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About the Center for South Asia Studies
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About Us


The Center for South Asia Studies (CSAS) mission is to provide active support for the teaching and research activities of South Asia-related faculty and the learning and research activities of their students; to develop financial resources for the enhancement of South Asia studies; to encourage interdisciplinary, regional and comparative studies of South Asia; to create outreach programs in coordination with other institutions of primary, secondary and post-secondary education; and to support cultural and community activities relating to South Asia and South Asians. The only US Department of Education-funded National Resource Center for South Asia studies in California, this Center is committed to enhancing the knowledge of South Asia and South Asians by working with institutions and individuals throughout the state. CSAS seeks to develop and advance the scholarly study of the region conventionally known as South Asia, comprising the nations of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Tibet and the Maldives. The research activities encompassed include the social sciences, the humanities, and relevant professional fields.

Subordinate to this mission, but connected with it, is the Center's goal of increasing awareness and understanding of these nations, their peoples, and the diverse cultures they represent, on the part of educators, students, the representatives of the media, and the general population of the State of California. CSAS strives to accomplish its principal objective through the organization and hosting of a variety of scholarly events, including lectures, colloquia, seminars, and research conferences, the bringing to campus of a variety of research specialists, the initiation and administration of research projects, and the publication of research books and monographs on various aspects of South Asia studies. The Center is one of ten Organized Research Units that are part of International and Area Studies (IAS) , which in turn is mandated to link and expand the international units on campus and to enlarge the university's international contributions and visibility. IAS is headed by Dean John Lie, Class of 1959 Professor.



The CSAS logo, adopted in 1991, is a South Indian Kolam. Made of rice flour, the kolam is traditionally drawn on the threshhold by the women of the house. It can be simple or complex, colorful or just plain white, but it always signifies welcome to guests.

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