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ISCID - Bernard d'Abrera
The Wayback Machine -
Bernard d'Abrera

Bernard d'AbreraBernard d'Abrera is a world-renowned butterfly and moth expert at the British Museum (Natural History) in London and a fellow with the International Society for Complexity, Information and Design ( ISCID ). Over the years he has produced many visually stunning books on the lepidoptera indigenous to various regions of the world.

A graduate of the University of New South Wales, Bernard d'Abrera first began his series on the butterflies of the world in 1970, with Butterflies of the Australian Region , now in its 3rd Edition. Since that time he has completed The Butterflies of the World in 18 volumes, Butterflies of the Afrotropical Region, The Butterflies of Ceylon, Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Butterflies of the Neotropical Region, Butterflies of the Holarctic Region,and Concise Atlas of the Butterflies of the World.

The Concise Atlas of Butterflies of the World
The Concise Atlas of
Butterflies of the World
by Bernard d'Abrera

Bernard d'Abrera has also completed a monograph (1 volume) on the Hawkmoths of the World entitled Sphingidae Mundi , and 2 volumes of a projected 3-volume set on the Saturniid Moths of the World (Saturniidae Mundi). He is also revising his famous 1975 book devoted to The Birdwing Butterflies of the World (Ornithoptera Mundi). All his books are based on the peerless collections held in the British Museum (Natural History) in London.

In 1982 Bernard d'Abrera and his wife Lucilla, founded Hill House Publishers, as a means of taking under their control all stages of production of his books, in order to develop and improve the finished quality of the final work. Bernard d'Abrera is responsible for almost 100% of the illustrations as well as the text in his volumes on butterflies and moths.

Related Books

The Concise Atlas of Butterflies of the World by Bernard d'Abrera

Related Articles

What Have Butterflies Got to Do with Darwin? by William Dembski

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