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BXF Gateway
The Wayback Machine -

BXF Gateway

BXF Gateway

The BXF Gateway is a new product that gives Sundance Digital automation systems a standardized means of data exchange with various 3rd party Traffic, Program Management and Digital Content Distribution Systems.

Currently, all of these systems use rudimentary methods of inter-process communication. Typically, they are Paper based and Batch-oriented. Many of these networked systems do not communicate interactively with each other, nor do they properly share metadata.

BXF, the Broadcast eXchange Format was developed under the auspices of the SMPTE S-22 standards committee. This communications standard breaks through these proprietary interfaces. It is XML based and extensible. Most importantly, it is multi-vendor created and supported.

The benefits of XML are:

  • Simplicity: Information coded in XML is easy to read and understand, plus it can be processed easily by computers.
  • Openness: XML is a W3C standard, endorsed by software industry market leaders.
  • Self-description: XML documents contain meta data in the form of tags and attributes.
  • Extensibility: There is no fixed set of tags. New ones can be created as needed.

As a messaging standard, BXF can execute these communications, among others, between compliant systems:

  • Metadata Update
    • An order to create new or update existing metadata
  • Metadata Modify
    • Confirmation of the metadata update
  • Schedule
    • Send a Traffic Schedule to Automation
  • Schedule Process ACK
    • Traffic Schedule successfully processed and converted to an automation Playlist
  • Dub, Record and Transfer Order
    • Metadata and an order to automation to initiate or schedule ingest of material
  • As Run Record
    • An as run record is generated at the conclusion of element playback on air
  • Purge
    • An order to automation to purge an element from the active system
  • Playlist Update
    • Allows Traffic to modify a running playlist (under controlled conditions, of course)
  • Playlist Modify
    • Confirmation of a playlist update
  • Content Notify
    • Message used by delivery units to announce new content available for ingest - descriptive metadata attached
  • Invoke Schedule
    • Traffic specifies which available playlist to insert or append to the current running list

The Sundance Digital BXF Gateway is a computer that connects all of the participating systems to our automation system. It is configured with dual IP interfaces. One connects to the internal operations LAN where the Automation system, delivery systems and video server reside. The other connects to the house WAN, where the Traffic and Program Management systems reside. The Gateway serves as the secure point of contact between these two groups.


Messaging via the BXF Gateway efficiently executes most of the day-to-day data communication tasks that are currently handled manually. Here are some examples of common communications between a BXF compliant Traffic system and Sundance automation (Titan™ or FastBreak NXT™ series) through the Gateway:

Dub orders

  • Current Method:
    • Typically, at the end of the business day, traffic issues a list of spots to be dubbed into the video server. This is either a paper list or a batch file containing the metadata that is ingested into the Sundance database.
  • BXF Method:
    • The moment a new piece of copy is assigned, the Traffic system generates an individual BXF message to the Sundance automation database. The Operator does not have to wait until 5pm to make the dub.
    • Once the dub is complete, Sundance will generate a BXF message back to traffic with the full details, including frame accurate duration.

As-Run reports

  • Current Method:
    • At the end of each broadcast day, Sundance will generate a list of all the material that aired. This list is transferred to traffic where it is reconciled for billing
  • BXF Method:
    • The moment an element airs Sundance generates a BXF as-run message to traffic.
    • This "dynamic" as-run method opens up the possibilities of new services.
    • Traffic could place alerts around important spots and act if it does not run within a specified period.
    • Traffic could notify clients of the airing of their spots in real time.

"Live Log"

Traffic needs to change or add spots to the playlist that is currently on the air.

  • Current Method:
    • A traffic person goes into master control with a paper list of changes. The master control operator manually modifies the list.
  • BXF Method:
    • The traffic system alerts Sundance automation that it would like to make some changes.
    • Sundance generates a BXF formatted copy of the playlist and delivers it to traffic.
    • Traffic manipulates the list as necessary and checks it for validity against the original.
    • Traffic generates a revised BXF formatted list and delivers it to Sundance.
    • Sundance makes the requested changes and executes them on the air.