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The Atari Times Gets Accolades

People really like us!
By Gregory D. George

October 8, 2001

O ver the years, The Atari Times has received numerous "thank yous" and praises for the work we do. It is much appreciated and keeps us going with the Online Newsletter concept.

To all of you who have worked on articles and submitted them to TAT , we thank you. And we thank those who have taken time out to respond to TAT . Here now, is a page documenting these accolades and praises generously sent to the writers of TAT !

The following are Comments from a TAT Poll. (I especially like the first one!)

  • "Best Jaguar reviews on the internet."


  • "Great site. I check it every week."

  • "Very good site - Great Content"

  • "Great of my favorite's---Cousin Vinnie"

"I've just been to your website and I think it is incredible. I haven't read anything about Atari for years and years and years, and this really touched a soft spot in my heart... Thanx for bringing back these memories!" - CM

"The site looks great! Two thumbs up!", "After looking over your site tonight I found everything to be quite exceptional, although I do believe I found one mistake under 'site of the month.' It should have read ' The Atari Times '.....Keep up the good work. :)" - Randy Femrite

"Thank you for making and maintaining ' The Atari Times '! Now it is one my favourite Web sites! Atari Times is great site, please keep updating it. I appreciate your work. The most important thing is regular update[s]. I like [the] reviews on your site!" - Ratko Jovicic

"...I really like the capsule review idea on The Atari Times ." - HDR

"Great job on your continued efforts to build up The Atari Times . You've really taken a web site... and made it a fun place for Atari fans to regularly visit. Keep up the good work, I for one appreciate it!" - Carl Forhan

"I just discovered your AT newsletter, is a very interesting read." - Bengy

"I love your site. I was a Atari user since 1985...Keep up the good work." - David Lesnik

"Really enjoying [ The Atari Times ], it's a shame I never stumbled across it sooner! I absolutely love your site." - Joey Kay

"I just wanted to let you know that since your site is Cool! Congratulations on being a cool site and taking the time to update us with Jaguar News." - Chris Brockman

"Keep up the good work, It is people like you that keep the Atari name alive." - David Matthews

"Nice site." - Ron Saarna

"I think it is great that you are keeping the Jaguar alive on the net and I love the Atari Times !" - Wolfeman

"Keep up the good work!" - Keita Iida

"Nice site! Hey, I was one of the few who owned (and loved) an Atari 7800. Thanks for the great site! The article on the 7800 being doomed was very interesting! Keep up the great work." - Erick Moore

"Love the site." - Matt

"Your site is great." - Freddy Jorquera

"Keep up the good work on the Atari Times . I look forward to visiting it daily." - Chris Vick

"By the way, GREAT site. Keep up the good work, and keep Atari alive." - Robert McGhee

"I recently discovered your website! And I must say, I love it! Fantastic. Its up there with "AtariAge" and "The Little Green Desktop"! Keep up the great work!" - Maarten Martens

Let us know how we're doing! Send in accolades to TAT by sending us an email!

Thanks again to all those who have made TAT a success!


Reader Comments for The Atari Times Gets Accolades

bra by zack 2007-10-24 03:53:24
Really good site, and a pleasant suprise... Good Luck!
dress by Britney 2007-10-25 11:30:01
Very good web site, great work and thank you for your service.+o
hardwood-floor-cleaner by samuil 2007-10-28 11:16:03
Very good web site, great work and thank you for your service.+

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