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WorldDMB - RSS Feeds - Receiving the Latest Information From Our Website
The Wayback Machine -
DAB+ offers lower infrastructure costs for new services than any other digital radio platform *** DAB family of standards is extremely flexible - it is easy to transmit DAB, DAB+ and DMB on the same transmission *** Over 50 different combined DAB/DAB+ receiver models commercially available *** A typical DAB kitchen radio consumes a third less power than an energy saving light bulb *** DAB Slide show pictures enables advertisers to couple pictures with audio magnifying consumer brand awareness *** There are more DAB radios available than any other digital radio platform ***

RSS Feeds - Receiving the Latest Information From Our Website

By using RSS feeds, you can easily receive the latest news and updates from WorldDMB's website. By using RSS feed, you are no longer forced to load the entire web site in order to check the latest updates.

RSS is short for "Really Simple Syndication" or "RDF Site Summary", but some might also call it "Rich Site Summary". We prepare our headlines in an XML format that is understandable for an RSS reader software that will enable you to read our news service.

RSS readers (also known as feed aggregators ) are freely configurable, and you can subscribe to any news source that provides an RSS or RDF feed by adding the feed's link to your RSS reader.

An RSS reader lists all the latest headlines from any news feed you might have subscribed to. Simply click on a headline, and a browser window will open, showing the full details of your chosen news item.

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