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Ric Drasin: Arnold's lifting partner!

Reported By: Randy Jennings
Tuesday, October 21, 2003

  In 1970, Ric Drasin worked out at GOLD'S GYM in Venice where he trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger and became his training partner for four years. TheArnoldFans caught up with Ric, who can also be seen in November's release of the eagerly anticipated DVD, PUMPING IRON!

TAFs: You are in Pumping Iron. What is your favorite part of this movie?

Ric : I just like the nostalgia of all of it and seeing my old friends and how things were in those days. Back then no one had home video cameras. Too bad, cause it would have been great to film these characters. When did you first meet Arnold and could you please describe your friendship?

Ric : We met at Gold's Gym in 1970 and had asked if he could work in on Bench Presses. I said, sure, as long as you can keep up with me. I was benching about 450 back then. He liked the challenge and of course asked what was next as we moved on through a work out. We had fun and discussed training the next day. It lead into a nice friendship and then it came to pass that he'd pick me up for breakfast in the morning and then off to the gym to train. After that we'd go to Jamaica Bay Inn in the marina for lunch and swim in the pool. Ken Waller and a few others would show up. NO one ever told us that we couldn't swim there. Arnold weighed about 260 then. He was a good guy and lots of fun.

TAFs: Have you ever almost got into a fight with Arnold, Franco or Louie?

Ric : Never! I've always gotten along with all 3 of them very well. All 3 guys are super nice people and fun to be around.

TAFs: Tell me a funny story about the days you worked with Arnold laying bricks.

Ric : Well it was actually Franco that laid bricks. I think Arnold may have helped him at times but that was Franco's trade at the time. I helped Franco do a chimney for extra bucks and he picked me up in his Mustang and drove about 90 mph up Wilshire Blvd.... He wasn't familiar with our traffic laws.... scared the hell out of me. After a hard days work of cement work, we went to the gym to train. He was strong and I was tired! We also did Guinness World Records together.

TAFs: When you weren't in the gyms, what would you all do while hanging out with these famous bodybuilders? Fast cars and women? Studio 54? What was the hot spot?

Ric : We went to the clubs in Marina Del Rey... Very nice hot spot and lots of women. Bodybuilders were more of 'freaks' then and really out of the ordinary but the women loved it. We were all cheap and wouldn't spend money so I'd always get a club soda from the bar and sip it. I just wanted to mingle and meet some people and then we'd all go to Zucky's Deli on Wilshire later and have cheese omelettes. Had to keep the protein up!

The Incredible '70s!

Ric later trained with Lou Ferrigno as Ric joined "The Incredible Hulk" series as the 'Demi Hulk'.

TAFs: Were there any accidents on the set of the Incredible Hulk when you fought Louie as the Demi Hulk? Did you rough each other up?

Ric : No, it was pretty easy. Having experience as a Pro Wrestler teaches you how to take care of your partner and not to hurt him. The only enemy was the ground, rocks and bushes... hahah

Visit for great Demi Hulk transformation pics!

Ric also starred in Charlie's Angels, TV Series as MR. GALAXY along with Cheryl Ladd, Tanya Roberts and Jacklyn Smith. It still runs all the time.

The Incredible EQUALIZER!

In addition, Ric has a background in Pro Wrestling as the WWF's EQUALIZER, and has trained many students for Pro Wrestling.

TAFs: Can you tell me who were some of the big-named wrestlers you fought in the ring? What was your biggest fight?

Ric : Superstar Billy Graham, John Tolos and Wildman Jack Armstrong. Those were all really big. Later on, Shane '54' was my biggest battle.

TAFs: How did you get into the wrestling field and did you prefer wrestling over the bodybuilding?

Ric : I got into the Pro Wrestling field somewhat via my Father. He doesn't know it cause he passed away when I was 18. But, he used to take me to the matches every Thursday night and I loved going. Now this was back in the 50's so it was a lot different then. But I was intrigued by Wrestling and Bodybuilding and in fact I still have a YORK BARBELL CLUB sweatshirt that I purchased back then. I started working out at the age of 16 and I was playing lead guitar in one of the hottest rock groups around. We even had a contract with Capital Records. But, I wanted to be in shape.

Muscles started popping out everywhere and I was thrilled by it. My friends were envious and kept telling me that by the time I was 30 all that would turn to FAT... What the Hell did they know. They're all old and fat now and I'm a year a away from 60 and still in great shape. Well about the time I turned 20 I decided to seek out some Wrestling training. I had already won quite a few bodybuilding contests, including Mr. California and Mr. USA but it wasn't too satisfying. I needed to vent my Character in a wrestling ring.

I found that the Olympic auditorium in Los Angeles had a place to train and I got Johnnie May Young, the Women's world champ to train me. She was tough and tough on me. I had to learn how to wrestle from the ground up on every style possible. That started my career and the rest is in my Book, The Time Of My Life. I much prefer Wrestling to bodybuilding as it's much more flamboyant.. Bodybuilding just gave me some 'dusty' trophies to look at. Wrestling gave me self-defense, photos, videos of matches all over the world and a lot of recognition as The Equalizer. I get recognized wherever I go and my wife and kids love it.

TAFs: What do you think of modern wrestling and what do you think of guys like THE ROCK?

Ric : I'm "old school' when it comes to wrestling. I like actual wrestling and telling a story in the ring. Today's wrestlers don't know how to wrestle or 'sell'. They just want to do high flying moves and look spectacular. Most of them wouldn't know what to do if you put an actual submission hold on them. The Rock's Dad was old school and he's aware of that technique. But, he has to do what Vince asks him to do.

TAFs: Proud to have your own action figure? I hope you got a piece of the profits.

Ric : Of course. It's always nice to have something in your own likeness. I get a piece of everything.

TAFs: The action figure is missing a finger. Can you elaborate on the accident you had awhile back involving in the lose of a few fingers and how soon afterwards you were back in action lifting weights?

Ric : Well, first of all I don't believe in the words, I can't, fail, pain, and No. So, whatever happens to me, I move forward. I was building an addition onto my house and accidentally leaned on the table saw cutting off 3 fingers. Now, I don't me just cut, i mean they were on the ground. I yelled in the house for my Son to come out and bring a towel. He put my fingers in a plastic bag, called 911 and I wrapped my hand in a dish towel. We went to the hospital where 3 hrs of surgery re attached 2 of them but no pinky!! They couldn't put it back on. I spent the night reluctantly and came home the next morning with 3" pins holding on my two fingers and my 3rd one in a jar of alcohol which I still have. I immediately called my agent and told him that I had a new look with a missing finger. I never really felt any pain and proceeded back to the gym the following day, working out with straps or anything I could find to be able to do the exercise. Before i knew it, the pins were out in 6 weeks and I was healing up.

But a year after that I had a wrestling injury and completely tore both quads off both legs. This one put me in a wheel chair. I was basically crippled. I went in for surgery and had them both re attached with 10" incisions straight down both knees. I had to wear leg braces for 6 weeks and then start bending them slowly and training them very light. I basically lost all the muscle. BUT 3 weeks after my surgery I started back in the gym using a 'walker' to get around and did upper body everyday. This helped me heal faster until I got a staph infection in my right knee which exploded and they told me that I needed a knee replacement. But now I'm back and leg pressing 800lbs and feel pretty good. During both of these ordeals, I can honestly say, I never took (1) pain pill.

The Incredible Arnold friendship!

TAFs: When did you last see Arnold?

Ric : I saw Arnold in Santa Monica, just after I had lunch and he had his secretary send me invites to Pumping Iron and then he sent me a letter asking when we could get together and 'gossip' about old times. Then came the Govs. race and he got busy. But, I'm dropping something by his office tomorrow.

TAFs: Favorite Schwarzenegger movie?

Ric : Terminator.

TAFs: What do you think of a Governor Arnold?

Ric : I think he'll be great. If he needs help, I'm there! But, I'm sure he's fine on his own. He's a smart, focused person and he'll do great.

The Incredible Future!

TAFs: What are your current and future projects? I understand you will be in the Amazing Race this coming season. What else?

Ric : Well, I have two books coming out. One that I mentioned and the other called "So You Want to Become a Wrestling Promoter?" I also have developed a security device, called the "Security Kat" seen at and am producing a film called The Job Squad Yeah, I'm busy. My wife and I are up for Amazing Race and also as a host on a new show called IMPOSTER on Spike TV.

Ric also has a 'pilot' for a new TV show called THE PITCH.? National Lampoon is doing it.

Ric : "They liked a script that I wrote and my character The Equalizer, so the whole pitch and 'mini trailer' is my piece.?This is based on PIXIE O'DELL AND ROCKETMAN which I wrote."

? Here is a scene between Ric and the kid. "he thinks he's a loser and I talk to him calmly until I escalate and tell him he's a wimp and needs character, The Equalizer Way, in the ring, then it goes from there to really funny stuff. I'm a 'school bus driver' former wrestler, that gets the kid in the ring for some serious training."

Thanks Ric for your time and your fantastic memories of pumping iron with Arnold!

For more Ric Drasin sites and interviews, check out these sites below:

Randy Jennings


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