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Q&A;: Sudan's Darfur conflict

Omar al-Bashir
Omar al-Bashir says the charges reflect Western hostility to Sudan
The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir.

He denies charges relating to the conflict in Darfur where more than two million people have fled their homes over the last six years.

So what exactly has Omar al-Bashir been charged with?

Five counts of crimes against humanity and two of war crimes in Darfur - a desert region of western Sudan roughly the size of France.

War crimes:
Intentionally directing attacks against civilians
Crimes against humanity:
Forcible transfer

"He is suspected of being criminally responsible... for intentionally directing attacks against an important part of the civilian population of Darfur, Sudan, murdering, exterminating, raping, torturing and forcibly transferring large numbers of civilians, and pillaging their property," a court spokeswoman said.

The tribunal did not charge the Sudanese president with genocide, as the chief prosecutor had wanted.

It said it did not find sufficient evidence of a specific intent to destroy ethnic groups in Darfur.

Is this the court's first case against Sudan?

No, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Ahmed Haroun, Sudan's humanitarian affairs minister, and a pro-government militia leader in 2007 - as well as requesting warrants for three Darfur rebel commanders last year.

But it is the court's first indictment against a sitting head of state.

Is Mr Bashir likely to be arrested?

Probably not, as the ICC does not have a police force and the warrant will be delivered to Sudan's government, which is unlikely to execute it.

But he will have to watch where he travels in case he is arrested out of the country.

What does it mean for the people of Darfur?

Jem - the most heavily armed and active of the rebel groups in Darfur - has welcomed the warrant as a victory for the refugees and the displaced, and a victory for humanity.

SLM: Minni Minnawi's faction
SLM: Abdul Wahid Mohammad Ahmed al-Nur's faction
Jem: Khalil Ibrahim, one of the first rebel groups
Rebel negotiator: Suleiman Jamous

But as a direct result of the indictment, Khartoum has expelled 10 foreign aid agencies, including Oxfam, Care, Save the Children UK and Medecins Sans Frontieres from Darfur, who between them supply food and water to some 1.5 million people.

There are also worries that the warrant will do little to bring peace to the region.

A few weeks ago, Jem signed a deal to pave the way for future talks with Khartoum, which could now be in jeopardy.

Is there any hope of peace?

Sudan's rebel Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) signed a declaration of intent in February 2009 to pave the way for broader peace talks with Khartoum.

File pic of Sudanese Janjaweed fighter
Janjaweed gunmen are accused of prowling outside refugee camps

But previous peace efforts have faltered, as the rebels group have splintered.

The leader of one Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction, Minni Minnawi, has signed a deal with government.

He was given a large budget and became a presidential adviser, but the SLA then splintered into a number of factions.

How did the conflict start?

It broke out in the arid and impoverished Darfur region early in 2003 after the SLA and Jem began attacking government targets, accusing Khartoum of oppressing black Africans in favour of Arabs.

Darfur, which means land of the Fur, has faced many years of tension over land and grazing rights between the mostly nomadic Arabs, and farmers from the Fur, Massaleet and Zaghawa communities.

How did the government respond to the rebellion?

It admits mobilising "self-defence militias" following rebel attacks.

But it denies any links to the Janjaweed, gunmen on horseback accused of trying to "cleanse" black Africans from large swathes of territory.

Refugees from Darfur say that following air raids by government aircraft, the Janjaweed ride into villages on horses and camels, slaughtering men, raping women and stealing whatever they can find.

The US and some human rights groups have said genocide is taking place - though a UN investigation team found that while war crimes had been committed, there had been no intent to commit genocide.

Sudan's government denies being in control of the Janjaweed and President Bashir has called them "thieves and gangsters".

Trials have been announced in Khartoum of some members of the security forces suspected of abuses - but this is viewed as part of a campaign against attempts to get suspects tried at the ICC.

What has happened to Darfur's civilians?

The United Nations says more than 2.7 million have fled their homes and now live in camps near Darfur's main towns.


May 2006: Khartoum makes peace with main Darfur rebel faction, Sudan Liberation Movement; Jem rejects the deal
May 2008: Unprecedented assault by Jem on Khartoum
Jul 2008: ICC calls for arrest of President Bashir
Nov 2008: President Bashir announces ceasefire
Nov 2008: ICC calls for arrest of three rebel commanders
Feb 2009: Army claims its captured key town of Muhajiriya
Feb 2009: Khartoum and Jem sign a deal in Qatar

Darfuris say the Janjaweed patrol outside the camps and men are killed and women raped if they venture too far in search of firewood or water.

Some 200,000 people have also sought safety in neighbouring Chad, but many of these are camped along a 600km (372 mile) stretch of the border and remain vulnerable to attacks from the Sudan side.

Chad's eastern areas have a similar ethnic make-up to Darfur and the violence has spilled over the border area, with the neighbours accusing one another of supporting each other's rebel groups.

Many aid agencies are working in Darfur but they are unable to get access to vast areas because of the insecurity.

How many have died?

The United Nations says up to 300,000 people have died from the combined effects of war, famine and disease.

President Bashir puts the death toll at 10,000.

Accurate figures are difficult to research and have made no distinction between those dying as a result of violence and those dying as a result of starvation or disease in the camps.

The numbers are crucial in determining whether the deaths in Darfur are genocide or - as the Sudanese government says - the situation is being exaggerated.

Is anyone trying to stop the fighting?


The Doha meeting where Khartoum and Jem signed an agreement in February 2009 to pave the way for broader peace talks were sponsored by Qatar, the United Nations, the African Union and Arab League.

The joint African Union-UN peacekeeping mission, Unamid, took over from January 2008 from an African peace force.

But the mission is currently at only 60% of its mandated strength, with just 15,000 of the 26,000 planned troops and police on the ground.

Some say even the full force would not be enough to cover the remote area.

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