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? Bardot On Trial For ‘Muslim Slurs’ - Yet Again | Sweetness & Light
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Bardot On Trial For ‘Muslim Slurs’ - Yet Again

From those tireless defenders of the faith at Reuters :

Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur

PARIS (Reuters) - French former film star Brigitte Bardot went on trial on Tuesday for insulting Muslims, the fifth time she has faced the charge of “inciting racial hatred” over her controversial remarks about Islam and its followers.

Prosecutors asked that the Paris court hand the 73-year-old former sex symbol a two-month suspended prison sentence and fine her 15,000 euros ($23,760) for saying the Muslim community was “destroying our country and imposing its acts.”

She has been fined four times for inciting racial hatred since 1997, at first 1,500 euros and most recently 5,000.

Prosecutor Anne de Fontette told the court she was seeking a tougher sentence than usual, adding: “I am a little tired of prosecuting Mrs Bardot.”

Bardot did not attend the trial because she said she was physically unable to. The verdict is expected in several weeks.

French anti-racist groups complained last year about comments Bardot made about the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha in a letter to President Nicolas Sarkozy that was later published by her foundation…

“I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts,” the star of ‘And God created woman’ and ‘Contempt’ said.

Bardot has previously said France is being invaded by sheep-slaughtering Muslims and published a book attacking gays, immigrants and the unemployed, in which she also lamented the “Islamisation of France.”

If they are tired of prosecuting Ms. Bardot for speaking her mind on the great issues of the day, maybe they should stop.

By the way, how many Muslims do you think have been prosecuted for calling Western culture Satan’s toilet — or some variation of that?

(This is a rhetorical question, of course.)

At least now we know Ms. Bardot’s beauty wasn’t just skin deep.

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33 Responses to “Bardot On Trial For ‘Muslim Slurs’ - Yet Again”

  1. A Mad Pole

    Berlusconi and Bardot would make a dream presidential ticket, based on today’s S&L articles.

  2. Sharps Rifle

    Her good sense can compensate for her limited acting range…I’ll still watch Shalako when they show it on the Westerns Channel…for her brains now, if for nothing else.

  3. B17Engr

    Not much free speech in France.
    I agree with Miss Bardot.

  4. GuppyNblue

    Everything she said was just an honest observation. Muslims make threats and set fires while rioting but the French national is “inciting racial hatred” if they complain.
    At her age she should ignore the fine and tell the courts to go to hell.

  5. Noyzmakr

    This whole world is turned on it’s head. Muslims threaten to and do kill people and nothing is done and BB states the truth and she’s prosecuted. 5 times!

  6. greybeard

    ostriches…she’s promoting racial hatred — in a democratic society Islam doesn’t need to overthrow the Government/s when the Govs hand it over to them.

    …oooooooooooh do-dah day

    Was it rev. Wright who said —what’s agoin on here?? Humm i think a few years ago and It was Villapiean while france was burnin.

    One lady visiting from New orleans was heard to say “I’ve been sitting on on the roof for 8 nights now waiting for someone to save me again”

    Meanwhile FEMvA (France’s Emergency Muslim vehicle Assassins) are cordinating widespread tomchicannery via mobile phone and internet chat rooms.

    They are not cordinated said one police spokesman but they are communicating.

    One of the main problems then was Minister Sarkozy’s crack down and clean up campaign on city and urban crime… many in the gov, commies, Green party, were demanding his resignation

    “We must pacify these people! The cities could burn!” (how many seconal are you on there buddy?)

    Sarkozy’s response was: ARRESTS! That is the answer!

    This is all Sarkozy’s fault says one muslim - he wants to play games with the youth by demanding the countries ‘thugs’ be rounded up and for crime to be addressed…

    One young ruffian with a firebomb was asked why he was burning down the corner grocery store?
    “Cause I’ve been tryin to get a job for 2 years; Besides it’s the latest rage. All my friends are doing it.”

    The 30% unemployment is also blamed for the civil (sic) unrest.
    France- who’s tax roles have been depleted - began supplementing their numbers years ago with refugees and people seeking asylum hoping that they would assimulate into their society and become productive citizens.

    France instead (as well as other countries) are discovering that people coming into their own country do not assimulate well and “it is therefore necessary, and prudent, for our own culture to change.”

    [...for our own culture to change]…prudent …

    Gone is the day where ‘love it or leave it’ is exceptable language. The language police have seen to that.

    “We all gottah learn to get along, or they’ll burn our cities down, or sue the sheet out of us.”

    ………5 muslims kneel down to pray at a footbll game way back by some air conditioning vents, unseen by the public (private u know) and when security inquires (quite correctly - its their job after all) what are they doing (heres your sign) and who are they? -and thereafter interrogate them and follow them - these guys feel their rights have been violated and file suit for “profiling” them…

    shhhhhh- yer not suppossed to look - dont look! don’t look!!! geeesh u almost got us sued … What the hell? U racist moron.

    I tell u I see 5 guys down on their knees praying at a football game, and no catholic priest around, I’m thinking maybe they should be kept an eye on.

    Gone are the days- ‘only in France’

    One french reporter describes France’s unemployment as comparable to Americas inner cities.
    Heya if we had 30% unemployment people would be dinning on each other.

    As it is 5% unemployment only spurs the politicians into throwing cocktail parties at welfare projects to keep the riff raff calm and the public safe. Opps was that profiling?
    Its all in the Deals…
    Meanwhile France officials dicker with groups of muslim youts and promise changes.

    (youts? did u say youts? yes yer honor)
    You mean youths
    Thas wha I said, youts

    poor Sarkozy - born 10 years to late - his intolerance for criminals, and stance on retaining France’s own culture, is unacceptable.

    He needs to read from the BOOK of Ozzie Tolerance!
    “Australasian Police Multicultural Advisory Bureau has published and distributed 50,000 copies of an 82-page handbook for Australian police officers, directing them on how to deal with people from all the unfamiliar cultures that an Australian policeman may encounter. A Sikh, for example, may receive a three-day reprieve from arrest if the arresting officer happens upon him while he is reading his holy scriptures — a practice that takes fifty hours, and must not be interrupted. And Muslim husbands who beat their wives must be treated differently from other domestic violence cases, as a matter of cultural sensitivity: “In incidents such as domestic violence,” says the handbook, “police need to have an understanding of the traditions, ways of life and habits of Muslims.”

    When asked where in the world did they come up with such a novel concept this reporter was informed they learned it while watching white gloved Guantanamo guards reverntly distributing korans on CSpan …

    …Muslims…must be treated differently…as a matter of cultural sensitivity…we must ‘change’

    ah boy, I can see it now … a toilet , a urnial, and a hole in the floor

    …“destroying our country and imposing its acts.”…AND imposing Islam’s Culture… !

    Bardot is correct. You go girl!

  7. B17Engr

    What comes to my mind is “Don’t call me violent or I’ll kill you”. hmn.

  8. pagar

    Europe is gone. But they are not the only ones, Here’s the CBC News boss admitting they publish only what the Muslims want them too.

    ” the CBC’s news boss acknowledged, for the first time, that they are afraid that if they cover Muslim news in the wrong way, there could be violence against their reporters in Muslim nations. So they don’t.” Article

    Here’s lawsuits filed in Canada because people/websites are conservative. I thought the story was on this site, but search doesn’t find it. Link

    “Warman’s suit would censor the conservative blogosphere”

    Eason Jordan told us years ago, that CNN’s Iraq section published only what Saddam approved. Link

    My guess is it gets to the point where the conservative bloggers are shut down completely.

  9. Noyzmakr

    Great post pagar. This does seem to be a tendency that is more and more making it’s way into our news media also. You almost never see a negative story about these radical islamic facists.

  10. SG

    “I thought the story was on this site, but search doesn’t find it.”

    It has been covered several times in the “Other News” section, I believe.

  11. pagar

    SG, I’m sure that’s where it’s been covered, I wasn’t complaining ~just wanted to link the two if I could. Thanks for all the resources we have here.

  12. U NO HOO

    Viva Brigitte Bardot.

    (I hope I got it correct.)

  13. SG

    “I’m sure that’s where it’s been covered, I wasn’t complaining ~just wanted to link the two if I could. Thanks for all the resources we have here.”

    Oh, I didn’t think you were complaining.

    And speaking of resources, I have been trying to tweak the search engine so that it will also search comments — which would then cover the “Other News” posts, but to no avail.

  14. DW

    Pagar’s second link is to Ezra Levant’s site. I’ve posted a few things from it on the “Other News” section as have a few other people.
    For anyone who hasn’t had a look through Mr Levant’s site, it would be well worth your time to follow pagar’s link and go back to his (Levant’s) series on his time spent in front of a “Human Rights Commission” for the crime of reprinting the Mohammed cartoons in his magazine. It’s a fascinating, if somewhat chilling, look into the future. The whole site, in fact, has lots of disturbing news that’s happening close to home (for you guys).
    This also dovetails neatly with what Mark Steyn ( America Alone ) is also facing.

    SG: Just a thought -maybe for search purposes you could have it so that articles could be searched by country (ie: France, Canada, China, etc).

  15. DEZ

    George Orwell’s book, and the movie 1984 were as boring as watching fingernails grow.
    Regardless, Orwell was trying to point out the horrors of total government control.
    Liberals scream about the evil conservatives trying to force that type of life upon them.
    So what do they do, prosecute people for telling the truth about a religion that would make Orwell’s story pale in comparison.
    Funny how a 73 year old female has more courage and insight than her capitulating leaders.

  16. Gila Monster

    Well stated DEZ and yes, the majority of Orwell’s books are very tedious.

  17. BillK

    This is the future of the “first amendment” in the United States, which, if you recall the left’s definition, actually means “freedom to speak against anything we also disagree with.”

    Thus “Piss Christ” is free speech, anti-Muslim comments are hate speech.

  18. Lipstick on a PIAPS

    Wanno PO a liberal?!? Speak the truth! Muslims you are pukes! The sooner you and your “Religion” are eradicated off the face of the Earth the better! How am I doing Anne de Fontette?!?! LMAO

  19. 1republicanscientist

    Europe is fini. I don’t think there would be any way to save them this time, there’s so many militants interwoven in their society. But let me get this straight. Bardot is going to be punished by law for making a non-death threat comment about mouselimbs while the filth in Europe Arabia can stage anti-west protests stating “behead those that insult islam,” and there’s no retribution? Oh yes, there as hopefully in san fransissyco, their liberalism will be the end of their civilizations..

  20. sheehanjihad

    This has gotten to the point where I actually hope the muslums get their nuke detonated successfully. That is the only way…the only way left…..that will wake up over 60% of this country. Yeah, that’s all it will affect. The rest will be dead, or wish to God they were.

    Then…..there is that hunting down the PC bastards that started this entire dismal affair……and causing them to pay the piper. Tater stick for dinner…..mouthfulls at a time.

    Yeah, I know what that sounds like… sue me. I am fed up with “one way tolerance”.

  21. wardmama4

    SJ - I agree with you - but alas I thought that 9/11 would be that catalyst - it didn’t last long at all. . .

    I keep praying that when Imawackjob or the hezzies get the bomb - that it is directed exactly where it needs to land - The Capital building in DC or the UN in NY - because the appeasers, doubledealers and the ostriches are the reason the World is on the brink of annihilation at the hands of 3rd century rejects.

    And that inself should say something very scary about the enablers and their enabled.

  22. The Redneck

    Bush needs to give Bardot citizenship. Let her come over here, where she can still have the right to tel us the truth.

  23. sheehanjihad

    The ironic thing is, she gets arrested for “inciting racial hatred”…….when muslims worldwide dont need any kind of incitement. They hate our collective guts with every ounce of emotion they possess.

  24. Gila Monster

    Somewhat related item concerning the five Canadian bloggers under fire from government sponsored “human rights kommisars”. I’m still laughing.

    Ms. Bardot would look fantastic in one of those.

    BTW, I’m pretty sure the letter adorning the tees is from the hand of our fellow brethren, DW, heh.
    Yeah, that’s it, that’s the ticket…… ;o)

  25. NSKauai

    “inciting racial hatred”

    oh - so now Islam is a race? I am so sick of this crap. 1st off all humans are a member of the homo sapiens race - there are no other races

    so racism is moot

    back to the point of Ms Bardot - she is correct - she has a right to speak her mind - and this is all France has to offer?

    keep flying the white flag Frenchies!!

  26. Reality Bytes

    I guess Jeremiah Wright won’t be taking up residence in Paris anytime soon. Oh wait, he hates white people & Jews. He should be OK I guess.

  27. ATLien

    Wow, she was hot as a young’in

  28. suek

    >>I have been trying to tweak the search engine so that it will also search comments>>

    Boy! that would be handy. Somewhere in the last week I saw a graph/chart showing that over 50% of people depend on the government in some capacity for the majority of their income. Some of it is from the giveaway programs and some of it was from industries supporting or contracting with the government. (federal government). I’ve looked, but can’t find it. I suspect I got to it from a comment link, and probably am not using the right search terms on google (actually, I use Dogpile because I’m annoyed at google) but I’ve been unable to find it. Lots of gems to be found among the comments!

  29. Zeusshiloh

    She speaks the truth and gets in trouble. Reminds me of some around here and CAIR. We are not too far behind in this country.

    Of course, when she was younger, she looked a whole lot better than now, but she still understands the threats that are facing Europe. Considering what can and can not be said in this country (besides attacking radical Islam) we will be facing that same issue. After all, look at Barak Obama. His middle name is a name that can not be uttered.

    Yes, I also have watched Shalako. Was not too impressed with the movie, as having read the book, but I still watch it when it is on.

  30. SG

    >>I have been trying to tweak the search engine so that it will also search comments>>

    Boy! that would be handy.


    Suek, I have tweaked the system and the search box (in the header at the top of each page) now does include the comments.

    But also if you use the Google search box near the bottom of the sidebar, and select S&L, it will also search the comments along with the articles.

  31. wirenut

    Former sex symbol ? If I was 83 that tart has my heart . Mind and body beautiful !
    S.J. good call , nobody will wake up till after we get spanked . So sad .

  32. thetimeisright

    Cheers to Brigitte Bardot. She is a true can do christian. Someone that can and will tell the truth. Yes i know that Europe is going to have a hard time getting rid of the scroundles. In the same England is being bought up like the Oklahoma land race in 1893 from the oil rich muslim leaders.. You know the Brittish pound is the richest currency in the world.

    An the ol muslims are buying England up one plot at a time… It wont be long before they own that country too. An here is a rant about that. Right here in the USA our taxes are being used to construct muslim schools so they can teach an preach right in there own schools that we tax payers pay for… I do loathe the muslims so.

  33. skelch

    This is not surprising that the French would fine someone for the words they use. It has been a law in France since 1911 that you can not use English words in business if equivalent French words exist. (See Article in the Times from 1987 -,00.html ) This same country who hates America, and all Anglo-Saxons so much, forgets they would all be speaking German if not for Americans, Canadians, English, and Australians who primarily all speak English.

    Not only is it wrong to fine Miss. Bardot for speaking out freely, but also for telling the truth. The Islamicists are destroying the country faster than the French can do it themselves. They think their fantasy view of the world is beautiful, when in fact it is just dangerous. As we can see it leads to persecuting anyone who disrupts your utopian euphoria, even if what they are saying is true.

    Some of the French think that the extremists will applaud them for standing up for them. They don’t realize these guys don’t want their support. They want their servitude. Not only do they want all French to become Muslim, you must become the particular sect of whatever Muslim order you’re up against.

    These Muslim fanatics will kill each other just as fast as a foreigner who does not believe exactly like they do. Liberals never see the truth; they only see the world the way they wish it was.

    Amazing how freedom of speech can so quickly be swallowed up under the idea that it is hate speech. Folks should have the freedom to hate. Others should then have the freedom to hate the haters. I can bet a large some of cash that Miss. Bardot would not be in this position if she were speaking ill of Christians or Christianity.

    As much as it grieves my soul to hear someone speak ill of Christ or Christianity, people should have the freedom to do so, then I should have the freedom to speak ill of them for doing it. That is freedom of speech and is why I am so glad I am an American and not French.

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