An unfortunate title…

On the front of the spring edition of all-members Liberal Democrat News.

But this one is even more disturbing. Looks like I’m in the wrong party.


On Holiday.

The Great British Holiday lives on, albeit with American pancake breakfasts with steaming cups of coffee. Went to a brilliant resort called Southwold


Iris & I made buns!

Mmmmmm. Buns.


Calm seas, Auspicious gales

But this rough magic I here abjure, and, when I have required Some heavenly music, which even now I do, To work mine end upon their senses that This airy charm is for, I’ll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound I’ll drown my book.



photosilliness, originally uploaded by ed.podesta. I’ve been doing a photography course with the OU, as I got an amazing camera for christmas, and can’t work the bleedin’ thing. Anyway, this week’s assignment is ‘narrative’ – I had to take a three frame series that told a story. I’m too slow to catch things on the


#iagreewithnick #ge2010


Just keep swimming

Phew! I did it! 5k, 200 lengths in 1 hour and 37 minutes – I take that to be about 28.5 secs per length on average.


Just Keep Swimming

I’m swimming 5k on the 13th of April (that’s 200 lengths!) in support of Marie Curie Cancer Care.? If you’re able, then I’d be delighted if you felt you could support me by sponsoring my efforts! Powered by ScribeFire.


The age of satire

Whilst many of the other exampes on make one titter, this example is a stroke of genius. The choice of picture alone is worth a million quid, pre-international exhange rate fluctuation quids too. The caption is great, but it’s not until you read the tag line that you realise that you have witnessed something


Kevin McKenna

I just spent a very happy half hour reading some of Kevin McKenna’s contributions to the guardian. I agree with every word, it was a bit of a revelation. Take a look at the one about private schools.? If it weren’t for Mr McKenna’s obvious talent and writing skill, I could have written that.
