By Alex Labidou

For those looking back on the 2007 NBA off-season, many will remember the spectacular moves that enabled the Boston Celtics to have one of the most productive summers ever.

Tired of being mired in mediocrity and wanting to restore greatness to the franchise, Celtics GM Danny Ainge decided to take advantage of the various young prospects and draft picks he had acquired to add two of the best players in the league.

Ainge?s first move was sending defensive stalwart point guard Delonte West, sharp shooting forward Wally Sczerbiak and the fifth pick of the draft for seven time All-Star Ray Allen. In Allen, Ainge has a possible future hall of fame shooting guard whose career credentials include averaging 21.5 ppg while shooting 45% from the field and almost 40% from the arc.

Standing in front of one of the world's most historic arenas, the Celtics trio hope to restore glory to Boston.
Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty Images
Adding a proven veteran like Allen also made the Celtics an attractive destination for players, which ultimately provided the team with impetus to acquire arguably one of the league?s top three players in Kevin Garnett. The cost wasn?t cheap, the team had to trade promising young big man Al Jefferson and exciting young swingman Gerald Green, who wowed crowds with his athletic potential winning the slam dunk contest.

Despite the gambles that Ainge has made, there is no denying that Garnett, Allen and resident team star Paul Pierce, barring injury, could be one of the greatest trios in NBA history. That fact alone has ignited the city of the Boston and has revitalized interest in the Eastern Conference.

So far the moves in Boston have?

Allowed the Celtics to sign talented veterans from winning teams who might not have considered the team during its youth movement including versatile swingman James Posey, big man Scott Pollard and sparkplug guard Eddie House.

Created a strong locker room as guys like Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen are playoff tested and Paul Pierce wants to prove he can win. It?s an atmosphere where anything else but winning is not accepted and it drives every player on the roster to be intensely motivated and excited. In their first preseason game against the Toronto Raptors, Garnett had 19 points and 16 rebounds, Pierce had 21, and Allen struggled having 10 points.

Allen admitted that being left open was a new experience for him. ?I had a lot of energy,? Allen said to the Boston Globe. ?A lot of gas in my system because it was the first time suiting up in a Boston uniform. We were all geeked to be out there on the floor.?

Lastly, the teams visit to Europe has enabled the team to gel better than one would expect considering that most of the players are new. The team has gone sight seeing, seeing the various aspect of European culture. While it might serve for good times now, when the tough periods that hit all teams comes around, team chemistry shouldn?t be a concern.