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Review: LEGO Indiana Jones: The Videogame for PS3 on
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PS3 | Adventure | LEGO Indiana Jones: The Videogame

Boxart for LEGO Indiana Jones: The Videogame
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Videogame 5 screen shots
  • GRAPHICS: 4.00
  • SOUND: 3.75
  • CONTROL: 4.00
  • FUN FACTOR 4.50
Winner of the GamePro Editor's Choice Award

Review: LEGO Indy swings on the scene!

LEGO Star Wars was a stroke of genius. Now the block-obsessed geniuses at Traveler's Tales are back to give another iconic Lucas franchise the LEGO treatment and the end result delivers almost everything a diehard Indiana Jones fan could hope for.

Young at Heart

George Lucas has created some memorable characters in his time and surely, part-time archeology professor and full-time adventurer Indiana Jones ranks right up there as one of his greatest creations. The rough and tumble academic was larger than life and yet, somehow accessible. And just like the cast of Star Wars, Indy retains all of his charm in the transformation from a silver screen legend to a pint-sized LEGO minifigure. If anything, his appeal is actually amplified as every mannerism and expression is wonderfully exaggerated. Don't let the sense of wide-eyed innocence fool you, though: to dismiss this beautifully constructed game as mere child's play would be a grave error. This is one of those rare games that adults can comfortably play with their kids-or in their absence-without feeling like their brains are slowly turning to mush.

Each of the original films gets six missions culled from the series' most spectacular sequences and memorable set-pieces, and Barnett College serves as your base of operations once you've escaped the spear-throwing natives of the Lost Temple. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade are represented by wall-mounted maps that trace your exploits in bold red travel lines instead of stale load screens, so you can dive right into your favorite movie and its varied locales almost immediately.

If you're carrying around a hunk of LEGO, you'll usually get an arrow indicator telling you where it goes.

If you're carrying around a hunk of LEGO, you'll usually get an arrow indicator telling you where it goes.

Team Work

Of course, unlike the real Indy, who was a bit of a lone wolf, you don't have to strike out on your blocky adventures alone. Whether you're exploring the treacherous lava-filled caverns of the Temple of Kali or busting your father out of an ancient castle, you'll always have a partner to lend a hand. Working cooperatively is a hallmark of the game's design and each level has plenty of opportunities for you to coordinate your actions. These secondary characters are also rendered with just as much character and personality as the main star and it really is a joy to witness the subtle touches-such as the elder Jones' habit of clutching his aching back after lifting something heavy-that the developers have added in.

This attention to detail is also present in the overall design of the world. From swiping an idol in South America to identifying the Holy Grail, the world of danger and mysticism these characters inhabit is converted to LEGO blocks with obsessive and imaginative care. The levels follow the events of the movie but rather than faithfully recreate each scene, Traveller's Tales took a lot of liberties, injecting the in-game depictions with a welcome dose of creativity and humor. You never know whether the next area will involve brawling with thugs on top of speeding trucks, playing bumper-boats in the canals of Venice, or tearing apart the largest and most wide open LEGO levels yet seen in search of a single missing piece.

The mine cart race is one of the most memorable extended action sequences in the game.

The mine cart race is one of the most memorable extended action sequences in the game.