Narsha has an incredible voice but some ppl say she can’t sing just cuz her voice doesn’t come out loud enough.

    #53 LOL sorry but before you criticize her so harshly maybe you should know some facts. Her dance moves in “Crazy” and “Saturday Night” were VERY popular…the nation went crazy. Son Dambi was KNOWN as the female Rain before she debuted. Why? Because she was a b girl, a good dancer. But Netizens didn’t appreciate that so her style changed. You should really check out her “Cry Eye” performances. The woman can dance. Again, she doesn’t have a strong voice but one that is full of emotion.

    -Oh and just saying, it doesn’t matter what we think really. Korean Netizens love her, and that’s all it matters I guess XD Sadly, we have no influence-

  32. no, please stop bashing the song. the song is actually really good. would have been amazing if someone like shinee or boa sang it. WAY TO RUIN IT SONDAMBI YOUR SINGING SKILLS ARE A JOKE. still, it’s better than queen.

  33. i like the mv and also Son Dambi.But,this song isn’t not as i expected.Can barely hear her voice cause the music is too loud.

  34. Is it just me that i absolutely loving this song! Yeah it may be over auto-tune. But hey, it isn’t that bad what? Maybe its because other than normal songs, i also like auto-tune songs

  35. The dance was pretty cool, and I like the song, but the MV seemed really generic (she was still very sexy though). Queen MV was much more unique, and I loved the outlandish/fairyland concept she had for that (the whole ballerina/princess fusion). This seems more like the generic sexy, and doesn’t strike me as much as when I saw her in the Queen MV.
    By the way, my friend the other day told me that he thinks she looks a lot like Scarlett Johansson… Now that I’ve heard that, I have to agree O_O

  36. #58 With my criticisms, I said EXTREME use of autotune to the point that what she says is almost incomprehensible, which is a first for me.

  37. it’s amazing how there are some people who criticize son dambi for using auto tune but never apply the same standards when judging their favorite artists. let’s be honest here, there are barely any kpop artists who don’t use auto tune, so let’s lay off on using that to critique anyone.

  38. I am not one to speak ill of kpop artists. I’ll apologize in advance, but this song is the most awful song I’ve heard in kpop this year.

    The autotune is EXTREME to the point you can’t even understand what they’re saying. Not to mention the English spoken in the song is disgraceful. Razor razor hyper beam something wtf?

    Let me stress the fact that I think Son Dambi is great, but the song is ..

  39. Love Son Dambi, but this music video was nowhere near impressive enough. And I hate that a perfectly good song was ruined by Engrish overload (both her and the dude).

  40. I usually like you Dambi but sorry this track didnt do it for me. Better luck next time though.

  41. why is she a singer?

  42. She is pretty, but that’s all to it!
    She lip-sync , neither have strong voice nor incredible dance movement.
    I praise the producer who turn her into idol.

  43. someone stop the guy who is mumbling! Its really annoying… and what is he saying??? it korean or arabic…??? coz i can understand even one word… (i know korean)

  44. this song is much better then her last one.. and she looks hot

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