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? Al Gore To Campaign For Obama - Oh Joy! | Sweetness & Light
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Al Gore To Campaign For Obama - Oh Joy!

From the modestly named Al Gore page at Al’s Journal at the website :

My endorsement

June 16, 2008

A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.

Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges — including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America .

I’ve never asked members of to contribute to a political campaign before, but this moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.

That’s why I am asking you to join me today in showing your support for Barack Obama by making a contribution to his campaign today.

Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.

With the help of millions of supporters like you, Barack Obama will bring the change we so desperately need in order to solve our country’s most pressing problems.

If you’ve already contributed to Barack Obama’s campaign, I ask that you consider making another contribution. If you haven’t, please join the movement right now.

On the issues that matter most, Barack Obama is clearly the right choice to lead our nation .

We have a lot of work to do in the next few months to elect Barack Obama president and it begins by making a contribution to his campaign today.

This will cinch it for Obama for sure.

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13 Responses to “Al Gore To Campaign For Obama - Oh Joy!”

  1. Enthalpy

    Al Gore’s endorsement. It just doesn’t get any better than that! Does it?

  2. mrfocus

    I guess it’s over the Fat Man is going to sing.

  3. JohnMG

    ….”He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill…..”

    So putting shit-for-brains in the White House changes what?? Another AlGorism. And he wonders why he didn’t win!!

  4. ptat

    JohnMG–you’re killing me! Brevity is the soul of wit! Hilarious…..

  5. ATLien

    The Goracle foresees warm months ahead followed by a brief period of cold starting around October of this year.

  6. wirenut

    I say we keep politicians out of natural weather occurrences ,and put most into a high speed blender !
    Good GOD ! Who would want this endorsement ? Desperate is as , despaired does. I thought U.N.C.L.E Ted was bad enough . I pray for this nation , but I’m stocking up on patriot tools .

  7. Brocktoon

    Al Gore needs to eliminate industries, internal combustion engines, logging, oil exploration, incandescent light bulbs and beach bonfires in order to save our planet.You know Earth, the one that has a fever.
    Barry is now so indebted to “spotted Al” for this endorsement that he has no choice, as president, but to give climate change man a big thumbs up and “okee dokee” for his insane plans.
    God, Please Help Us!

  8. 1republicanscientist

    Big Al is a bloated mess. What is this giant man’s carbon footprint?
    “A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama.” ….and we are going to follow that up with a live MMA match on CBS as I fight Kimbo Slice on national television. WOW! Stop it stop it stop talking you stupid voices, wrastlin’s not gonna cause any environmental concerns, (*^(*&^&^ voices…….Anyway, I am back and bloated as ever.

  9. wardmama4

    I wonder if Obamanation would conside the Goracle for VP - imagine the bumper sticker - Give everything to US so we can heal the World-

    Wait, I got that wrong -
    -Give US all your money so we can heal the World-

    Darn wrong again -
    -Just you wait until we take all your money to make ourselves rich-

    There I got it right.

    I wonder if Obamanation will use the Goracle’s Idea and start a Oppressor Credits scam - where you can pay for some oppressed person’s lunch and thereby assuage your Oppressor guilt.

  10. wardmama4

    I wonder if Obamanation would conside the Goracle for VP - imagine the bumper sticker - Give everything to US so we can heal the World-

    Wait, I got that wrong -
    -Give US all your money so we can heal the World-

    Darn wrong again -
    -Just you wait until we take all your money to make ourselves rich-

    There I got it right.

    I wonder if Obamanation will use the Goracle’s Idea and start a Oppressor Credits scam - where you can pay (Obama) for some oppressed person’s lunch and thereby assuage your Oppressor guilt.

  11. realist

    I’m not worried about what idiot endorses the idiot nominated by idiots. I worry about the idiots who vote for such idiots.

  12. Reality Bytes

    I swear I smell wood burning whenever I watch Al Gore open his mouth. Putting a catalytic on his pie hole would probably do the environment some good, not to mention keep his eloqution pollution to a minimum.

  13. ptat

    Wardmama–the bumper sticker would have to be “Obamanation/Goracle ‘ 08″! Or should it be “Obamessiah/Goracle ‘ 08″? That sounds more spiritual and savior-like, eh? After all, Oprah just said that God put us on earth to evolve, and I am sure she and her suckers think these 2 losers at the top of their game are highly “evloved”…..

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