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Patti Solis To Be Obama VP’s Chief Of Staff

From the New York Observer :

Patti Solis Doyle Named Chief of Staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee

by Jason Horowitz  |  June 16, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle has just been officially named "chief of staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee" by the Obama campaign.

Which, given the fact that she was demoted mid-campaign by Hillary Clinton, who she reportedly hasn’t spoken to since, doesn’t say much for Barack Obama’s intentions of picking the former first lady as his running mate…

Also from the Observer :

Clinton Bundler on Obama’s Doyle Pick: The Biggest ‘F**k You’ Ever

by Jason Horowitz  |  June 16, 2008

A former bundler to Hillary Clinton just called in to tell me that Barack Obama’s selection of Patti Solis Doyle as chief of staff to the campaign’s eventual vice presidential nominee is the "biggest f**k you I have ever seen in politics."

The donor, speaking on background, said that everyone in Clinton circles knows the two have hard feelings towards one another and haven’t spoken since Clinton removed Solis Doyle as campaign manager, and that Clinton loyalists view her with deep suspicion and believe that she is shopping around a book deal and acted as a background source for an extremely harsh Vanity Fair piece about Bill Clinton .

"Either one of two things happen," said the bundler. "Hillary is selected as vice president and they fire Patti, or Hillary is not going to be the vice president."

The bundler said that Clinton loyalists were livid over the pick.

"You don’t hire Patti Solis Doyle for her operational expertise," said the bundler. "You don’t do that. This is someone who failed dramatically at her job. You only bring her on to f**k someone else."

Yes, it is hard not to see this as a double er… slap at Hillary.

But also isn’t it quite bizarre to be selecting the "chief of staff" for a Vice President nominee who has not even been picked yet?

Should the nominee get to decide that?

But in any case, it doesn’t look like that nominee is going to be the lovely and gracious Mrs. Clinton.

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2 Responses to “Patti Solis To Be Obama VP’s Chief Of Staff”

  1. crosspatch

    “Should the nominee get to decide that?”

    Maybe Obama has already decided on his nominee for VP and she is who the nominee wanted. Maybe Obama is putting certain pieces into place in advance of announcing who his mate will be or she could be setting up some initial framework and replaced by the nominee’s own person later. I wouldn’t ready much more into it other than a slap at Hillary.

  2. heather08

    I’m no fan of Hillary, but this seems like a pretty childish move by Obama. It shows him to be rather petty and vindictive, and a sore winner, too.

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