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World Bank: Israeli restrictions make Palestinians more dependent on aid - Haaretz - Israel News
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Subscribe to Print Edition | Thu., September 18, 2008 Elul 18, 5768 | | Israel Time: 14:48 (EST+7)
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Last update - 11:20 17/09/2008
World Bank: Israeli restrictions make Palestinians more dependent on aid
By The Associated Press
Tags: Palestinians , Israel  

The Palestinians are becoming more dependent on foreign aid, mainly due to a sluggish economy stifled by continued Israeli restrictions on trade and movement, the World Bank said in a report Wednesday.

The bank's report was prepared for a meeting of key donor country representatives during the UN General Assembly in New York this month.

The report counters a key assumption of international policy - that the current massive aid to the Palestinians would stimulate their economy and make them increasingly less dependent on foreign money in the future.
A three-year plan for Palestinian economic recovery was launched in December in Paris, and was based on three elements - Palestinian government reform, a pledge of $7.7 billion in foreign aid through 2010 and a significant easing of Israeli movement restrictions.

However, the bank said that while the Palestinians have moved forward with reform and donors have delivered significant sums of aid, Israel has only removed a few obstacles and its economic restrictions on the Palestinians have increased.

"Aid and reform without access are unlikely to revive the Palestinian economy," the bank wrote. "As such, international manifestations of support toward a viable Palestinian state and institutions are incomplete insofar as they do not tackle Israeli economic restrictions in parallel."

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, who had not yet seen the report, noted in an initial response that security is key to any economic development. Israel has said its restrictions are aimed at stopping Palestinian militants who not only threaten Israelis, but also the moderate Palestinian government in the West Bank.

Israel imposed the restrictions after the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in 2000, in what it said was an attempt to thwart Palestinian bombing and shooting attacks on Israelis.

Since then, Israel built a separation barrier that slices off about 10 percent of the West Bank, and erected more than 600 roadblocks, checkpoints and other obstacles that make it difficult to travel within in the territory.

West Bank goods are trucked to Israel and other markets through a cumbersome back-to-back system. Israel has also halted movement between the West Bank and Gaza since 2000, and deepened Gaza's isolation after the violent takeover of the territory by the Islamic militant Hamas in 2007.

The World Bank said that while Israel has important security concerns, considerations not related to security also come into play. "Overwhelming evidence suggests that the current restrictions correlate to settlement locations and expansion," the report said.

Palmor dismissed the report's comments on security concerns as superficial, saying Hamas militants continue to pose a threat to Israel and Palestinian moderates.

The Palestinian gross domestic product grew marginally this year, by 0.8 percent, the bank said. However, the economy remains sluggish, with the GDP increase outpaced by an annual 2.6 percent population growth. Since 1999, the real per capita GDP dropped by 30 percent, the bank said.

Donors contributed $1.2 billion so far this year to support the Palestinian operating budget, such as the government payroll. However, a total of $1.85 billion is needed for the entire year.

The Palestinians' 2009 spending envisions only $1.3 billion in budget support, but "with the (Israeli) restrictions restraining growth, it is questionable whether the current level of budget support can be reduced," the bank wrote.

From 2007 to 2008, the share of foreign aid spent on budget support grew from 25 percent to 28 percent of the estimated GDP of $6.6 billion.

The bank also took the donors to task for not paying regularly and making it difficult for the Palestinian government to plan ahead.

The bank noted that the economies of Gaza and the West Bank are drifting further apart. After the Hamas takeover, Israel and Egypt virtually sealed the territory of 1.4 million people. The bank, citing the Palestinian Federation of Industries, said the closure forced 98 percent of Gaza's factories to close.

An informal cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in June has largely held, but has not led to a significant easing of the border closure, the bank said.
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  1.   Strange as it may sound Pal economy is not our first concern 11:45  |  Margie in Tel Aviv 17/09/08
  2.   World Bank is correct 14:00  |  Fish 17/09/08
  3.   The World Bank is stupid 14:23  |  lady from USA 17/09/08
  4.   Palestinians interested in trading Qassams, not good 15:59  |  Richard S 17/09/08
  5.   The Apartheid State 16:11  |  Cool B 17/09/08
  6.   Why not trade with egypt? 16:22  |  Art 17/09/08
  7.   Don`t be silent in the face of a brutal occupation 16:25  |  OCCUPATION MAGAZINE 17/09/08
  8.   Let`s solve this dilemna 16:35  |  Arie 17/09/08
  9.   #3 lady from USA 16:40  |  Mark B. 17/09/08
  10.   No chance for a resolution of the conflict. 18:01  |  Jean Van Daem 17/09/08
  11.   To #3 Lady from USA: You came to my country without invitation 18:25  |  The Palestinian 17/09/08
  12.   Palestinian Jenin 18:38  |  no thank you 17/09/08
  13.   Palestinian Jenin 18:40  |  no thank you 17/09/08
  14.   Jean Van Daem - Get Serious 18:43  |  Mark of Lewiston 17/09/08
  15.   Why Won`t Israel Allow 18:50  |  Mark of Lewiston 17/09/08
  16.   5 The Problem, Art 19:04  |  Mark of Lewiston 17/09/08
  17.   #`s13 & 14; Mark of Lewiston, simple answer really lack of trust 19:35  |  DOC HOLLIDAY 17/09/08
  18.   11 -How is it your country legally? 19:39  |  Bruriah Sarah 17/09/08
  19.   To #18: Have you heard about the Covenant of Omar? 20:50  |  The Palestinian 17/09/08
  20.   Palestinians have been dependant on aid for decades 21:03  |  Graig 17/09/08
  21.   The only solution is a bi national state 21:08  |  The Palestinian 17/09/08
  22.   The Palestinian 07:32  |  DOC HOLLIDAY 18/09/08
  23.   Why not trade with egypt? 09:46  |  Cohen 18/09/08
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