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Jersey Shore

Snooki’s Pal Deena Cortese Talks About Moving to Jersey Shore

August 7, 2010

Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi may swear by pickles, but her season 3 Jersey Shore costar Deena Cortese says her must-have at all times is CVS-purchased lip gloss. Despite a difference in favorite things, Cortese says she and her pint-sized partner-in-crime are “two peas in a pod.” PEOPLE caught up with MTV’s newest reality vixen at the Beverly Hilton for MTV’s Television Critics Association panel to ask her about clubbing, being sorry for using a racial slur in a MySpace video and her “sexy” housemate Ronnie Magro . –Dahvi Shira

You knew Snooki from before the show, so how did you end up finally becoming a cast member?
[Snooki] basically needed a partner-in-crime in the house, and me and her are exactly alike … It kind of scares me. She was like, “Deena, get you’re ‘a’ down here to Seaside. We’re going to party.”

How did the two of you meet?
We knew each other through her ex-boyfriend. She used to date one of my friends … and as soon as we met, it was just like heaven. We’ve known each other for about two years now. Read the rest of this entry »

Bachelor Pad

Chris Harrison Says Bachelor Pad Will Have You ‘Hooked’

August 6, 2010

Not sure what to watch on Monday night now that The Bachelorette is over ?

Have no fear! Chris Harrison says viewers who love the drama of The Bachelor and Bachelorette haven’t seen anything compared to the excitement stirred up by the “crazy” stars of ABC’s spin-off, Bachelor Pad .

“There’s competition, there’s romance, there’s drama,” the host told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM morning show . “[We] put them in a house, in one room, sleeping in bunk beds … It is excellent TV. And it’s all the characters you already care about. The moment they walk in the house, you’re hooked.”

The show, which reunites 19 contestants from previous seasons of the hit franchise, will have 11 women and 8 men participating. See who’s moving in.

Harrison, whose co-host is Melissa Rycroft , gave listeners a tease of what’s to come on the first episode of of the show. “In episode one, this girl named Michelle [ Kujawa from Jake Pavelka 's season of The Bachelor ] — and sadly, her nickname was kind of ‘Crazy Michelle,’ because she cried a lot on the show,” Harrison explains. “She comes in and a rumor was started about her. And look, the rumor was uncalled for. She didn’t deserve it. But the way she handles it is so out-of-control … The way it ended was completely her fault.” Bachelor Pad premieres Monday on ABC. –Dahvi Shira

Tell us: Will you tune in to Bachelor Pad ?


TV News

Rosie O’Donnell Will Return to Daytime TV

August 6, 2010

She’s baaack!

Three years after leaving The View , Rosie O’Donnell is coming back to daytime television by teaming up with OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network for her own daily talk show.

“Rosie is an undeniable talent who has captivated TV audiences for nearly 20 years,” Winfrey , 56, said Thursday in a statement. “She’s a true original, who brings her authentic voice, dynamic energy and pure passion to everything she does.”

The show, according to OWN, will be “fun” and “uplifting” with O’Donnell’s “playful and energetic style.”

“It’s an honor and privilege to work with Oprah Winfrey on her network,” says O’Donnell, 48, who will produce the show, which will premiere in 2011 and be based in New York.

O’Donnell, who had her own Emmy-winning show from 1996 to 2002, hasn’t exactly been low-key since her departure from The View . Along with her blog , she’s also hosted her own daily Sirius XM radio show since last fall.

In January, she debuted her HBO documentary A Family Is a Family Is a Family: A Rosie O’Donnell Celebration , which highlights different family dynamics. –Eunice Oh

Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic


The View

Which Reality Star Had the Toughest Time on The View ?

August 6, 2010

It was a rough week for reality stars on The View . First, Teresa Giudice faced the panel Joy Behar , Elisabeth Hasselbeck and guests Bryant Gumbel and Mario Cantone — on Monday to promote her book, Skinny Italian , and answer tough questions about her widely reported financial troubles, which include filing for bankruptcy last fall and possibly having her personal belongings put on the auction block .

“Whew! It’s over! I knew The View wasn’t going to be a lovefest, but you gotta take the tough questions sometimes,” the Real Housewives of New Jersey star posted later on her Facebook page . “I’m a tough cookie. It takes more than an old comedian to bring me down.”

Then, on Wednesday, the women welcomed Bachelor star Jake Pavelka , who talked about his relationship and messy breakup with Vienna Girardi . He also found himself denying he is gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay — “One of my best friends is gay,” he said. When he told Elisabeth, “I can’t see how someone would look at you and not be completely attracted,” Sherri Shepherd shut him down and said, “She’s married.” Read the rest of this entry »

Big Brother

Big Brother : Rachel Orchestrates Another Eviction

August 6, 2010

Goodbye hippie-tard, we hardly knew you.?

After Andrew ‘s outgoing speech , Kristen ‘s days in the Big Brother house were all but numbered. Rachel seemed bent on purging the house of alpha females, and the secret Brigade alliance viewed the part-time model as a full-time distraction for their “Animal.”?

Hayden , doing his best to straddle party lines, hatched a master plan that involved extensive backstabbing and was designed to send floater Kathy out the door, but Rachel torpedoed the plan when she revealed to POV holder , Britney , that if the nominations were changed she would put Lane up as a replacement.?

“I didn’t want her to use the Veto.” Rachel later explained. “I don’t want to be in a super-alliance with Hayden and Kristen. I want Kristen out of here.” Read the rest of this entry »

Project Runway

Project Runway : It’s Double Trouble for the Designers

August 6, 2010

Thursday’s episode (kind of) returned to Project Runway ‘s roots, right? Designers has one day and $150 to create a look that embodied the Marie Claire woman, an ageless femme who’s fashion-forward, confident and sexy. The winning look would be featured on a billboard in New York’s Times Square — a super-sized honor.

However, the show also delivered the first big surprise of the season. (But more on that in a bit.)

In its new 90-minute format, Runway definitely gave us a bigger peek into the designer’s lives Thursday night. We learned Andy uses airbrush foundation, Peach is becoming a “surrogate mom” to 21-year-old April and poor Mondo is really feeling lonely in this pack of personalities. We saw contestants share drinks in their apartments, eat dinner together at Parsons and chat after being deemed safe in the runway show. Read the rest of this entry »


Jersey Shore

Three Reasons to Watch Jersey Shore Season 2

August 6, 2010

Lots of people will liken Jersey Shore to a car wreck that you just can’t help but watch. I’d like to take that one step further.

You know that feeling when you’re crawling down a congested highway, mentally cursing all the rubberneckers in front of you? “ Why do they all have to stare at the wrecked car on the side of the road?” you might wonder aloud. “If everyone would just keep moving, we wouldn’t be in this traffic jam in the first place.”

Then, when you finally drive past the wreckage yourself, what do you do? You look. Every time.

It’s human nature, and that is what MTV has tapped into. Some of the magic may be gone in season 2, but the show remains a must-watch guilty pleasure. Emphasis on the guilty. I’m sure plenty of viewers sit on their couches on Thursday nights, asking themselves, “Why am I watching this?”

For this week’s entry, I will provide three answers to that very question: Read the rest of this entry »

So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance : It’s Finale Time!

August 6, 2010

For the first time this season on So You Think You Can Dance , the elimination was determined by the votes of over 10 million fans. And after a rough week for Adechike Torbert , the contemporary dancer was sent home on Thursday’s elimination show. Even though the judges didn’t make the ultimate decision, they did agree with the voters that Torbert’s time had come. ?

“I’m not surprised,” Torbert told PEOPLE after the show. “This journey has shaped who I am right now.”

The journey also gave him the opportunity to work with his idol, Desmond Richardson , and Torbert is grateful to have performed his choreography. “I’m glad I got to leave the show doing a number that meant a lot to me,” he said. “To work with him was a dream come true and an absolute blessing.”

Torbert was a favorite this season , so his departure was really expected. “I was surprised because his voting has been high. America loves him,” Mia Michaels told PEOPLE. “But I think America got it right.” Michaels, who has been his biggest critic during the competition, thinks Torbert has a lot to work on as a dancer and an artist. “He’s a warrior, and his tenacity has gotten him really far,” she said. “And I think because he is a warrior, he’ll be great in anything he chooses to do.”? Read the rest of this entry »

The Real Housewives of DC

Alex McCord’s Real Housewives of DC Blog: Enjoy the Ride, Ladies

August 6, 2010

In season 3 of The Real Housewives of New York City , fans applauded when Alex McCord finally stood up to her costar, Jill Zarin . “When you’re dealing with someone who only understands when you hit her in the face with a verbal two-by-four, then that’s what you have to do,” McCord says of the famous “mean girl” confrontation . Now, McCord, who says, “It is absolutely crucial and necessary in reality TV to let people know how you feel,” is bringing her outspoken attitude to a blog about Bravo’s newest chapter in the hit Housewives franchise, The Real Housewives of Washington D.C. Each week, McCord will share her thoughts on and advice for her D.C. counterparts. “It is a great ride to take in life. It’s so much fun,” McCord says of the reality TV spotlight. “Maintain your sanity in whatever way you need to.” Here’s McCord’s first post about Thursday’s series premiere:

My opening line on New York City series goes like this: “To a certain group of people, status is everything.” But in D.C. , we learned, “the currency is proximity to power.” Both are sweeping statements but both scratch the soft white underbelly of what everyone who is honest thinks, at some point, of either city. So far, most of the D.C. Housewives seem to be sitting in the balcony — about as close to power as Sarah Palin ‘s ex-stylist’s manicurist. Read the rest of this entry »


The Hills

Heidi Montag Misses Her Hills  Costars

August 5, 2010

Now that Heidi Montag has filed for divorced from Spencer Pratt , the Hills star is reflecting on the good old days she once shared with her former TV costars

“[I'm] watching old Hills [episodes],” Montag, 23, Tweeted Wednesday. “I miss you @AudrinaPatridge and most of all @laurenconrad.”

Montag, who recently Tweeted she “has no friends,” reportedly changed her phone number and has had no contact with any of her Hills cast mates (besides Pratt, with whom she shares custody of their dogs ) since she finished filming the show.

Montag did not appear in the final episode of The Hills .

A rep for Conrad did not return a request for comment, and because Patridge is out of the country, her rep says she cannot be reached. –Dahvi Shira

Clinton H. Wallace/Globe


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