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UK Gallery Scraps Art Out Of Fear Of Muslims

From those yearning for the caliphate at Reuters :

The sculpture of Hans Bellmer titled 'La Poupee' [The Doll], 1936, front, is on display in the Fondation Beyeler gallery in Riehen, Basel, Switzerland, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006.

UK gallery scraps art, fearing Muslim rage-curator

Fri 6 Oct 2006

PARIS, Oct 6 (Reuters) - A London gallery has decided not to show some works of art because it fears they would upset Muslims, a curator said on Friday, a week after a German opera house canned a Mozart production for the same reason.

The director of Britain's Whitechapel Art Gallery decided to remove works by surrealist artist Hans Bellmer from an exhibition the day before it was due to open, one of the museum's curators, Agnes de la Beaumelle, told Reuters.

"The motive was simply to not shock the population of the Whitechapel neighbourhood, which is partly Muslim," she said.

The Whitechapel area in east London is home to many ethnic minorities including a large Bangladeshi community.

The gallery issued a statement saying that some works were not included in the exhibition because of space constraints but declined to comment specifically on what Beaumelle said…

Beaumelle said the exhibition had already been to Paris and Munich without provoking any protests and Bellmer, who died in 1975, is well-known in the art world, which made the decision by gallery director Iwona Blazwick all the more surprising to her.

Bellmer's work includes dolls of naked young girls.

"It surprised me because Bellmer's work is very well known. She already knew it well and by committing to take our exhibition she must have known what would be on the walls," Beaumelle said.

"I tried to protest," she said, adding that the move was "a little excessive but there's no need to make a fuss about it".

The gallery may also have removed some art depicting young girls because it was worried about the reaction of anti-paedophile groups, Beaumelle added.

The exhibition runs from Sept. 20 until Nov. 19, according to the gallery's Web site.

Hey, I thought the purpose of modern art is to shock. But apparently that only applies to Christians.

Still, isn't hilarious to watch the self-styled courageous "artists" so eagerly cave to the Islamo-Fascists?

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38 Responses to “UK Gallery Scraps Art Out Of Fear Of Muslims”

  1. oki

    I heard they are also going to be removing ALL statues with sharp pointy portions because they scare hemophiliacs.

  2. mathews

    Please post the Gallery’s address because I will send them the art of Allah doing a Foley to Muhammad, praised be to Allah for the his piece.

  3. MotherSuperior

    What’s next… “Man kills himself for fear of offending Muslims”???!?!?!

    Backwardass religion!

  4. Kilmeny

    I might be more angered at this catering-to of Muslims by the art gallery if I actually considered some of this stuff “art”.

    Taste is subjective, I guess. *sigh*

  5. 1sttofight

    Maybe if we just killed all the muslims we would not have this problem.

  6. Gila Monster

    Sounds like a fatwa to me 1st…LOL!!

    I suppose if I sent this London gallery a crucifix immersed in a jar of urine, they wouldn’t display it for fear of offending Christians? Yeah..right, they would have it proudly displayed in their front window!!

    The dhimmitude of the UK continues, hopefully the Brits will come to their senses and halt this idiocy.

  7. 1sttofight

    Yes it is, Issued by the Grand Imam Bob from the Holy City of Macedonia of Sand Mountain in the Grand State of Alabama.

    How can any True Believer resist?

  8. DW

    We are 6 days into October and on this site alone there are 9 different articles this month either about Muslims being offended/outraged by something or about people backing down in order to appease Muslims.
    This doesn’t include the usual murder and mayhem stories that come out of the middle east.

    People will begin to see what is happening, when ….?

  9. SG

    “We are 6 days into October and on this site alone there are 9 different articles this month either about Muslims being offended/outraged by something or about people backing down in order to appease Muslims.”

    And I don’t post all of the ones I see. Not by a long shot.

  10. AmericanIPA

    “The gallery may also have removed some art depicting young girls because it was worried about the reaction of anti-paedophile groups, Beaumelle added.”

    Does that mean that there are actually PRO-pedophile groups somewhere?

    And Gila Monster, I share your hope that the Brits will come to their senses (hell, I hope we do too) but if they don’t do it under Blair, what are the odds they ever will?

  11. oki

    NAMBLA probably qualifies as “Pro-Pedophile”

  12. wampaku40

    Again, I don’t want to steer this discussion away….but……I have been wondering, as a former resident of the UK (1992-1997, 1999) what is the Torie party there doing? I would have thought Labor would be the ones tearing themselves apart over Mr. Blair’s support of Mr. Bush in the Middle East. Are the Tories against us in this?

    American IPA wrote - “hope that the Brits will come to their senses (hell, I hope we do too) but if they don’t do it under Blair, what are the odds they ever will?”

    So, what are the likely attitudes and policies of the Tories in the case they wrest the PMship away from Labor? Are they in opposition just because it is the thing to do to counter Labor, or are the UK Tories really opposed en masse to the current action and objectives in Iraq?

  13. spelunker

    “Does that mean that there are actually PRO-pedophile groups somewhere?”

    You mean like NAMBLA?

  14. englishqueen01

    “We are 6 days into October and on this site alone there are 9 different articles this month either about Muslims being offended/outraged by something or about people backing down in order to appease Muslims.”

    On my blog, I have a counter from a website - - that tracks all the terrorists attacks since Sept. 11, 2001. As of today - October 6, 2006 at 3:19pm CST - there have been 6,024 attacks. If you average that from 9/11/01 to 9/11/06 that’s 3 terrorist attacks per day. Every day. For FIVE YEARS.

    Religion of Peace my rear end.

    And that’s the fundamental difference between Islam and EVERY other major world religion. While you get nutters of every breed, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists are - by a vast majority - peaceful people. We do not bomb buildings, behead civilians, or force our beliefs on others under penalty of death. People are free to leave our religion(s) whenever they see fit, and we will not issue a fatwa against them.

    Islam, on the other hand, has rooted its lifeblood in bullying, violence, threats, and terrorism. And what’s worse than that is there are people stupid, ignorant, and brainwashed enough to lap it up. Like our Democrats. Or those morons in England with the “support a caliphate” stickers. I’m to the point now where I feel those idiots deserve to live under an Islamic theocracy.

    I believe they deserve to live in squalid, third-world conditions, where the imams dictate everything they do (including when and how to take a pee), so they can see how miserable and terrible life is under Islamic rule. I believe the feminists and women deserve the burquas, and that their special interest groups deserve the punishments doled out under shari’a law. I believe that is the only way this stupid people will wake up and smell the coffee (if coffee is allowed in Islam, that is).

    The rest of us, however, can live in a country where we believe freedom and democracy aren’t just passing fancies - but unalienable, unshakable truths worth fighting and dying for.

  15. DW

    what is the Torie party there doing?
    wamp, bear in mind that in England alone there are 318 registered political parties (not counting Scotland,Wales and Ireland).

    To use my own country as an example, the Tories were completely insignificant up until last year. Conservatives were split. During the Liberal reign of the 90’s/early20’s, the Reform and later Alliance parties formed Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition (the party with the second highest number of seats).
    It wasn’t until Mr Harper came along and managed to unite the two parties -Reform/Alliance and Progressive Conservative (and not without great difficulty) that conservatism became a force here. Even then, it took a complete meltdown of the Liberal party to get the Conservatives back in power.
    The US is fairly unique in being one of the few “western” countries that still embraces conservatism -and look at the struggle you guys are having.
    A frightening thought, but Canada is probably one of the more conservative leaning countries in the western world. There are plenty of conservatives out there in the world, but they are divided between far-right and centre-right.
    Ann Coulter’s constant assertations that conservatives need to get their sh*t together doesn’t just apply to the US.
    I only hope it happens before it is too late.

  16. dulcimergrl

    Shall we ask the imam if coffee’s allowed, EQ?

  17. wampaku40

    Thanks. I am just wondering what the Tories’s stand has been in the UK. I can see where they could whine about the poor intelligence (hindsight) that the UK is credited with passing to the US…..but are they turning French (22 miles of water kept decent cooking from influencing their bland diet for centuries…how is politics making it over so easily?) in their appeasement and foreign relations just to oppose Labor?

  18. DW

    “We are 6 days into October and on this site alone there are 9 different articles this month either about Muslims being offended/outraged by something or about people backing down in order to appease Muslims.”
    Let’s make that 10. (if you count brutally murdering someone for not being Muslim -hello liberals? Is anyone paying attention here?? Hellooooo???)

    EQ, dulcimergrl,
    IIRC they do have coffee over there, but it is thick, bitter and very strong (hey, kinda like me ! :-), and generally not fit for consumption. Maybe this is why they are so mean and ugly…how many here act like velociraptors if we don’t get a proper cup of coffee in the morning?

  19. 1sttofight

    Who me?

  20. SG

    “(if coffee is allowed in Islam, that is).”

    Coffee - The Wine of Islam

  21. Kilmeny

    how many here act like velociraptors if we don’t get a proper cup of coffee in the morning?

    Lurking in my kitchen in the morning, DW?

  22. wirenut

    I live just out of the Twin Cities here in the mid-west and the foot print of the religion of peace is already on our throats. A rock station did a little funny segment called muslim or islam jeopardy, harmless and not in anyway outragess. 1 complaint, ONE ! Radio station KDWB back peddled so fast you can’t keep oil on the chain. It’s here like it or not. NOT!!!

  23. dulcimergrl

    SG, thanks for the interesting article. I knew coffee originated in the middle east, but didn’t know any details.

    Facinating that the mullahs tried to outlaw coffee and failed.

  24. sheehanjihad

    “The dhimmitude of the UK continues, hopefully the Brits will come to their senses and halt this idiocy.”
    What we need to do, is just carefully observe the slow strangulation of British society, and then track back to how it was allowed to happen. Personally, I dont study it much, but I am taking notice because of the Brit’s obsession with liberalism way back when, as a social experiment, and then in the ensuing decades, that slow inexorable suffocation of people’s rights, the polarization of the entire society, the “tolerance”, “inclusivness”, embracing “diversity”….all sounding so familiar to our country now.

    Look what is happening, and look what disease is taking hold in a society who’s immune system was forcefully removed by horribly misguided syccophants, and now, as they hide their heads up their collective asses, they are being conquered by Islam, and they are the reason it is happening. Their idiotic attempts at forcing a non functional form of life on people who simply arent wired for it is now leaving the country open for a takeover by who? By people who arent native, arent christian, arent tolerant, arent inclusive, arent diverse, and who will kill you for the slightest perceived insult.

    This is what is in store for this country if we allow it. That is why, many times before I said it is going to get ugly. Real ugly. Those of us who resist the legislated forced liberal laws that fly in the face of logic are going to be hunted not by muslims per se, but by our own law enforcement and the “new gestapo” hell bent on conforming our society to the “new rules”. We will make the civil war look like a walk in the park, and sadly, the most ironic fact of this upcoming conflict is that we, Amercians, will have to take on the personna of the terrorists we hate so much. It will be one of the worst times in history, and as we fight each other……they, the Muslims…will patiently wait until such a time as they can indeed just walk in and take over…..and the Caliphate that some find amusing will indeed be upon us.

    I suggest that since the Stars and Stripes will be hijacked by the left…the democrats will proudly wave the very flag the insult….but they will spin “patriotism” to mean how many of your fellow citizens you can turn in for resisting the “new order”, That we revive the flag that got everyone’s attention, right in the very beginning in our struggle for freedom from tyranny. It said “dont tread on me” showing a rattlesnake as the prize for the boot on our neck…..I dont know, it is all so possible.

    But, I am just musing, and I pray to God every day that my look into the future is way off, and never happens. But then, France is burning, Germany is quaking, The Dutch have capitulated, and soon all of Western Europe will wake up one morning, and wonder what happened. The British I fear, are going to be our ex ally soon, Blair was the last hope for that, and he is being drummed out by the pro liberal crowd…and they are stupid enough to believe that what they seek is already upon them, but in a disguise that holds them sway, that thin hope that they will be “in charge” in the new order…..they are wrong. and they are condemned to death by their actions. Not by patriots….but their muslim masters who hold nothing but contempt for the lapdogs they are viewed as by Islam. We are in for a fight folks….regardless of how “chicken little” that sounds. I hope we win. I am certainly going to try..

  25. wirenut

    These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it NOW deservers the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; andit would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated….

    Thomas Paine 12/23/76

    Everytime I read and reread and reread this I still get goosebumps!

  26. sheehanjihad

    wirenut…we all do. Those of us who understand, and most of all, remember.

  27. wirenut

    SJ I know you and many of us here do, but I don’t get the ones that do not. History is in the books, look it up its very easy or God forbid talk to an elder thats gone thougth what were trying to prevent from happening again. Tryanny wins when we shrink, and after seeing almost thirty five years of shrinkage do to libs I’ve had enought. The old dead white guys have it and had it right the first time ( founding fathers) that is . P.C.correction, Mess with us and get a mini-ball between the eyes. Seems simple to me.

  28. DEZ

    As great as that is wirenut I will always remember one phrase.

    I will not go quietly into that goodnight.

  29. sheehanjihad

    That is my motto….

  30. DEZ

    My freind that went with out saying.

  31. spelunker

    Rage, rage, against the dying of the light, do not go softly into that dark night….

    What y’all said.


  32. wampaku40


    Thanks for that. Something to smile about. I don’t know about you (did not know you were from my native lands), but I am kinda in mourning for the Twins….exciting season, lots of come from behind games, but not tonite……

  33. wirenut

    Wam…Hail you, yet another garage logic type here ,Oh My. When we get this S&L picnic together I’m the one with the brew crew hat and the packer backer shirt, and a large slice of really old cheese on my head. I know that with 1st, S.J., and others I’ll be hard to spot, but we’ll know. Just give me “the nod ” I’ll know were from the upper-mississippi river rat crowd. Oh and don’t thank me, thank our founding fathers, whose wisdom others seem to forget.Wam, its in the books.

  34. doingwhatican

    “….gallery scraps art….”

    I suggest we “scrap Muslims”.

  35. artboyusa

    Wampaku, the deal with the Torys is that they supported the Iraq invasion initially, but have cooled off over time and now that they’re seeing the Labour party eject Blair as leader because of Iraq and because of his perceived closeness to Bush they’ve decided that the UK needs to be less close to the US and less uncritical of our actions. David Cameron, the new Tory leader, gave a big speech the other week about this, which you can find on the Tory website, the address of which I can’t recall but if you search under “conservative party uk” you’ll find it.

    Basically, though, they’re dropping us like a bad habit.

  36. artboyusa

    Wampaku, the website you want is .

    The one thing that doesn’t make sense about this story is that although the Whitechapel Gallery’s in a part of the East End that’s now heavily populated by folks from Pakistan and Bangladesh (a century back it was Jews from Eastern Europe), a non-assimilated Muslim would have no reason to go in there and be offended in the first place, so what’s the problem? I’ve been to the Whitechapel lots of times in my artboy identity and never seen as single identifiable Muslim. Still, I suppose we can’t cringe low enough, often enough or fast enough if we want to please our Muslim overlords. Might as well get used to it.

  37. endzonekiller

    On Yahoo there was an article about Barbara Staistand saying the F word to a heckler who thought her skit demeaning GWB was rude. It was. Yahoo copy of the news said this;
    “Once the outburst (which Streisand later apologized for) was over, Streisand noted that “the artist’s role is to disturb,” and delivered a message of tolerance before launching into a serenely beautiful rendition of “Somewhere.”

    Does the comment “Hey, I thought the purpose of modern art is to shock. But apparently that only applies to Christians…” imply the masters of S and L schlarve the B.S. doad? Because trust me, Barbara Strailstand has a doad. A big fat but limp doad.
    Disturbing and shocking. Is that the role of art, or just “modern art?” And if so, is it really art or is it…something else? I don’t know what but certainly NOT art.

  38. 1sttofight

    Babs wants to be intelligent so much, But alas, she never will.

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