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Prince William of Wales

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The Dispossessed: Prince William and Londoners unite to fight poverty

London unites behind the Evening Standard?s campaign to tackle poverty in the capital as politicians, charity leaders, Prince William and the public demanded action... more

Poverty in the capital is an election issue

There has been an extraordinary response to our reports yesterday on poverty in London, the first in this week?s campaign on the issue... more

Prince William's cheer for young brain tumour patient

Prince William comforts a seven-year-old boy, telling him he had been 'scared' visiting hospital too when he was young... more

Prince William a big hit with the girls in Australia

Prince William thanks Australian girls for continuing the tradition of kissing British princes... more

Kiss Me Kate: Australian fan kisses Prince William

Blonde Australian called Kate pounces on Prince William and stole a kiss as he greeted well-wishers in Sydney... more

I don?t have my mother?s gift with children, says Prince William on Australia tour

Prince William insisted he has nowhere near his late mother Diana?s gift for bonding with children ? despite winning the hearts of Australians and New Zealanders... more

A barbie and beer with the prime minister as Prince William wows New Zealand

Video: Prince William comes of age as he makes his first speech in a major role ? and uses it to praise his grandmother's prowess on Twitter... more

Keep going, Liz, you're better now than ever

Reading, yesterday, that there are secret plans for Prince William to take over more and more of his grandmother's official duties, I came over all funny. A manful tear, reader, welled in my eye... more

Prince William backs charity sleep-out stars

Prince William gives his backing to City bosses and celebrities who are sleeping rough to raise money for a homeless charity... more

I don't want to be an ornament, says Prince William

Prince William says he did not want to be seen as a royal 'ornament' and he is determined to improve on his parents' charitable work... more

Prince and PM back champions in European final

Prince William will be cheering on Manchester United tonight in their Champions League final against Barcelona... more

Gallery gets royal approval

The people's gallery of the East End got royal endorsement when Prince William officially inaugurated the Whitechapel Gallery after its ?13.5 million revamp and extension ... more

Prince William's bop with a leggy brunette

Prince William let his hair down last night - having a drink with Guy Ritchie before enjoying a sexy dance with a brunette in a nightclub.... more

William and Kate's log love cabin

Prince William spent an evening alone at this secluded log cabin with Kate Middleton at the royals' Scottish getaway.... more

Wills and Kate dine at love shack

Prince William spent an evening in a secluded log cabin with his girlfriend Kate Middleton at a Scottish getaway... more

Now can we nationalise the railways, too, please?

The High Court of Conventional Media Wisdom may has ruled that Gordon has rescued his premiership but from the latest polls, at least, it looks as if someone forgot to tell the voters... more

Prince William to become RAF search and rescue pilot

Prince William is to become a fulltime pilot with the RAF's Search And Rescue Force... more

Katie is just not waiting: Middleton works nine to five for parents in mundane office job

Friends have came out to support the 26-year-old whose carefree ways have earned her the nickname 'Waity-Katy' - insisting she has been busy in a mundane office job.... more

And what do you DO? Queen wants Kate Middleton to get charity job to counter claims she is workshy

The Queen is becoming increasingly concerned that Prince William’s girlfriend Kate Middleton still does not have a job. ... more

Action girl Kate spends time with her Prince charming on their 'honeymoon' hideaway

Sporting a sexy black and white bikini she could have been any woman happily in love and spending quality time with her boyfriend on holiday.... more

Who dares Wills... Prince to undergo SAS training

Prince William is to receive special forces training... more

Prince William's Navy ship pulls off £40million cocaine bust during his first week at sea

Prince William has been involved in a ?40 million cocaine bust during his first week of operations with the Royal Navy in the Atlantic.... more

Prince William in ?40m drugs swoop

Prince William played a key role in the seizure of ?40million of cocaine from smugglers in the Caribbean, it has been revealed... more

Hair-raising: Polo-playing princes look windswept after charity match

Princes William and Harry looked like they needed to call their Royal hair-stylists after a game of polo yesterday. ... more

Oh, what a knight! Harry and Kate have a laugh at Wills in his robes as he joins ancient Order of the Garter

Prince William today joined other members of the Royal family as a Knight of the Garter.... more

Pictured: The moment Prince William stripped to reveal his athletic frame

Prince William has never failed to attract attention. But the future king turned more heads than usual when he stripped to the waist - revealing a surprisingly skinny frame.... more

Redheads at dusk: Singer Joss Stone gets up close and personal with Prince Harry

All work and no play will make even a prince a dull boy. But princes Harry and William certainly know how to combine the two. William and Harry were seen greeting singer Joss Stone at an open-air extravaganza last night celebrating the efforts of Britain's armed forces. Joss, who wore a slinky black dress, with her red coloured locks freely flowing, greeted the prince like an old friend, hugging him enthusiastically ... more

Salute at sunset ... pride of princes as they honour heroes

Princes William and Harry help raise ?500,000 for injured troops as they join thousands of Londoners to honour Britain's armed forces in a sunset pageant... more

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  • Mumsnet

    Mumsnet: the extraordinary rise of mums online

    Ten years old this week, Mumsnet has expanded into an 850,000-strong organisation set to wield real clout in the election campaign. It?s been a bumpy but fulfilling ride, says its co-founder
  • Alexa Chung

    What's hot in the f'row?

    That's fash-pack speak for the catwalk ringside, reserved for Editors Who Count and sundry style mavens

Churchills in mourning over 'Young' Winston

Former Tory MP Winston Churchill, grandson of Sir Winston and, like the wartime Prime Minister, a distinguished Parliamentarian and writer, died this morning of prostate cancer aged 69

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