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UGO's World of The Matrix - MATRIX.UGO.COM
The Wayback Machine -
Free your mind with the best trilogy ever made! Well, maybe not, but it's still pretty cool.

Free your mind with the UGO's World of The Matrix, and indulge in the latest Matrix game, Path of Neo . All Matrix fans are welcome to jack in to UGO's section of Zion... just watch out for Agent Smith.

Re-Visit The Matrix Reloaded

Still have lingering feelings of disappointment about this one? Give it another chance - despite its weaknesses, there's a lot to love in Reloaded .

The Animatrix Review

If you haven't checked out this DVD, you're missing out on some terrific Matrix stories that feature themes and characters you won't find in the movies.

Carrie-Anne Moss Profile and Gallery

Monica Bellucci may inspire lust to the point of it almost being ridiculous, but Trinity is still Queen of the Matrix. Stop in and say hello to Carrie-Anne.

Monica Bellucci
Monica can turn heads and break hearts with a minimum of screen time.

The Matrix Revolutions
The final installment in the movie trilogy is an eye-popping phantasmagoria.

Path of Neo
The latest Matrix game finally allows you to play as the One.

The Matrix (TM), ? & ? is a registered trademark of Warner Bros. Copyright ? 2005. All Rights Reserved. UGO's World of The Matrix is an unofficial fansite designed for devotees of The Matrix and is not affiliated with or licensed by Warner Bros. All logos and images used on this website are registered trademarks of their respective companies. All Rights Reserved. Some of the content presented on UGO's World of The Matrix has been provided by fans, other unofficial websites or online news sources, and is the sole responsibility of the source from which it was obtained