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IPY 2007-2008
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Content pages:
People: Home
IPY & People: Summary

Information for everyone:
Related IPY Projects
IPY projects that involve people in both the Arctic and Antarctica.
Meet The Participants
Profiles of researchers, community members, and other IPY participants. Several are happy to be contacted.
Links and Resources
Links to organisations with content about People and the Polar Regions.
About International Polar Days
Learn about past and future Polar Days.

Information for educators:
FLYERS: Local & Global Discussion
Download a flyer in your language!!
Connecting Communities, Pole to Pole Students around the world consider life in the Arctic and elsewhere.
LIVE Radio Events
Join IPY on radio around the world, live!
Launch a Virtual Balloon
Add your balloon to a map of people marking International Polar Day.

Press resources:
Press releases and images
Press releases and images for downloading.

International Polar Day - People

September 24th, 2008 marks the sixth quarterly International Polar Day, this time focusing on People.

Use the quick links in the left sidebar of this page to find out more about our live radio events, virtual balloon launch, local and global discussions, multi-lingual flyers, and to meet IPY participants and learn about their research.

imagephoto: Amy Clapp

People have lived in the Arctic for many millennia, developing skills, strategies, and community knowledge to survive polar conditions.  They succeeded by learning to use local foods from land and ocean, by learning to move safely across land, ice, and ocean, by circum-Arctic trade, and by perpetuating their knowledge through language and culture.  In recent centuries resource exploitation and political activities imposed from outside the polar regions have changed the livelihoods and well-being of polar residents in good and bad ways.  Climate change and renewed exploitation present urgent challenges to Arctic people.

Join us around September 24th in learning more about People and the Polar Regions. Using the sidebar on the left of these pages you can find many ways to get involved including having local and global discussions, tuning in to radio broadcast from Arctic Canada, and launching a virtual balloon.

Activity and summary sheets are available in many languages here .

imagephoto: Livia Monami

The IPY International Programme Office thanks the Canadian IPY Secretariat and National Committee for their help organising and coordinating this event.
For more information about the People Day, please contact , or .
Many thanks to Livia Monami and Max Holmes for the images on these pages.