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The Jakarta Post
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  • D-day


    Sat, 08/22/2009 - 11:52 AM
    England’s Jonathan Trott is run out by Australia’s Simon Katich during the fifth Test Match at the Oval, London, on Thursday.

  • KONI puts sports back on the national agenda

    Thu, 09/03/2009 - 12:01 PM
    The National Sports Council (KONI) will be asking for the government's support in enhancing Indonesia's medal prospects for the 2012 Olympic Games at a meeting scheduled with government officials on...

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  • Question:
    Hutomo “Tommy” Mandala Putra, the youngest son of former President Suharto, has officially declared his bid for the leadership of the Golkar Party. His sister, Siti “Tutut” Hardiyanti Rukmana, has reportedly also expressed her interest in the position. What do you think? Send your thoughts to readersforum@ or by SMS to +62-8111- 187-2772. Include your name and city.
