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The Wayback Machine -
2 April

My Mother Recaps The Real Housewives: Sh*t Just Got Real (Housewives)

Last night’s brand new episode of The Real Housewives of New York City was an emotional rollercoaster made out of live grenades. Kelly showed up to her Playboy interview only to find actor Sam Rockwell awaiting her with sexy open arms. Luanne hulked around. Ramona managed to stomp her little bound feet and throw a restaurant tantrum. Bethenny and Jill erupted into one of the most epic phone fights in housewives history.

And all Alex wanted to do was plan a fashion show in Brooklyn.

As is becoming tradition, I phoned my Mother in Miami in between commercial breaks to get her thoughts on what was transpiring. Read through her recap here, but make sure to read it all the way through… by the end, even she didn’t know what to believe anymore.

On Kelly Bensimon and Her Date:

Kelly’s interview guy was a good looking guy. But her pouting! I wanted to take like some sandpaper and wipe it off her face… I hate her. ‘What do you read? ( snotty voice ) My children’s books.’ She couldn’t even name a book , not even a kiddie book! She needs to read a European book? Really? How about some f**kin american… any literature! I just can’t. I only hope the guy doesn’t call her. I think he felt obligated to ask her out because she was like drooling all over him.

On Jill Zarin, Before the Epic Phone Call with Bethenny:

Let me tell you, sooner than later Jill is going to alienate everybody. Did you see the email she just sent to Kelly? Kelly’s right! What business … this is a show, this is New York, they’re in the same circle… she’s just not ashamed?? What is this?? I see that Bethenny is trying to smooth things over. But Jill is so cocky. She is gonna get f*cked, Michelle, at the end, you wait and see. Bethenny needs to lay low. Because Jill is going to f*ck herself, you’ll see.

Jill is literally uncontrollable. And what the hell is her daughter doing modeling for Seventeen ? That knedle… Curves?? She looks like a matzah ball! She did, I’m sorry. (Ed. Note: Should explain to you how I was raised.)

On Kelly in General:


1 April

American SuicIdol : The Notes They Failed to Hit

American Idol has been, by all accounts, PAINFULLY TERRIBLE this season. Even the singers we like — namely Siobhan Magnus — have been bombing as of recently, and we wonder: “How did these people make it into the Top 10?” This week, one of the few singers we thought had real potential, Didi Benami , was sent packing, while other much less talented people, like Katie Whateverhernameis , continue to embarrass themselves week after week. Either this season is some sort of ploy to get people to watch the all new American X Factor , or the country has run out of people with good voices.

Because this season is just so, so inexplicably terrible, is proud to announce a new weekly feature called American SuicIdol , where we string together the worst notes from each singer in a glorious cacophony of epic proportions that may or may not make you want to off yourselves entirely. Those of you who have so boldly proclaimed that you are ditching this season can thank us for saving you two hours of your life by suffering through the following 43 seconds.

31 March

LOST RECAP: I Got A Package For Ya

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 10 entitled “The Package” , originally airing on March 30, 2010. If you read on, there’s a bunch of spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the episode you’ll be like “Aww man! I didn’t know that character said that weird joke thing in a cartoon speech bubble!”


In their flash-sidewayses, Jack had quit drinking and was bonding with his son, Locke was inviting his dad to his wedding, and Sawyer was an undercover sex-cop, whereas Sayid was still a lovelorn murderer with a tortured past and now we get to see Jin unmarried to Sun and forced to run for his life. So the message is that the new timeline is really good to Caucasians, but really hard on everyone else? Thanks, racist-ass timeline! Next week is gonna be Michael’s flash-sideways and it’s just flaming vultures pecking out his eyes for 45 minutes (actually, per the “next week on Lost” teaser, next week’s episode is remixed Braveheart footage).

We begin our Jin sideways story back at LAX, where Jin and Sun get their luggage back from security sans $25,000 in cash from Sun’s father that was confiscated because it somehow violated the 5 oz. leaving-the-airport liquid rule. The Kwons arrive at a hotel and check into their luxury romance neckin’ suite, but wait — they have separate rooms! And they ain’t the Kwons! Jin is emphatically ringless and sleeping across the hall from Sun, although destiny takes its course and Jin pulls a suave “Hey, just comin’ into your room to tell you I’m going to that restaurant at a billion o’clock oh wait there’s your boobs alllllriiiiighttttt I’ll staaaaayyyyyy…” and spends the night with Sun. Hence, the title of this week’s episode.

Jin & Sun (celeb nickname – “Bennifer”) discuss the romantic prospects of running away together, but are interrupted by someone pounding on the door, who turns out to beeeee……wait, don’t tell me… the candy bar that Jack had trouble getting from the hospital vending machine? Ah! Dang, it’s Keamy again, because they’ve run out of random people to bring back and have them say two lines in a neutral voice before their face is revealed so you’re all like “who is that AWWWW SHEEET!!!!!” Also, we recall that Jin ends up in the cooler at Chef Keamy’s Great American Kid-Shootin’ Bistro from the Sayid flash-sideways, so this actually makes sense.

Keamy demands the $25,000 that Sun’s father sent and summons a translator to get through to Sun, and of course, the Korean translator is Mikhail , the immortal one-eyed Russian! Although in this reality, Mikhail has both of his eyes intact in exchange for the unfortunate curse of being Joe Buck . Sun says she’ll pay Keamy out of her Korean slush fund, and goes on an awkward car ride with Mikhail to the bank while Jin is taped up in Keamy’s restaurant listening to Keamy speak English to himself for ninety minutes. Sayid kills everyone again (thank God – the last thing I need is another reality! I’m printing that campy phrase on a coffee mug that looks like this ) and hesitantly frees Jin, and just as Mikhail and Sun return from the bank empty-handed, Jin gets the drop on Mikhail, they fight it out, and Jin shoots Mikhail multiple times, knocks his eye out again, and quips in his best Arnold, “I know you are, but what am EYE!”

And they lived happily ever after. LOST. Also Sun is pregnant and Jin shot her in the stomach. Aww raspberries!

We haven’t even gotten to the island yet — magic English-language amnesia and more after the jump:


30 March

Fox Cancels “24″ After Just 192 Hours Of Nuclear Explosion Betrayal Twists

Jack Bauer has faced many twists, but now, he must deal with the most dangerous game of all…MAN. Men who cancel television shows. Twist!

After 8 seasons of watching Jack Bauer fight crime and save the world with CTU, Fox is finally canceling hit series 24

…It sounds like there’s a possibility of a 24 movie . Keifer continues, “Looking ahead to the future, Howard Gordon and I are excited about the opportunity to create the feature film version of 24 . But when all is said and done, it is the loyal worldwide fan base that made it possible for me to have the experience of playing the role of Jack Bauer, and for that I am eternally grateful.”

A 24 movie? That’s exactly what the show needs, to not be constrained by the shackles of cramming one day’s worth of events into just 24 hours of airtime on eight separate occasions. There’s so many more plots they could explore!

What if they had the person you thought was trying to help Jack Bauer turn out to be working against Jack Bauer? They should totally have that happen once. They could call the movie “24: Twistamadoo, brought to you by Twisted Tea” and have Yellowcard cover “The Twist” for the end credits. This happened as I was typing.

30 March

Celebrity Apprentice Quickly Spirals Into Obscurity With Loss of Sinbad

Picture it: Sunday night. 9:02 PM. An hour earlier, my flight landed at JFK following 8 straight days of intense traveling, walking, touring and partying. I am a shadow of my own self. All I want is to turn on my TV, my sweet, very missed friend, collapse, and soak in the hours of missed programming. It was my very own digital “Calgon Take Me Away” moment.

It was then I powered up the old television, and happened upon the exact following moment. Don’t tell me there isn’t a vengeful God out there after watching this:

For seriously, the first American accented words I heard on our soil was Trump saying “Sinbad, you’re fired.” WTFingF? SINBAD. FIRED. This was the moment I had been dreading all season, and it happened on the second episode ?

Who are we going to count on to always have their bluetooth headset in, waiting for that fateful call from Quentin Tarantino asking Sinbad if he had any interest in starring in his upcoming project? (A call that we pray will one day come.) Who will be the solid comic relief bet on the men’s team? Who will Bret Michaels have to face off in the finale? (Yes, still holding out hope.)

Celebrity Apprentice
, I can’t express how disappointed I am in you. Goodbye, Sinbad. Farewell my brother.

26 March

The Office Open Thread: Sucks To Be Youuu!

I mostly enjoyed last night’s Office episode, “Happy Hour”, which was kind of the ideal, likable midseason non-plot-moving episode: Three interesting-enough stories going on at once, a bunch of laugh lines, some good character moments, and the entire supporting cast getting some screentime. I didn’t buy the ending at all, when the manager who almost kicked Michael out of her bar suddenly showed an immediate romantic interest in Michael without him really doing anything — the sudden change seemed a little on the “obvious punchliney” side for the Office , which has happened a few times this season — but it wasn’t that big of a deal in an otherwise very watchable half hour.

In the end, I laughed at enough parts — “We could really use a fourth” “Sucks to be youuuu!”, “I’m Date Mike – nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning? [AWFUL WINK]” — for me to come away liking the episode, although Michael’s instantly-insane date antics marked another instance of Michael acting painfully cartoony, which has happened a few times this season (last week’s “New Leads” episode for sure, the “Secret Santa” one, several others). Granted, he’s always been the show’s main source of ridiculousness, but these instantly-crazy Michael episodes really stand out as odd in contrast to the recent ones when Jim was starting as co-manager and began to almost sympathize with Michael’s character. They’re also a far cry from the “Michael Scott Paper Company” episodes when Michael showed some actual basic competence, which nicely balanced his ridiculous moments and added a far more interesting and plausible aspect to the show (I don’t want to watch “Secret Santa” episode Michael run an office for seven years).

A friend of mine asked the question — though just for discussion’s sake, as he also didn’t believe it was true — if The Office really has been fading this season, and while I instantly thought of how many great episodes there’ve been and specific jokes I’ve laughed at, I also really have trouble foreseeing where the show’s gonna go from here. Jim’s still a salesman in Scranton, and so’s Pam; they have a kid but it’s barely changed anything. Dwight’s still Jim’s enemy. Michael’s still the Scranton boss. Kathy Bates owns the company now instead of the David Wallace crew, but her appearance run was only temporary and the Sabre takeover is complete. I’m very much hoping to be proven wrong, but what turns could the Office possibly take in a seventh season that wouldn’t be either mundane or wildly implausible? I’m not asking an angry rhetorical question, I seriously do want to know.

That’s all for me — Thoughts on last night’s Office episode? Season 6 so far as a whole? Where does the plot go from here? Quote away in the comments.

25 March

VIDEO: Tina Fey On Tracy Morgan And The Greatest Pickup Line Ever

Tina Fey appeared on Letterman last night to gloat about 30 Rock’s record-breaking German premiere and to, of course, imitate Tracy Morgan .

I could honestly listen through a 12-disc box set of nothing but 30 Rock staffers telling Tracy Morgan stories. I’m also using Tracy’s latest pickup line on everyone I ever meet from now on, and not just girls I’m hitting on, I’m talking like, male co-workers, cab drivers, my tax dude, you name it.

24 March


This is a Recap of Lost Season 6 Episode 9 entitled “Ab Aeterno”, originally airing March 24, 2010. It’s full of spoilers, so don’t read on if you don’t know that the island is hell. I’m not joking this time, they actually said that! But it’s also not really! Huh?? That’s why we have these Recaps.


Two weeks after “Dr. Linus”, maybe the best episode of Season 6 so far, Lost punched us in the crotch with a Spanish Richard Alpert backstory, and all the sudden, the title of “Best Episode Of The Season” has been passed right along yet again. Where did this episode come from? Or should I say, WHEN did this episode come from? No, never mind, the first one. Let’s delve into the Spanish zaniness and find out!

The episode opens with the islanders convening to re-explain the candidates thing and reminding themselves what’s going on before Richard blows up and confesses that he was trying to kill himself, and unambiguously explains that he has no plan, everyone is dead, and the island is hell. Whew! Been waiting to hear that for six years! It’s all solved now. OR IS IT??? DAMMIT! I was hoping I wouldn’t type “Or is it?” after saying that it is all solved. No, it’s not at all solved now, because they’re not dead and it’s not hell, or at least, not hell in the textbook “hell” sense (from the hell textbook). Explanation? Let’s go to the tape, by which I mean the long-awaited Richard Alpert backstory.

Richard, formerly known as “Ricardo”, and more formerly known as “James Ford”, is tending to his ailing wife in a late 19th century period piece about the Canary Islands. He rides through the rain to meet the local doctor / aristocrat / assh*le, who explains that he’s not gonna make a trip all the way out to some stupid dying woman and miss the Canary Islands Idol results show, so he offers up some medicine that’s so expensive, Richard’s measly pouch of coins and sentimental-ass cross pendant merely insult the doctor.

An exasperated Richard decides, “If I push you a little maybe it’ll solve this!” and pushes the doctor, who falls, hits his head, and dies instantly — He can save the lives of others, but the only life he can’t save…IS HIS OWN. The Doctor . May 2010. — and Ricardo snags the meds and rushes home, only to find that his wife has already died. Whatta day! Suddenly, he doesn’t feel as bad about leaving the cap off his mostly-full guyliner tube the day before.

Richard is arrested and throws himself at the mercy of a priest, who explains he’ll need a whole lifetime of servitude to atone for his deeds, and Richard’s like, “You got it, anything for God,” and the father’s like “Psych! We’re hanging you in three minutes!” Richard catches a break when an English-speaking ship captain recruits him for an expedition to crash into the island statue, and the expedition wildly succeeds, leaving the vessel — guess which vessel! The Black Rock! — wrecked on the island with the slaves trapped below.

Then what happens? Read on below to find out! Though if you don’t already know and you’re still reading this, you must just be a huge fan of looking at words!


22 March

CBS Promotes Its Shows During March Madness With Random Basketballs, Which Us Basketball Fans Love!!!

Do you like basketball? Then you’ll love all of CBS’ amazing non-basketball programming, especially when the network constantly promotes the shows during March Madness by randomly inserting basketballs, brackets, and general basketball terminology into the promos! Don’t you love those things, Sportsy McViewerson??

First up, an ad featuring Jeff Probst holding a basketball and explaining how Survivor is full of “elbows” and “slam dunks” (i.e., people on an island “dunking” each other into an island), concluding with this bracketed title screen:

Next up: You’re not watching Two And A Half Men or Big Bang Theory ? Oh you will, casual sporting viewer, after you see the titles of the shows displayed in a bracketed cube with a basketball pingponging around!

While we’re on a roll, here’s a five-second ad for the apparently real show Miami Medical with the voiceover “Personal Foul – Miami Medical style !” for those of us who just indiscriminately love things with personal fouls in them:


22 March

How To Make A Subway Poster Demonic With Two Simple Pieces Of Gum

When people ask me why I love living in New York (Ed Note – this never happens), I explain that it’s really all about the little things: the city’s character, the charm, the cultures, the people, the daily bagels with Giuliani in the Statue of Liberty’s head — and nothing makes me quite so happy as when someone takes the time to minorly vandalize a subway poster for seemingly no other reason than to make strangers laugh.

Needless to say, I was excited when I returned to Manhattan on Friday and the first thing I saw was a poster for the FX show “Justified” on which someone had stuck two pieces of chewing gum to turn Timothy Olyphant into Demon Timothy Olyphant:

Who did this? What’s the purpose? Why is it even amusing? Some things in this life just extend beyond the comprehension of us lowly mortals. But I think we can all agree: This poster is better than not this poster.