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Spring into Seam, Part 3: Persistence for two

Who says Web application frameworks can't learn to share? Find out how Spring and Seam can collaborate on persistence tasks in complex, database-oriented applications. (Excerpted from Seam in Action, forthcoming from Manning Publications.)
Dan Allen , May 2008

Web-based spreadsheets with and Dojo
If you think that is just an open source alternative to Microsoft Office, think again. Find out how it can serve as a component in your Web-based spreadsheet applications.
Oleg Mikheev and Doan Nguyen Van , May 2008

Are applets making a comeback?
Sun is pushing hard for renewal on the client-side with Java SE 6u10, JavaFX Script, and JMC. Are applets ready for a comeback, too? Chet Haase, Cay Horstmann, John Zukowski, Ted Neward, Romain Guy, Jim Weaver, and Danny Coward share their views.
Jeff Friesen , May 2008

The new applet experience
Jeff Friesen puts the newer, faster applet to the test using JavaFX Script and key features of Java SE 6u10.
Jeff Friesen , May 2008

Realistically real-time
Javolution creator Jean-Marie Dautelle benchmarks various methods to reduce the worst-case execution time of Java applications.
Jean-Marie Dautelle , April 2008

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JW blogs
Today's weirdest rumor: Dell to buy Sun?

That's right, you heard it here first! Well, OK, I actually heard it first from 24/7 Wall St.,...

Speaking of de-adopting agile development techniques...


Unit test disillusionment?

Faithful readers of JavaWorld's panoply of blogs (and really, I can't think of any reason why you...

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Java platform to get modularity, OSGi support
05/07/2008 -  Java modularity is just one piece of Sun's effort to 'rightsize' the Java platform.
Paul Krill ,

Ruby faces off against PHP, Java
05/05/2008 -  Rubyists compared PHP and Java during a panel session at the CommunityOne conference in San Francisco on Monday.
Paul Krill ,

SpringSource launches app server
04/30/2008 -  Next-generation application server platform based on Spring, OSGi, and Tomcat snubs Java EE.
Chris Kanaracus , IDG News Service

Service Component Architecture: Making SOA easier
04/30/2008 -  IBM's Mike Edwards connects the dots between Service Component Architecture, Service Data Objects, and SOA, at OASIS Open Standards 2008 Symposium.
Paul Krill , InfoWorld

JRuby 1.1 released
04/07/2008 -  Second major project release features performance improvements, a re-factored IO implementation, and improved memory consumption.
Paul Krill , InfoWorld

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Monday June 02, 2008

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Unit testing on the wane
Many experienced developers would agree with Andrew Binstock that "unit testing is the most important benefit wrought by the agile revolution" -- so why are so few tests actually being written? Join the discussion in JW Blogs .

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