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Eco-Terrorists Ambush Coal Train In England

From the (admittedly biased) Gaia worshippers at BBC News :

Climate protest halts coal train

June 13, 2004

About 30 climate campaigners have halted a train taking coal to one of Europe’s biggest power stations in North Yorkshire.

A giant banner reading "Leave it in the ground" has been draped over the train bound for Drax near Selby.

The train was stopped in Rawcliffe, on the border of North and East Yorkshire.

A protester said lines had been attached to the train’s wheels to stop it moving.

He said the intention was to start unloading coal using shovels .

One of the activists said the freight train was stopped using a red flag.

The protest is being staged by members of Leave it in the Ground, a group which campaigns against open cast mining.

In a statement released by the group, the activists said they had enough supplies to remain on the train for several days.

Members said they would not move unless the chief executive of Drax personally explained to them how the power station’s emissions were compatible with tackling climate change .

In the statement the group said they had used a "carefully rehearsed procedure to stop the train".

Members said signalmen were informed as soon as the action was under way in order to prevent any risk to other trains.

Activist Ben Tennyson said: "We’ve stopped this train to prevent it delivering a thousand tonnes of coal to be burned at Drax and then released into the atmosphere.

"If we’re serious about fighting climate change we have to leave this dirty fuel in the ground and invest in clean, renewable energy sources instead."

Drax is part of the publicly owned Drax Group which floated in 2005 and is now among the top 250 companies listed on the London stock market.

‘Cleanest’ power station

A spokeswoman for Drax said the protest would not impact on operations and the station would operate "business as usual".

A statement from Drax said: " We are the largest, cleanest and most efficient coal-fired power station in the UK, which means that for every unit of electricity we generate we emit less CO2 than any other coal-fired power station in the UK

A North Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said: "We’ve been aware that there are a number of protesters at Rawcliffe.

"British Transport Police and North Yorkshire Police are responding at the scene."

"Climate campaigners"?

These people are domestic terrorists. And they should be treated as such.

And we don’t mean taken to a sunny tropical isle where they can play soccer and eat honey glazed chicken.

"If we’re serious about fighting climate change we have to leave this dirty fuel in the ground and invest in clean, renewable energy sources instead."

Yes. Nuclear energy.

Which is why Dame Thatcher concocted the "global warming" bugaboo in the first place.

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9 Responses to “Eco-Terrorists Ambush Coal Train In England”

  1. navycopjoe

    I pray that the Brits grow some balls and beat the hell out of those “protesters” with their own shovels.
    What the hell happened to England? What a shame.

  2. HNAV

    Classic !

    these fools just WASTED an enormous amount of energy with this sophomoric effort.

    but the fun of calling something what it isn’t, seems totally contageous these days.

    “Climate Campaigners” INDEED !

    Sort of like calling a Partisan Advocate like the late Tim Russert a Journalist.

    Of course, wishing the Russert Family the most sincere sympathies, and offering serious conceptions of RIP.

    However, the reclassification of a clear Partisan playing Games with the politics on TV, as an UNBIASED Reporter worthy of endless praise, is part of the disastrous problem we have in the USA.

    The truth is simply not represented, as Partisan Denial rules the day.

    Almost as misguided, as the facade that promoted the fantasy of Hillary Clinton being an attractive candidate for President.

    The decline of the reputation of the MSM, the increasing loss of Professional Journalism, even the poor polls revealing how Americans overwhelmingly no longer trust it’s Own MEDIA Institutions, are all part of the Russert Legacy.

    Russert’s passing is sad, unfortunate, regretful, untimely, but he was a true Partisan, often pushing a unobjective advocation upon the American Public, turning the once respected NBC NEWS Department and a highly respected Sunday Morning TV Program (known for integrity and healthy discourse) into a misguided venue for a Partisan Agenda.

    Perhaps the worst image I can remember one Sunday Morning, was watching Russert, Gregory, Mitchell, etc., laughing in snide disdain at the conception the Iraqi People would turn out to vote for their own Democracy. The Iraqis did, and Russerts team of overt Democrat Slant were proven completely blinded by Partisan Bigotry.

  3. sen

    Environmentalists couldn’t care less for the environment. Tell that you want to build a nuclear plant, and they tell you that’s too risky. Tell them that you want to generate clean wind energy, and they will go into contortions explaining how those nasty spinning blades will affect the migration patterns of birds. Tell them that you want to extract oil from shale in the Midwest, or mine non-polluting coal in Utah, and they petition Washington to declare them as national monuments. At the root of their meaningless activism is a desire to control other human beings, an irrational yearning to see humans live like our ancestors used to live centuries back. I have a solution. Tell you what: let’s air drop these eco-moonbats into Afghanistan or Africa, or some other developmentally challenged part of the globe. Let’s see how they survive in the lap of dear Mother Gaia, without the luxury of indoor plumbing, air conditioning and gas-guzzling vehicles. Maybe that ought to teach them a lesson!

  4. DEZ

    “climate campaigners”
    WTF; these bark biters just hijacked a train, a pretty serious crime and the BBC reporter is using cutesy names for these thugs.
    Sen is correct in the assessment that they fight any and all types of energy, they interfere with commerce and other peoples day to day lives ignoring every one else’s rights all the while trumpeting that they have rights!
    This is why most cities have S.W.A.T. teams, to deal with terrorists like this, just let the snipers do the job and then those shovels can be put to good use!

  5. marinetbryant

    These people would be more believable if they didn’t use electricity, the water system or anything made with energy from the earth. Come to think of it that would be a nice punishment. And they can only eat what they themselves grow.


  6. sen

    Why do the affected parties never sue these Gaia worshipers every time they indulge in their buffoonery? I strongly believe the affected coal plant should sue these clowns for ruining their coal, delaying delivery of the selfsame coal, harassment of the driver and what not. The eco-goons who smash up scientific laboratories and professors’ homes for the “heinous” crime of conducting experiments on animals should also be subjected to the same treatment. Would serve them right to have them tangled in a few legal cases to keep them from conducting their moonbattery. Well, on second thoughts, I forgot how indoctrinated this country is on the environmentalism bogey. I would be surprised if the people affected by the Gaia freaks would ever get a free trial.

  7. DEZ

    Sen, sad isn’t it, but lawsuits maybe the only recourse.
    These punks love nothing more than pushing a situation to the point that law enforcement must use force, and then the cameras come out, to document how they are being brutalized.
    They are seldom if ever prosecuted for the damages they inflict, but sure like the attention to garner financial support from dimwits that will toss donations their way.

  8. Greg England

    Sen … I completely agree.

    Regardless of whether man-made global warming is an issue or not energy demand is inelastic and there are 6 billion people in the world. And the world economy is growing. Yet these people think we can return to a pre-industrial existence.

    Note that I sidestep the global warming issue, because it’s a red herring. Regardless of whether CO2 emissions are an issue, energy security is THE pressing issue, that affects far more lives. But we are letting enviro-wackos set the agenda.

    Duz my ‘ed in!

  9. JohnMG

    I think Sen has hit on a means of fighting back. All it would take would be for the corporations to select one or two of these enviro-Nazis and name them in a lawsuit for whatever felony charges could be leveled. Force these fools, one-by-one, to appear in courts across the land and defend themselves at their own expense. File lawsuit after lawsuit whenever possible and refuse to allow plea-bargains or anything else. Make them appear to testify, requiring them to take off from work (if they even have jobs). Cause as much hardship and grief as possible for these pinheads. Make them responsible for copy-cat acts by others. We could beat them at their own game if they were made to pay for their irresponsible actions. These dorks can die the “death of a thousand cuts” too!

    Why have we not done this yet?

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