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Slogans of 68

Slogans of the May 1968 revolt in France. These first appeared mainly on the walls of Paris during May and then spread internationally.

France: some updates on student strikes

Updates and reports from AG, blockades and strikes across France.

This update is not comprehensive but it has most of the available information, additionally some universities are still on holiday and therefore no action can take place.

Aix-en-Provence, the AG at the litterature campus, held yesterday, voted to continue the strike and the blockade until the next AG on Tuesday (465 for, 250 against) (09/11/07)

France: report from Nanterre University

A brief report on the occupation at Nanterre university.

Yesterday a general assembly (Assemblee generale, or AG) was held at Nanterre, at the beginning around 1200 students were present, numbers dropped as the meeting took two hours but the final vote was over 600 in favour, 199 against and around 100 abstentions. Students voted to begin a strike and a blockade and also to occupy the buildings.

Student strikes begin in France

Students across France are voting to strike to protect their right to an education and to demand improvements.

In the last two weeks 48 general assemblies have been held in French universities, 33 of which had more than 100 students and 7 more than 500. The main focus of the students' anger is the Pecresse law (on 'autonomy') which is seen as the first step towards privatisation of universities.*

Cork caterers on strike

Staff at the country’s largest local authority office face the prospect of foraging for their own food today, as their caterers are due to go on strike.

Employees of the catering company Masterchef Munster are expected to mount a picket at 8am outside Cork County Hall today (November 5th) in protest over pay and non-recognition of their union by the company.

Caleffi, Giovanina, 1897-1962

Biography of Italian anarchist Giovanina Caleffi aka Giovanna Berneri, who, as well as being involved in anti-fascist resistance during the Second World War and helping rebuild the Italian anarchist movement after it, was also the wife of Camillo Berneri and mother of Marie Louise and Giliana Berneri .

Giovannina Caleffi aka Giovanna Berneri
Born Gualtieri, Italy 4 May 1897, Died Genova Nervi, Italy 14 March 1962

Elser, Georg, 1903-1945

The story of a quiet man who tried single-handedly to kill Hitler.

Georg Elser
Born Hermaringen, Germany, 1903, died Dachau, Germany 9 April 1945

Camus, Albert and the anarchists

Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great existentialist writer Albert Camus.

Born in French Algeria into a poor family in 1913, Camus lost his father in the Battle of the Marne in 1916. He was raised by his mother, who worked as a charlady and was illiterate. Winning a scholarship, Camus eventually began a career as a journalist. As a youth, he was a keen footballer as well as being a member of a theatrical troupe.

Wildcat strike at Paris Opera

A strike at the Paris Opera has forced the cancellation of six shows, including two on Monday, and threatens to cause losses running up to 2.2 million euros (3.1 million dollars) if it continues.

Hundreds of ballet dancers, actors and stage hands are adding an artistic flourish to France's grim autumn of industrial strife, by bringing theatrical productions to a halt in protest at the government's attempts to reduce their retirement packages.

Air France cabin crew strike over conditions

Air France are trying to restore services after a five day strike by cabin crew.

The strike was called by cabin crew over pay and conditions. Workers feel aggrieved that they were asked to give more when Air France was losing money and are now excluded from any benefits now Air France is profitable again.

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