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11/17/00 6:05 p.m.
Beware the Trickster
Bob Mulholland oversees the recounting of the ballots in Florida.

By Arnold Steinberg, political analyst from Los Angeles


he nation's quintessential dirty trickster is helping to oversee the recount of ballots in Florida.

In fact, this guy once went so far over the line that he was suspended by the California Democratic party for misconduct. However, since results for some are more important than ethics, he was soon reinstated.

And now, just when you thought it was safe to count the ballots in Florida, he's back.

He is California's Bob Mulholland, political adviser to the California Democratic party. According to Rick Orlov, one of this state's most Highly regarded political reporters, Mulholland now leads "a hardened team of California political activists dispatched to Florida to help oversee the recounting of ballots in four counties."

When George W. Bush's DUI was revealed, California Republicans recalled the 1992 U.S. Senate race of Bruce Herschensohn. That's when Mulholland dominated newspaper headlines for five days just before the election by planting questions about Herschensohn's personal conduct. That vintage Mulholland maneuver made it all but impossible for Herschensohn to stay on-message during the campaign's crucial closing days. Instead, the Republican was reduced to replying to unsubstantiated rumors and untrue charges circulated by Mulholland, a master at manipulating the press. The damage among undecided voters was devastating.

By the time Herschensohn had lost against the unimpressive Barbara Boxer, it turned out that the Republican was indeed guilty of — what? Along with his girlfriend and another couple, the four had attended a show at a Hollywood strip club. It was quite a coup for Mulholland.

The Democrats follow a standard operating plan. They publicly disown what Mulholland does, but they continue to keep him on the payroll.

Two years ago, at the height of the impeachment battle, Mulholland was digging up personal dirt on Republican members of Congress who might oppose the president. At that time, Mulholland said Republicans who have skeletons in their closets should not be attacking the president's character, and he pledged to unearth the skeletons. (Some might call this intimidation, or even tampering with justice.) Both the Clinton White House and the DNC predictably distanced themselves publicly from Mulholland, who was investigating, for example, whether Republican lawmakers had ever committed adultery.

Is Mulholland more than simply, as his detractors have termed him, "a vicious attack dog"? Reporter Orlov noted that the hand-counting procedure in the Florida counties is similar to the process used in Los Angeles County, where workers sit at a table with the ballots from a precinct. Each ballot is examined and then placed in a pile, such as for Bush or Gore. It is reminiscent of 20 years ago, when, as a campaign strategist, I successfully sought to preserve the electoral victory of candidate Bobbi Fiedler over Congressman Jim Corman.

Local Democratic operatives tried to manipulate the chads to replace neutral machine voting with partisan voter intent. Their hidden agenda, not even approved by Corman, who stood in line to head Ways and Means: to make the race sufficiently close so as to throw the outcome into the House of Representatives.

Does Mulholland know something we don't?


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