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? Questions | Sweetness & Light
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Sometimes Asked Questions

My registration seems to have been rejected. Why?

Due to spamming we have initiated a program that rejects registrations from emails addresses that look suspicious.

If this happens, and you are not a spammer, please email us via our contact form and we will set things right.

I registered, but I never received a confirmation email. What happened?

Sometimes spam filters eat the confirmation email. If you will email us via our contact form , we will send you a working password.

How do I send in a news tip?

You can use the contact form . Or you can post it as a comment on the "Selected News" thread, which you can get to by the link in the sidebar.

Please try to follow the format that is described here , and remember to excerpt heavily and always provide a link.

My comment disappeared or was edited. What happened?

We are not very politically correct around here, but we do remove remarks that are violent or in questionable taste according to our own lights.

How do I get one of those little pictures (avatars) next to my name?

You need to set up an account with . It’s free and easy. All you need is the email address you used here, which is available on your profile when you first log in.

How can I help S&L continue its noble work?

Those so inclined can make a donation via PayPal or a credit card, using PayPal’s highly secure and remarkably pain-free system:

Or, if you don’t want to use a credit card or PayPal, you can send a check to:

Steven Gilbert
Post Office Box 237001
New York, NY 10023

But if you don’t make a donation, or even if you do, please try to find the time to visit our sponsors now and then.

Also, news tips and even just your comments are a tremendous boost.