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Windows Server Division WebLog : December 2007 - Posts
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December 2007 - Posts

Xen in the Windows kernal or Hyper-V? Ha-ha

Every now and again we'll use this blog to correct errors in the public domain, mainly by journalists or analyst trying to do a good job but who come up short on fact checking due to time constraints (yes I'm being nice). Of course some of these errors are more obvious than others. The latest form of error pertains to Hyper-V. Somehow both Greg in Australia and Mario in New York believe that Hyper-V is built on Xen [cough]. Hyper-V, the new beta feature in Windows Server 2008 RC1, running on top of Xen [cough-cough]. Maybe they're confused over our July 2006 interop announcement with XenSource? Or maybe they take too serious the work MS Research did during the development of Xen 1.x by developing a port of Windows XP to Xen? Or maybe they're working with Oliver Stone, who is exposing another cover-up? Can you imagine GPL code running in the Windows kernal ... now that'd be something. Mario and Greg - a picture is worth a thousand words. I hope the following two diagrams help you.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Hyper-V beta

With a tip of the cap to Francis Church’s famous 1897 editorial, I’m very proud that the team has come through just like St. Nick. Today we announced the public availability of a beta of Hyper-V, the hypervisor-based virtualization feature in Windows Server 2008. You can download it today with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (x64) edition and let us know what you think of it. Before I get into some of the new features in Hyper-V beta, I first want to talk about what I see coming in 2008. I always want to make sure customers and partners know what’s important with our virtualization plans. And hopefully what you’ll read that it’s not too different than what I wrote in February.

Giving feedback on Windows Server 2008

One of the things we sometimes struggle with is getting quality feedback from our customers directly to the developers..... and even more importantly figuring out how to incorporate that feedback into our product planning. So in Windows Server 2008 Server

Microsoft delivers next milestone for highly anticipated Windows Server 2008 with RC1 ready for testing

Hi, for those of you that don’t know me, I’m Tina Couch and I’m the newest member to the Windows Server team. I wanted to share that today we made available the Windows Server 2008 release candidate one (RC1) for customers to download and evaluate. We’re

TechNet Webcast: Managing Windows Server 2008 with Server Manager (Level 200)

Dan Harman, one of the program managers in the Server Manager team will be hosting a webcast next tuesday on Server MAnager (focusing on the changes introduced in the RC1 release) as well was Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), which had its Beta

Windows Server 2008 Certifications and Training

Hello, my name is Lutz Ziob and I am General Manager here at Microsoft Learning. Our organization provides Microsoft customers and partners with the necessary knowledge and skills to optimize the adoption and use of Microsoft solutions. I am very excited

Product Activation Changes and Impacts on Windows Server 2008

Today the Windows group announced some changes in their increased efforts against piracy and new steps being taken to protect Windows Vista (see for details). These changes are coming
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