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YouTube - Battle at Kruger
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Battle at Kruger

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This is a video response to Buffalo survives lion attack
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chongb (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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dude, you spend too much time? in front of screen(same here) , either you watch too much movies or play too much video games.... you think this is CGI ?
Keycutter (2 hours ago) Show Hide
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Totally? dude! You worked it out!
xXAndrenXx (3 hours ago) Show Hide
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And you waste time making pointless comments on youtube? videos and you still live with your mother. Also, stop ogre twitching.
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I wish we could attack as fast as those? lions. But we insist on watching tv
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it's like the baby got caught, and then the others? called in reinforcements. but not before the croc got involved.
1Shiznit (10 hours ago) Show Hide
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Those water buffalo's are the actually the most dangerous animals in Africa? followed by the Hippo.
bezerker02 (11 hours ago) Show Hide
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to seventiesclassic - actually it is completely real. It was on the? BBC, they interviewed people and authenticated it. Isn't knowing things better than just believing things?
VlSARI (11 hours ago) Show Hide
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why is everyone favouring with the buffalo?? ? the lions are only doing what they need to survive....
TimoStar12 (12 hours ago) Show Hide
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You know this isn't real right?
It's an excerpt from a movie..the? animals are CGI's and the voices dubbed on..don't be such thing as a brave buffalo.

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