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Think you know a lot about Rhode Island? Take the Quahog Mega-Quiz and be humbled.

There are currently 577 questions. Some are easy, some are hard. Answer as many or as few as you like. You can skip questions you're not sure of without suffering any penalty, but they will come back to haunt you later. This quiz grows; come back now and then.

If you were to register as a contestant this quiz would be more fun. We'd keep track of your score and which questions you've already answered, and you could see how well you're doing against other people in the Hall of Fame . Go on, you know you want to. Reeeeegissssster. The clam compels you!

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What was the nickname of the Naval Construction Battalion based at Davisville on Quonset Point?

The Fighting Hard Hats

The ConBats


The Seabees


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