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J-Lo's Ex Will Fight To Tell All - CBS News
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LOS ANGELES, Dec. 2, 2006

J-Lo's Ex Will Fight To Tell All

Ojani Noa Wants To Publish Details Of Sex Life With Lopez

  • Jennifer Lopez and then-husband, Ojani Noa, in April 1997.

    Jennifer Lopez and then-husband, Ojani Noa, in April 1997.  (AP)

  • Photo Essay J.Lo's Bridal Gown?

    J.Lo was having a gown made for what it was to be her big day. Us Magazine pictured her in several different styles. Take a look.

(AP)  Jennifer Lopez's first husband, Ojani Noa, told a judge that he plans to fight her efforts to quash a tell-all memoir.

Noa, 31, said Friday in a pretrial hearing that he regrets agreeing to a June 30 preliminary injunction that prohibits him from "criticizing, denigrating, casting in a negative light or otherwise disparaging or causing disparagement" to Lopez.

"I want to fight this thing to the end," he said. "My life has not been the same since this lawsuit was filed."

The judge gave Noa until Jan. 17 to hire a lawyer or represent himself.

Lopez filed her lawsuit April 10 and obtained a temporary restraining order barring Noa from publishing intimate details of their sex life.

Noa said Friday that Lopez misunderstood what the book was about.

"This was to be about my life story, coming here from Cuba," he said. "She was only a part of my life, but I was going to talk about my other girlfriends, as well."

Lopez, who has appeared in films such as "Selena" and "Out of Sight," married Noa in February 1997 after meeting him in a Miami restaurant. They divorced 11 months later.

?MMVI, The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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by missyj1964 December 4, 2006 6:48 PM EST
J-Ho is so full of herself she makes me want to puke. Cuba boy is well within his first amendment rights to say anything he wants as long as it's the truth. What is J-Ho so afraid of? He may tell the truth? We can't have any of that.
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by carlylaine December 4, 2006 12:15 PM EST
I am so so sick of these stories and celebs I could puke. Who cares?

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by ceres5 December 3, 2006 7:07 PM EST
Mr. Ojani Noa says that his book is about his life. He knows well that if he does include intimate sexual details about his life with Jennifer Lopez, the book is going to be a total failure. In the enternainment world, after excluding any reference of Jennifer Lopez, the market value of his life is a big zero. This is another example of a nobody, stabbing the back of that person that gave him much more than he ever deserved. The only way that losers can make some money.
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by agnim December 3, 2006 6:25 PM EST
This is one sissified Cuban f@ggot that we should send back to Cuba on a raft. LOL

Guys who can't keep their mouths shut about their private lives and mating are f@ggots and should be closeted, and castrated since they really have no need of a dik. LOL
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by bluestardad December 3, 2006 11:58 AM EST
WHO cares about some big butted bimbo there are better looking women at most local colleges, with more talent too.
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by naber1961 December 3, 2006 11:47 AM EST
Why can't he write whatever he wants? If she was a nobody without all her money, he could write whatever he wanted. Money buys everything. Remember OJ?
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by akarsno December 3, 2006 2:31 AM EST
No matter how one perceives an artist or a hollywood star ... they are still human beings who have lives just like you and me who are normal people.
Do we really need our dirty laundry to be aired and view so that it would make everyone notice and talk about it.
Please ... people on this earth ... get a life!
Is the human race becoming so shallow minded to enjoy such things?
It is sad ... if it has become like that!
Maybe to other people it will be nice and gossips but have you looked over your shoulder to see if your backyard is that clean too to talk about others?
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by akarsno December 3, 2006 2:28 AM EST
He is just a gold digger to blemish his and her reputation.
He is not human ...!
Why can he not do something else. Why write a book now? Is he so in need of money that he needs to tarnish someone else's reputation.
How low can this man go?
He is sick!
What has become of human beings .. is there no dignity in anyone any more?
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by bob_burd December 2, 2006 7:49 PM EST
Who cares? She's so into herself she's probably a lousy lay anyway.

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by gmond December 2, 2006 7:38 PM EST
If this nobody had anything to write about other than his short marriage to JLo ten years ago, there wouldn't be any reason for a lawsuit.
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