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What’s Next for the Who? “We’ve Done Enough Already,” Says Daltrey : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily
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What’s Next for the Who? “We’ve Done Enough Already,” Says Daltrey

7/10/08, 8:43 am EST

This Saturday the Who are playing a 40-minute set at the VH1 Rock Honors — where their music will be celebrated by Pearl Jam , the Flaming Lips and more bands — but plans beyond that are murky. Four Japanese dates are on the books for November, but Roger Daltrey tells Rolling Stone that nothing is confirmed beyond that. The group initially planned to hit the studio with T Bone Burnett this year to record an album of R&B obscurities from the Fifties and Sixties as a follow-up to 2006’s Endless Wire , but Pete Townshend has indefinitely postponed the project. “I must not commit to studio time or show dates, especially not to long tours, without some kind of creative programme,” Townshend wrote on his blog in April. “I don’t know whether I can write songs for the Who. I don’t know if I can come up with some idea, some story, some angle, that will make me feel good about being the writer for the Who . Most important of all, I don’t know if I write something whether I should try to force the Who to carry it.”

Daltrey is also conflicted about the idea of a new Who album. “I think we’ve done enough already,” he says. “It would be great to have something new, but it doesn’t really matter.” He does still see a bright future for the band as a touring act. “No one plays our music better than us,” he says. “By the end of this year, after we’ve done this short stint and got Japan under our belts, we’ll have a re-think. I would like to do Quadrophenia again. I think that tour was way ahead of its time when we did it back in 1996. There’s so much we can do, but the road does wear you down.”

On the Who’s fan forums Townshend expressed even more ambivalence about the future. “I am no longer a member of a band called the Who,” he wrote. “I am Pete Townshend. I used to be in a band called the Who. It does not exist today except in your dreams. I am a songwriter and guitarist who — if I create the right setting — can walk onto a stage with my old buddy Roger Daltrey and evoke the old magic of the Who in the dreams of the audience. … There are many Who fans who have just as good a time watching one of the many fantastic Who tribute bands as watching Roger and Pete (and their supporting musicians) pretend to be who we used to be.”

Another Who project is also hanging in the balance: the Keith Moon biopic . Daltrey has been working on a Moon movie for years, but despite rumors that Mike Myers and Jason Schwartzman have been in talks for the lead role, there hasn’t been much progress. “Maybe I made a mistake of coming to Hollywood,” says Daltrey. “I probably would’ve been better off trying to get it done in England. I’d rather nothing was made then a run-of-the-mill biopic about Keith Moon. The project is really struggling, but when it’s ready, it will happen.”

[ Photo: Getty ]


BK | 7/11/2008, 6:03 pm EST

Pete is brilliant, but he’s a habitual liar which - at this point in his glorious career - has turned quite endearing.
He admits it on the song “However Much I Booze” (”Everybody knows that I habitually lie…”) and Dave Marsh’s book “Before I Get Old” drives the premise home. He is such an amazing guitarist and performer and songwriter, let’s give him a pass. Just don’t believe a word he says!

DrJimmy | 7/11/2008, 5:40 pm EST

…”should’ve quit after Moon”, “nostalgia act”, “ceased to be relevant”, and so on. But still, these two old farts (”not borin’ though”) rock with more prowess and intensity than any - and I mean ANY - performers playing live music today. No, it’s not The Who, but they’re still a fantastic live show and worth every penny for a ticket.

Belej | 7/11/2008, 4:53 pm EST

If you ask me, Pete is totaly mad. I admire him as a writer and a musician, but he must be mad. He was mad, when he designed the Lifehouse project and he still is mad. I would rather listen to what Roger has to say about the band, because Pete`s opinion about the band (I am sure, that Roger was a great leader of the band), doesn`t matter to me, as long as he picks up his guitar and plays… Just like yesterday…

Moonie | 7/11/2008, 10:14 am EST

I agree with Pete. This is not “The Who”, has not been since Keith died,and even less since John passed. I love’em, but will not see them again live.I’ve been lucky enough to see them six times,but I wish to remember them the way they were. I do think they should continue to record new stuff ,as long as it remains productive for them.

Pete... | 7/11/2008, 12:00 am EST

The thing about Pete Townshend is that he’s usually full of it…or maybe just incredibly moody. Here he talks about the “magic” of the Who while in countless interviews he’s talked about how terrible the Who always was, and how he’s always hated rock n’ roll, etc. Obviously, anything’s possible with this guy….

theseeker | 7/10/2008, 10:08 pm EST

Just got an email announcement of a US tour. Hope they come to San Antonio since they cancelled that show on the last tour. Dont understand why these guys vascilate between loving and seemingly hating The Who but then again who am I to even pretend to know what their life is like, not that I really care! Just a man who enjoys thier music even Endless Wire. True music lovers appreciate music genious even if it doesnt always include power chords!

Randy W. | 7/10/2008, 8:15 pm EST

Check their website & Pollstar. Today, they announced a fall tour of the U.S.

ARTWANKER | 7/10/2008, 8:05 pm EST

Already got my ticket to see them in Osaka this November.They are still awesome live, equalled by only a few other bands, like the Ramones (RIP), the Stooges, D.O.A.,the Damned..all these bands have endured line up changes, but still deliver the goods live.

Mytch | 7/10/2008, 6:13 pm EST

They should have broken up after the death of Keith Moon. Like many other bands of their time they didn’t stop when they were at the top of their game. It was Townshend
who wrote ‘hope I die before I get old’. The Who (Townsend) should have taken their own advice.

Sam Elias | 7/10/2008, 3:06 pm EST

What exactly was way ahead of it’s time about the Quadrophenia tour Roger? The countless noname musicians on stage who had no business being onstage with the Who? The agonizing cameo appearances? Pete playing acoustic guitar while some hack played lead? The Who on Ice Mach II. Not the real band but an incredible reproduction.

Danyel Taillon | 7/10/2008, 1:55 pm EST

Greatest band on earth… once, but I still dig them. Right on Roger and Pete!

Tommy | 7/10/2008, 1:44 pm EST

Not the band they used to be, but I still get shivers up me spine when I see them live, which includes the Quad show in 96. How can you not love it when they are letting her rip and the lights go up in the venue and everyone screams “It’s only teenage wasteland”! I have seen some of the greats in their hey day, the Clash, Police, Cure, Morrissey, Stones, Allman’s, Radiohead, the Who doensn’t get out rocked by anyone. I’ll always go to a Who show.

Marc | 7/10/2008, 1:15 pm EST

For those of us who have kept up with the band, there are no surprises here. Pete and Roger were open and honest about their feelings and have left open the door to more touring. For those of you who may not have kept up, please give “Endless Wire” a listen. I think you will be surprised.

Tino | 7/10/2008, 1:13 pm EST

I thought Endless Wire was very good, so I was hoping that they would make another album. I’m a bit surprised they changed their mind, but they’re certainly entitled to at this point.

Chuck U | 7/10/2008, 1:04 pm EST

The Who has been a nostalgia act for 30 years (ever since Keith died). Pete has had to wrestle between drifting off into obscurity with his ever worstening solo efforts or reviving some cockeyed version of the Who every few years so he can have an audience. He is a true legend but his new music hasn’t inspired me for decades.

Believe It | 7/10/2008, 12:21 pm EST

These guys are true vets — they can do as they please. But it’s sad, somehow. When a writer believes he can no longer work inside the space that he himself created — that has to be very difficult to reconcile. I know Pete has said that solo records are off the table, too, because they are a lonesome endeavor. What is he to do? And what can we do, as their fans?

sarah | 7/10/2008, 12:10 pm EST

i like roger’s idea of doing quadrophenia again that would really rock but without john who knows what it would be like? there are some sick bass parts in quadrophenia and idk if pino could do it. i think roger and pete still have it in them, it’s just support for the who is dying out daily because people would rather listen to today’s modern alternative smut. he says the who doesnt exist anymore, i strongly disagree. i saw the who like in 2006 and that show changed my life. something about the drum interlude to the big YEEEAAAAAA has a certain kind of indescribable magic when you hear it live. and yes endless wire was obviously not petes best work but who knows? everyone gets writers block sometimes but i have a feeling that pete will land on his feet and create something beautiful.

Frank | 7/10/2008, 11:59 am EST

One thing is clear: Pete is a pretentious, self-indulgent wanker.

a1rhendr1x | 7/10/2008, 11:53 am EST

Townshend is right. The Who that exists today is not The Who that made Who’s Next, Tommy, Quad, etc…

That said, I see no reason why Townshend and Daltry can’t continue to do their little “Who” shows. As long as people still want to hear it, why the hell not?

Now, as for the future, let’s hear something original from Townshend and Daltry outside of The Who banner. That could still be cool.

RTickle | 7/10/2008, 11:40 am EST

Here’s my 2 cents:
Pete is only trying continue his extra-ordinary life and it’s many stories..but there will always be people who could listen to Who’s Next forever and ever and ever and ever … that’s not life, that’s reruns, like being in high school forever. Doews anyone think it’s Cool to sing the same song forever? Like those one-hit wonders who have to play THEIR SONG every night? Joe Walsh once said about “Rocky Mountain Way”..”if I knew I would have to play this song forever I would have written something else”…

Anonymous | 7/10/2008, 11:12 am EST

Everyone already knows what Townsend felt compelled to say aloud. Come on, is it The Who without Entwhistle and Moon? I’d be interested to hear future music from Townsend.

Marty P. | 7/10/2008, 10:17 am EST

Big deal. Endless Wire was an ‘endless album’ that sucked big time. Even worse than It’s Hard or Face Dances.

Sean Kilkelly | 7/10/2008, 9:59 am EST

Pete - You’re a legend and a great mind, but you seem just as confused as the guy who wrote, “I hope I die before I get old.”

Oh well, The Who still rock!

Matt | 7/10/2008, 9:51 am EST

Wow… I didnt know pete townshend felt that way about the Who

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