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Other News For The Week Of Jun 14 - Jun 20

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2 Responses to “Other News For The Week Of Jun 14 - Jun 20”

  1. Gila Monster

    Scary stuff folks. From my local fishwrap, a WashPo story.

    Smugglers had design for modern warhead

    by Joby Warrick - Jun. 14, 2008 05:35 PM
    The Washington Post
    WASHINGTON - An international smuggling ring that sold bomb-related parts to Libya, Iran and North Korea also managed to acquire blueprints for an advanced nuclear weapon, according to a draft report by a former top U.N. arms inspector that suggests the plans could have been shared secretly with any number of countries or rogue groups.

    The drawings, discovered in 2006 on computers owned by Swiss businessmen, included essential details for building a compact nuclear device that could be fitted on a type of ballistic missile used by Iran and more than a dozen developing countries, the report states.

    The computer contents - more than 1,000 gigabytes of data - were recently destroyed by Swiss authorities under the supervision of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, which is investigating the now-defunct smuggling ring previously led by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan.
    But U.N. officials cannot rule out the possibility that the blueprints were shared with others before their discovery, said the report’s author, David Albright, a prominent nuclear weapons expert who spent four years researching the smuggling network.

    “These advanced nuclear weapons designs may have long ago been sold off to some of the most treacherous regimes in the world,” Albright writes in a draft report about the blueprint’s discovery. A copy of the report, expected to be published later this week, was provided to The Washington Post.

    The A.Q. Khan smuggling ring was previously known to have provided Libya with design information for a nuclear bomb. But the blueprints found in 2006 are far more troubling, Albright said in his report. While Libya was given plans for an older and relatively unsophisticated weapon that was bulky and difficult to deliver, the newly discovered blueprints offered instructions for building a compact device, the report said. The lethality of such a bomb would be little enhanced, but its smaller size might allow for delivery by ballistic missile.

    Or in a truck driven illegally over the porous US / Mexico border, thanks to the open border Dhimmicrats, libtards and RINOs.

    “To many of these countries, it’s all about size and weight,” Albright said in an interview. “They need to be able to fit the device on the missiles they have.”

    The Swiss government acknowledged earlier this month that it destroyed nuclear-related documents, including weapons-design details, under the direction of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency to keep them from falling into terrorists’ hands. However, it has not been previously reported that the documents included hundreds of pages of specifications for a second, more advanced nuclear bomb.

    “These would have been ideal for two of Khan’s other major customers, Iran and North Korea,” wrote Albright, now president of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. “They both faced struggles in building a nuclear warhead small enough to fit atop their ballistic missiles, and these designs were for a warhead that would fit.”

    It is unknown whether the designs were delivered to either country, or to anyone else, Albright said.

    The Pakistani government did not rebut the findings in the report but said it had cooperated extensively with U.N. investigators. “The Government of Pakistan has adequately investigated allegations of nuclear proliferation by A.Q. Khan and shared the information with IAEA,” Nadeem Kiani, a spokesman for the Pakistani embassy in Washington, said Saturday. “It considers the A.Q. Khan affair to be over.”

    A CIA official, informed of the essential details of Albright’s report, said the agency would not comment because of the extreme diplomatic and security sensitivities of the matter. In his 2007 memoir, former CIA director George Tenet acknowledged the agency’s extensive involvement in tracking the Khan network over more than a decade.

    Tenet was all over this? Yeah, OK, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

  2. texaspsue

    From the Telegraph:

    Hillary Clinton’s defeat fuels divorce rumours

    Rumours have been rife that the Clintons’ marriage may be on the rocks. From Washington, Tim Shipman dissects the dynamics of the power-hungry duo’s complex relationship.

    Hillary Clinton is licking her wounds, relaxing at an undisclosed location with her husband, Bill, and daughter, Chelsea, doubtless pondering the causes of her failure to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

    Yet as the New York senator considers her future in American public life, there are new claims that she is also considering the future of her marriage. The First Post, an irreverent online news magazine, last week alleged that some of those around Mrs Clinton believe that her failure to beat Barack Obama has weakened the cement in her marriage.

    The argument goes like this: Mrs Clinton stood by her man despite his serial philandering in exchange for his support for her own political ambitions. Now that the 42nd president is himself partly blamed for her losing the nomination with his often-incendiary public comments, their relationship will go the same way as her candidacy.

    The First Post quoted a source close to Mrs Clinton’s staff saying: “Why on earth would she stay with him now? It’s over. The feeling is that she can do better in the Senate without him, and better if she wants to take another shot at the White House in 2012.”

    Likewise, commentary on the state of the Clinton marriage has seeped into the normally squeamish mainstream American media.

    A devastating portrait of Mr Clinton in this month’s edition of Vanity Fair, for instance, claims that Mrs Clinton’s staff have grown concerned that, since leaving the White House, Mr Clinton has continued to enjoy the company of women other than his wife, as well as the friendship of billionaire Ron Burkle ? whose private jet is dubbed “Air F*** One”. Mr Clinton dismissed the author, Todd Purdum, as a “scumbag”, while the actress Gina Gershon threatened to sue the magazine for implying that she had an improper relationship with the former president.

    In another blow for the Clintons, Gennifer Flowers, the lounge singer who claims to have had a 12-year affair with Mr Clinton, last week joined forces with Paula Jones, whose sexual harassment case against the president ? settled out of court ? uncovered the evidence of his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

    The two women have released Two Chicks Chatting (, a series of internet chats that include light-hearted discussion of the presidential privates, and more serious reflections on their experiences under fire from the Clinton attack machine.

    In an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Miss Flowers lends her voice to the claims that Mr Clinton was to blame for Mrs Clinton’s primary defeat, and says she should ditch her husband if she wants to be president in four years’ time.

    “Although there’s a lot of support for Hillary, many people in this country can’t forget the disgrace that they brought to the White House,” she says. “Hillary would have done better without him in tow.

    “Should she dump him now? Yes, absolutely. She should have dumped him when he seduced a 21-year-old intern. She should have thrown his clothes on the White House lawn and said: ‘Get the hell out!’

    “It’s still possible for her to get the vice-presidential nomination,” Miss Flowers continues. “If she gets it ? and Barack Obama does not do a good job ? then she would run in four years.”

    Despite the failure of opposition research teams to find evidence of recent infidelity by Mr Clinton, Miss Flowers expresses continuing doubts. “If anybody doubts that he’s still womanising, they are delusional. Bill is going to go out and seek sex and passion anywhere he can find it, because he isn’t getting it at home.”

    This is not the first time that the prospect of divorce has loomed over the Clinton marriage. In his biography of Mrs Clinton, published last year, the Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein revealed that Mr Clinton considered ditching his wife for Marilyn Jo Jenkins, a company executive, on the eve of becoming president.

    Then, in 1990, Mrs Clinton herself toyed with the idea of leaving but told friends: “There are worse things than infidelity.”

    Earlier this year, the American gossip magazine Globe claimed that the couple had a secret divorce pact that would end the marriage if her ambition to become president failed.

    Uh oh! Rumors can be so brutal, or true. Consider the source?

    FWIW………………….. I think Hillary should have done this years ago. (Staying with Bill makes her look weak.)

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