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Kenya deports U.S. author of anti-Obama book
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Kenya deports U.S. author of anti-Obama book
By Tom Odula and
Elizabeth A. Kennedy
Associated Press Writers
Updated Oct 24, 2008, 10:15 am

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NAIROBI, Kenya - The American author of a controversial book accusing Barack Obama of seething with ?Black rage? and of being unfit for the U.S. presidency was kicked out of Kenya on Oct.7.

Jerome Corsi
The deportation of Jerome Corsi came just hours before he was to launch his book in a country where the U.S. Democratic candidate for president is wildly popular.

Mr. Corsi, who wrote ?The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,? was detained at immigration headquarters in Nairobi for not having a work permit before being ordered to leave Kenya, said Joseph Mumira, head of criminal investigations at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Mr. Corsi was scheduled to leave on an evening flight to London, Mr. Mumira said. Airport officials would not allow journalists access to Mr. Corsi at the airport and a message left on his mobile phone was not returned.

A spokesman for Sen. Obama said the campaign had no comment on the deportation.

Sen. Obama?s Kenyan uncle, Said Obama, said he was unaware of Mr. Corsi?s detention and had no comment. A government spokesman did not return calls for comment.

In the past, the Obama campaign has called Mr. Corsi a bigot peddling rehashed lies to hurt Sen. Obama in the U.S. presidential race against Republican Sen. John McCain. The best-selling book, released earlier in the United States, collects false rumors and distortions to portray Sen. Obama as a secret radical who cannot be trusted.

Sen. Obama?s late father, whom he barely knew, was a Kenyan economist and the candidate is considered by many here as a ?son of the soil.? Sen. Obama?s last trip to Kenya, in 2006, drew thousands of Kenyans who thronged every stop of his tour.

Ahead of the Nov. 4 election in the U.S., minibuses here are emblazoned with Sen. Obama?s picture and vendors sell T-shirts bearing his image.

But Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, where he spent most of his childhood raised by his mother, a White American from Kansas.

Mr. Corsi?s book claims the Illinois senator is a dangerous, radical candidate for president and includes innuendoes and false rumors?that he was raised a Muslim and attended a radical Black church.

Sen. Obama is a Christian who attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, and his campaign picks apart the book?s claims on the Web site

The campaign?s rebuttal is titled ?Unfit For Publication,? a play on the book Mr. Corsi co-authored against 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry?s military service called ?Unfit For Command.?


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