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Country Profile: The Republic of Guinea
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Sub Saharan Africa

Guinea Flag of Guinea

Map of Guinea Last reviewed: 8 July 2008

Country information

Map of The Republic of Guinea

Area: 245,860 sq km (95,00 sq miles)
Population: 9.2 million (2006 UN estimate)
Capital City: Conakry (population: 1.4 million, 2005 UN estimate)
People and languages: The main ethnic groups in Guinea are the Peulh, the Malinke and the Susu (Soussou). The south-eastern forest region is inhabited by the Kissi, Loma and Kpelle peoples. French is the official language. Eight languages as are taught in Guinea' s schools: Basari, Pular, Kissi, Koniagi, Kpelle, Loma, Malinke and Susu (or Soussou).
Religion(s): Muslim, Christian and traditional beliefs.
Currency: Guinean Franc. (GNF)
Major political parties: The main political parties are: Parti de l'Unite et du Progres (PUP) (in power); Union pour le Progres de la Guinee (UPG); Union pour le Progres et le Renouveau (UPR); Union des Forces Republicaines (UFR) and the Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinee (RPG), which is not represented in parliament.
Head of State: President General Lansana Conte
Prime Minister: Tidiane Souare
Foreign Minister: Abdoul Kabele Camara
Membership of international groupings/organisations: United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), African Development Bank (AFDB), Mano River Union (MRU).??

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